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Wednesday, August 1, 2007
hey everybody^_^
first thing i wanted to tell people (again) that omegasnake16 is hosting a otaku kombat tournament on his site soon, and to come and see the top 3 posts for details. and if your interested pm or comment him to compete. he only needs one more participant! i hope you all check it out!
anyways, i have some bad news. we took smokey and ferbie(our new kitties) to the vet yesterday and ferbie has kitty leukemia...theres a 50/50 chance it will go away in the next month before we bring them back to the vet, but if it doesnt then we have to give her away to a family w/ a cat that already had leukemia, or we might have to put her down, cuz we dont want the other cats to get sick...i hope she gets better, i cried after the vet told us.... i hope she makes it through, she doesnt even weigh a pound, im so scared...
anyways, i had to work yesterday...suprisingly it went much better! even tho i still hate it. im trying to apply for a job at AC Moore..its opening soon in a plaza in town and its hiring...i really hope they hire me, i need more hours and i hate the job i have now.
n2m else to say...the other day i went to the high school and played a tennis match against hailey...she won, but it was good practice, and afterwords we got to go into school and watch tv in her dads office (hes the principle of my school XD) while waiting for my mom...it was wierd and kinda awkward cuz i dont really know her dad who is also my principal, and ive never been sent to his office...i guess that makes me a good kid XD
speaking of school, i have summer homework for AP US history, and my first assignment is up today...should prolly go check it out..lol
i have another match tomorrow against emily from tennis...we're about equal so i dont know how its gonna go.
thats about it for today! i already visited everyone for today, so im good! dont forget to go omegasnake16's site and check out about the tournament!
well, have a wonderful day! ttyl, byebye!
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Monday, July 30, 2007
hey everybody! srry i havent been on in almost a week...i havent been able to get on very much and when i can its not enough time to post and visit everyone.
on saturday i spent the day at julias house and we watched tons of anime dvds...we watched samurai 7, g gundam, inuyasha, and i think a few more animes that i cant remember... we also swapped mangas. i let her borrow 15/16 fruits basket and she let me borrow the next nana (#6)! we also borrowed each others dvds. i borrowed the samurai 7 series and samurai X: recollection, and she borrowed g gundam, inuyasha box set 1 and first 3 movies, and invader zim from me.
after all the anime watching/swapping we went to the mall, and then julias brother dave gave me a ride home...and you'll never expect what was there when i got home: a new kitty! i was very suprised, since we already have a cat and my mom always told me we couldnt get another one...anyways, we named him smokey (even tho i wanted to name him sammy) and then sunday morning my mom and sister went out and got another kitten! my sister named the little kitty ferby ^_^ smokey is about 3/4 months old and ferby is about 5/6 weeks old (we think). we have to bring them to the vets tomorrow for shots...and im pretty positive that ferby has ear mites XD
anyways, yesterday afternoon we had to go visit my grandma...it went alright, shes not my favorite person in the world, but at least she wasnt wearing a spaghetti strap tank top like last time...she is not built for one of those, it was disturbing!!! XD anyways, she gave me and my twin brother each $500 to go towards college....i was sad because i cant spend it, but o well(i owe my parents over $100, lol)...its nice.
today im hanging out with my friend ashley and then later i have a tennis match with hailey at the park...and then tonight im gonna study my ass off for work cuz i have to work tomorrow night!
and last but not least, i wanted to tell people (again) that omegasnake16 is hosting a otaku kombat tournament on his site in a few weeks, and to come and see the top 3 posts for details. and if your interested pm or comment him to compete. i hope you all check it out!
well, have a wonderful day! ttyl, byebye!
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Tuesday, July 24, 2007
hey everybody! srry i havent updated since saturday.
sunday i went to church, played tennis and softball with my sister at the park, and slept over at saras house. then on monday i cam home in the morning and studied (yes, i studied) for my job...that may sound stupid to you, but i work at wendys and i have to make sandwiches! almost every single sandwich is different and i can never remember them....anyhow, i whole hell of alot of good that did! i made more mistakes than my first day(it was my 2nd day) and i couldnt remember anything! ARGHHH, i hate work.
anyways, today i didnt do too much. i spent most of the day in my pajamas watching tv, listening to music and reading the new harry potter book. im only 200pgs. into it, but i just started it yesterday morning and i didnt have too much time to read yesterday. then i had tennis at 6pm, which i just got back from a while ago...i did ok, didnt win or anything, but i still did ok.
oo yeah, i saw HAIRSPRAY yesterday! i loved it, so funny...but i guess you have to have some taste for musicals/plays. it did annoy me when some of my friends were saying they felt bad for zac efron having to kiss the main girl at the end cuz shes fat...it made me very annoyed, and i honestly wondered if they had learned anything from the movie...plus she looked wicked pretty at the end!
and last but not least, i wanted to tell people that omegasnake16 is hosting a otaku kombat tournament on his site in a few weeks, and to come and see the top 3 posts for details. and if your interested pm or comment him to compete. i hope you all check it out!
well, have a wonderful day! ttyl, byebye!
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Saturday, July 21, 2007
i had my tennis tournament today...i sucked pretty much...lost my first match against some lady who was about my skill level...i just got really nervous and froze up XD lost 0-6, 0-6.
then i played hailey...shes better than me, and i lost 1-6, 0-6...
then i paired up with Sara and played doubles against hailey and leanne...we lost 4-6, 4-6..we didnt play bad tho, we both just get very frustrated and kinda messed up at the end..
im incredibly tired and i didnt feel too good earlier...im kinda tired of some of the things going on in my life right now as well...i sound very emo, but yeah...IM JUST TIRED.
well, ttyl! hope you all have a good day! byebye!
PS- im not saying my life sucks or anything, it doesnt...im just tired physically and emotionally, and i just want a time out from everything...not really sure how else to explain it |
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Friday, July 20, 2007
hey, srry i havent posted in a week, ive been pretty busy...and the rest of the time ive been lazy XD
i started work at wendys on monday, and i had to watch another dumb video and then they put me on sandwich/hamburger line...i sucked, i still cant remember what goes on what sandwich.
on tuesday i had a doctors appt. and tennis lesson.
wednesday...i cant remember what i did, but i did something...
thursday i went to saras house and then we went to my house and she slept over into today. o yeah, and yesterday i was out practicing my tennis serve cuz i have a tournament tomorrow, and i got a pretty bad blister on my right hand thumb...and as i kept playing the skin ripped off a little, so i stopped and we went to walmart and got blister bandaids...and then at the end of the day i wanted to take it off, and i ripped the skin off my thumb XD i didnt know that you were supposed to keep it on for a week until it healed or something...good luck healing now, i guess...it hurt like a bitch tho, still does.
anyways, today i had tennis lesson in the morning and even with my thumb killing me i played the best i have ever played...i was so happy with myself, i couldnt believe...i just hope that i do just as good in the tournament tomorrow!
me and sara also went to the mall today. we went to FYE, bath and body works, aeropostle, claires, and jc pennys cuz sara needed to get b-day presents for people...she got me body wash from bath and body works for my b-day present and we got smoothies^_^
after the mall me and sara went to go play some more tennis, and we went down to the skate park for a bit. then i walked hope XD
well, hope you all have a good day! ttyl, byebye! |
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Saturday, July 14, 2007
hey^_^ srry i haven posted in a few days..
thursday i had another day of teaching PSI to 7/8 graders, and then later in the day i had orientation for my new job. omg was that hectic. it was 4 hrs of papers flying everywhere, and cheezy movies that taught me how to do things at wendys that i will most definitely forget by monday. i was so tired afterwards...so then i spent the night at sara's house, lol. XD
yesterday i was at sara's till 3pm and then i came home to shower and me and my family went out to dinner, and then we went to circuit city and picked up my mp3 player...and id rather not get any more descriptive than that because my night went from good to the worst night ive had in a very long time, and i ended up crying the whole ride home...my family doesnt even really know whats wrong because it was dark and no one could see or hear me crying...and it would prolly sound stupid, but...uhh, i cant even begin to explain what was psychologically going on in my mind, and it just made me feel very emotionally unstable for the first time in my life and it scared me.
so ill just end it hear...i think im ok now, so dont worry about me or anything!
hope you all have a wonderful day! ttyl, byebye!
PS- o yeah, i changed the music! i hope you all at least give it a chance, if you dont like it then just dont listen to it i guess.. |
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Wednesday, July 11, 2007
hey^_^ ahhh, srry ive been so bad about updating lately XD i will try harder.
i will confess...i have gotten a myspace, and its been consuming a lot of my time. im srry! plzz dont hurt me!
anyways, i started teaching PSI(postponing Sexual Involvement) program yesterday at my local church and i did it today and i have to go back tomorrow XP its not very much fun.
hmm...what else...o yeah, i had tennis yesterday and today, and today i was in "supergroup". i am usually in advanced...so supergroup was very intimidating, especially since my serve is still not too good.
umm...i start orientation for my new job at Wendy's tomorrow, so i hope it goes well...and i hope i dont have to work saturday or monday evenings...i have parties to attend XD
umm...and todays my BIRTHDAY! finally, i am 17^_^ and i still look like a 14 yr old...o well=D im happy! especially since i finally ordered my new mp3 player, the Creative Zen Vision M 30GB in black...it totaled to about $225, but thats not too bad since the going rate is $250 w/o taxes and such. me and my twin brother also got an ice cream cake which i will be eating momentarily because i am starving, lol!
well, srry if my posts have been kinda wierd lately, my lifes been sorta blahh. o well.
hope you all have a wonderful day! ttyl, byebye! |
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Monday, July 9, 2007
hey everybody! srry i havent updated in a while.
i had tennis thurs.,friday, and saturday...and i played today but i sucked...it was mostly because i got really frustrated. once i get really frustrated and have it in my head that i suck, then i begin to suck, and then i start yelling and screaming and crying and mothers and their children go into hiding in fear of my wrath...not really, they just look at me funny, lol XD
anyways, yesterday i spent most of the day on the computer looking at mp3 players. i had my heart set on a 30GB ipod, but then i found out about the Creative Zen Vision M 30GB mp3 player. it holds twice as many songs as the ipod 30GB and it plays tv shows and movies, plus it has the most amazing screen ever. i cant wait till i get it for my birthday. =D
o yeah, my birthday is on wednesday! i will be 17... i have been trying to find this really cool Dr. Seuss birthday poem i saw, but i can not find it=( o well.
srry if im insanely jumping around on different topics, but i was also thinking about changing the song on my page...i like Bullet for my Valentine, but i feel like a new song...or maybe a new theme...any suggestions?
ttyl, byebye! |
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Wednesday, July 4, 2007
hey everybody^_^ srry i havent really updated since last tuesday, i think. i was on vacation and we did have a computer in our room but then we had to switch rooms for some reason and sadly there was no computer. anyways, im back now so i can go on the computer most days!
except when i have to work. did i tell you guys that before i left for vacation i got a job at Wendy's? yes-sir-ry i am now employed at $7.15 an hour...wooppie! lol. i really did need a job tho, lol.
so, anyways, vacation was pretty fun. we went to universal studios themepark in orlando for most of our stay in kissimme. we also went to the movies and saw knocked up. it was hilarious, i recommend you see it...unless your not allowed to see rated R movies...cuz i think thats what it was rated.
we also spent a couple of days in Richmond and when we were there we saw another movie. TRANSFORMERS! i have never seen the cartoons (mostly because they were kinda dumb looking, srry) and i wasnt even worried about seeing it, i just saw it because i didnt want to see license to wed with my parents and sister.. but transformers was amazing. it was funny and the fighting scenes were awesome... yet again i recommend you see this movie also. really, i think you'll like it.
anyways, ill be on more now since im back, but im still gonna be busy. i gotta get my whole work schedule figured out and my birthday is next week((woohoo, 17 baby! and i still dont have my license XD)) and i have to teach PSI (Postponing Sexual Involvment) to a bunch of 7th graders at my church...that should buy me a few laughs at least XD
well, ill try to get to peoples sites by tomorrow! ttyl, byebye! |
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
hey^_^ this post is gunna be pretty short since im tired from walking around all day and its kinda late...
today we went to Universal Studios. it was pretty fun, we went on the twister, earthquake, the mummy returns, men in black, spiderman, the hulk roller coaster, and prolly some other stuff i cant quite remember...
we also went to walmart to go get some food and get my glasses fixed..they've been held together with dental floss for the past few weeks XP lol, at least im resourceful!
well, thats about it. we got week long passes to Universal so thats what we're going to be doing all week, and we're going to an Arabian Knights show on thursday. i think.
well, srry if it was kinda boring...i feel boring O.o
well, hope you have a great day! ttyl, byebye! |
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