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Friday, October 21, 2005
hey my peeps, wuzzup?
hey, whats up with u guys these days? i hope its all good. im happy cuz i didnt have skool today! yayness! im just IM-ing ppl (haha, mostly danielle, theres not too many ppl on) and listenin to music right now. i had so much hmwk this weekend. fortunately i finished my math and global hmwk today, so when we went to pick up paul from cross country practice at skool, i put some of that stuff back in my locker so i wouldnt hafta carry it on monday, cuz yesterday i couldnt fit it all in my backpack. i still hafta do my biology and english hmwk, which are both take home tests. ill finish them tomorrow, im too lazy right now^_^ i also hafta look for a pick of someone from a magazine for our next art project. its really cool, cuz it can be anyone we want. im tryin to think of someone from a band that i like. like maybe joel from good charlotte! i luv joel^_^ or idk, maybe someone from the used, or maybe some old band that i like...its a hard decision, but i have time to think about it. i like being at the high skool, but there are some wierd ppl there, seriously. theres this one kid, his name is josh kyo (idk how he spells his last name, but it should be spelled that way, cuz kyo is awesome! i luv kyo, from fruits basket, of course) well, anyway, hes in my workgroup and english class, and he keeps on saying he likes me, and at first i thought he was kidding, but then yesterday he took the sharp side of a paper clip and scraped my name into his arm, right in front of me. i really can not make heads or tails of it. anyway, heres the pic for today, and also a music video. for the pic, theres the mabudachi trio, omg, i luv those guys, shigure, ayame and hatori are so funny! and for the music video, its SIMPLE PLAN! hope u like them both!
Video code provided by Music Video Codes
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Thursday, October 20, 2005
hey, duude!
hey dudes and dudettes, hows life treatin u? i hope the answers good. srry i didnt update yesterday, but ill prolly only be able to update everyother day from now on anyway. except tomorrow, tomorrow i plan on bein on. i cant think of anything to say right now tho, my mind is incredibly blank. ill talk to u all tomorrow tho, i hope my brains awake then. ttyl!
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Tuesday, October 18, 2005
hey silly rabbit, trix are for kids!
haha, srry, i just had to write that. so, whats up? i hope ur all feelin good, and havin a good week. i feel really energized today for some reason, or at least right now i do. today was ok in the skool aspect, we had to get into partners for math to do a project, and that went ok, except for the fact that the girl i was working with didnt know any of the math stuff, and i tried to teach her, but she still didnt get it. o well. then in english we had to listen to some dumb story, and answer some questions. also, for english, i had to go to the library after skool to type up an essay about my wonderful family(ya right, it all was a bunch of crap, but it made for a good essay). i had to type it at the library cuz microsoft word wont work on my comp at home, which really sux cuz the only way to fix, aside from spending a couple of hundred dollars on a new cd, is to delete the hard drive and start the computer over from scratch. that means i wont have any of the pix, documents, games, music, etc that i had on the comp b4. my dad better call dell and figure out how to save all the stuff to a disc or something, cuz i want my stuff! i have like over 500 pix! and like a 100 sites on my fav list! i dont want that all to be deleted! ok, back to what happened at skool. and in art mr. villano asked someone to model for the class so we could draw them and kevin volunteered, so we had to draw kevin. mine was ok.then in biology we had to do a lab. biology class is always fun, my class is so funny, and so is mr. crawford. today, zack kept on calling malorie a woman, and she got kinda mad, and then he said,"well, u werent always a woman." then she didnt get it, so i said, "hes implying that u were once a man." and then malorie said, "yea, well i think u for got, zack, that u werent always a man." then he goes, "then whats this package i got down here?" and she goes, "there tumors, of course." and then zack says,"well, i got three big tumors down there." it was so funny^_^ biology is fun, and im also doing really good in it. i have a 98, woohooo! i hope it stays that way, we get our report cards, i think, next week. i dont really have much else to say, cept that we got the fall catolog for right stuff today. i luv right stuff, they have almost everything and anything anime, i want a sessomaru plush toy really bad, and lots of posters for furuba, and fma, and inuyasha, i want lots of stuff, its all so awesome! haha, heres a pic of somthing i want from right stuff!
ISNT HE SOOOOO CUTE! I WANT IT SO BAD! (i'd get one of kyo, but i dont really think they make him look good)
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Sunday, October 16, 2005
hey, whats up with u people out there? n2m here, except this morning i had bowling(haha, its sunday again). i did really good!!! i got a 141, a 161, and a 110. ok, the 110 isnt that great, but i think that the 141 and 161 are, considering my average is only a 125, so now its gonna go up! which is really good, cuz today we got the sheets for the 3-6-9 tournament, and if i can get an average of over 131, i can be in Bracket II. first of all, the 3-6-9 tournament is a tap tournament in which, according to ur average, if u knock down a certain amount of pins, it counts as a strike. every year im in Bracket I, and i only hafta knock down like 7 or 8 pins, which i feel sux for my age. so this year if i can make it into Bracket II, and hafta knock down 9 pins, ill be really happy. ok, enough about all the bowling stuff that none of y'all prolly understand. last night i drew this really awesome pic. it was a project for art, we had to cut out a pix of people and draw there faces, and one of the ones i chose was a add for pantene shampoo or w/e, and it came out really good, at least i thought. i hope my teacher thinks so too. once i get a scanner, ill put it under my fan art so u guys can see it. i hope we get a scanner soon, i have like 40 fan arts. i cant really think of anything else to say, so hers the pic for today. its a crossover between inuyasha and yu yu hakusho, featuring kurama and inuyasha. i just had to show it, its so funny and cute! i hope u like it!!
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Saturday, October 15, 2005
omg, i havent been on in over a week....and i didnt die*.*
omg, i cant belive it! i havent been on in sooo long, ive been so frikkin busy its not even
funny. i guess it all started last friday, when i went to the homecoming football game,
which we lost cuz we were against like the best team in the state, o well. i didnt even ebd
up going home, cuz i slept over at ericas. then on saturday i had to do some hmwk during
the day, i had to go to church, and then i had to go to homecoming, which wasnt as great
as i thought it was gonna be, but i guess it was still pretty fun. then on sunday i had
bowling in the morning, and then after that, nikkis mom picked me up, and me and my lil
bro went to go sleep over at toms house(nikkis moms boyfriends house). we mostly rode
bikes, and i met nikkis friends danielle and mike. there cool, it was fun. then once i got
back on monday(it was around 6pm) i didnt get to go on cuz i had to eat and finish up the
rest of my homework for tuesday. then up until yesterday, i was basically occupied with
loads of homework. then today, from 8am to 5pm, i went with erica and her aunt vinnie to
where her aunt works, bellevue manor. its basically an old folks home. me and erica went
to help because we had to get in 5hrs. of community service by the end of the marking
period for character ed. then i started working on my homework for THIS weekend, and i
got so into drawing sketches of ppl in my sketchbook for art class, that i didnt get on until
like 9;30 pm, and then i didnt actually get connected to the internet un til about 10, cuz im
on the old comp, and we have stupid dial-up. wow, i said a lot. well, thats basically y i
havent been on in over a week. ik, excuses excuses. im so exhausted, i just wanna go and
watch adult swim and then maybe die for a while....that would be nice^_^ well, heres the
pic for today! i hope u like it!
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Thursday, October 6, 2005
hey hey!!
hey, wuts shakin? dont ask me y i said that^_^. srry i didnt update yesterday, i didnt get a chance to get on the internet. i had hmwk. grrr, i hate hmwk. tonight all i had to do was write a summary for english about some pgs in a book we're reading, and later i hafta study for a test that i have in global history tomorrow. thats not too bad. i had gym today, now we're playing soccer. i felt really bad, cuz at the end of class, we had to put all the soccer balls in the net, and i kicked it in, and it accidentally hit this girl. i didnt mean to, it just happened, so i felt bad. for art, we're doing abstract paintings, and i dont think mines coming out too good, and i dont think im gonna finish by next tuesday, cuz we dont have skool on monday, so im prolly gonna hafta stay after skool tomorrow to try and get as much as i can done. this weekend is homecoming, and im kinda nervous cuz im not sure if i wanna go now, cuz i dont like the shirt that i wore to graduation, at least not for homecoming. i wanna get a nice green shirt, or something, but i dont know whether i should ask my mom or not, cuz she prolly wont wanna get me one, plus i kinda think she'll get mad for me waiting so long to tell her i wanted a new shirt. haha, i dont even know what time the dance is! i wanna ask my friend nikki to go to the mall with me, maybe to deb to see if they have a cheap green shirt that would look nice. idk what im gonna do, im just too afraid to ask my mom for money, cuz i dont think she'll have it, and i feel bad when i spend their money cuz ik we dont have that much. i just dk. well, heres the pic for today, another sailor moon pic, this time of just sailor mercury. shes my fav charcter from sailor moon. hope u all like it!
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Tuesday, October 4, 2005
hey, srry i didnt update yesterday, i didnt have much hmwk, but i ended up goin to my friends house after skool, and then we went to the high skool soccer game. we lost, and i felt so bad for matt, the goalie, cuz he was beating himself up about it(it was 4-1). today i....had skool, thats all i can think to say. haha, short post, but my brain just isnt working right now i guess. o well. heres the pic for today, the Get Backers, as requested by obnoxious. srry for the ppl who might have requested in a comment, it wont let me read my comments for some reason. hope u like the pic!
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Saturday, October 1, 2005
HEY!!!!!!!! boy, i can talk a lot.....^_^
Hey! What’s up? I’m soo sorry, I haven’t updated in like a week! I feel so bad! It’s because I got grounded from the computer until yesterday. I swear, my parents take every opportunity they can to try and get me into trouble. All of my other bros and sis never get punished, they never get in trouble, and it just seems so unfair. Like no matter what I do, im gonna get yelled at for it, and it sucks. I almost wasn’t able to go on the whole weekend, because yesterday I woke up, and I was sooo tired, I had stayed up late Thursday night to study for my biology test. So my mom kept on bothering me, and told me like 10 times that I didn’t hafta wash my hair, and it just got me so mad that she kept saying it over and over again, that I just went “yeah, mom, I know! U told me a million times!” and then she told me that I had to lose the attitude, and that I couldn’t go on for the weekend either! Thankfully, I guess my dad was in a good mood yesterday, and he got my mom to say that if I was good last night I could go on today. So I just basically sat in my bros room all evening watching their TV, cuz I thought that if I got anywhere near my mom, I’d do something to piss her off, so I tried to stay away from her. I guess it worked cuz they let me go on today. I just can’t stand the fact that my brothers (especially them) get away with virtually everything. My lil bro, especially, swears and says mean things to my dad all the time, but he never gets in trouble, my dad thinks he’s the best kid ever. And my mom thinks that my twin bro, Paul, is perfect. And my lil sister and scream and cry and whine, and get whatever she wants, basically just cuz my parents don’t wanna hear it anymore. So they leave all the punishment for me. I almost think that the only thing that my parents see in me is my brains, and my dad only cares about that because he wants me to become a doctor so when he gets older I can take care of him and get him free medication (even tho im not sure how many other pills he could possibly take, he takes like at least 15 pills a night) even tho he knows very well that I don’t wanna be a doctor. Today I almost started to cry, because my dad started to talk about how I should talk to my guidance counselor about getting into a good college, and what I should do so far as extra curricular. I was like half crying when I told my dad that I don’t wanna talk about college, I just wanna be like every other normal kid who’s a freshman, none of them worry about stuff like that! I’ve only been in high school for three weeks, and already he’s talking about college. Ok, nvm, I gotta stop, I talk way too much about myself.
In other news…..well, I guess my friends convinced me to go to the homecoming dance next weekend. Im just gonna wear the skirt and shirt that I wore to graduation last year. Grr, there I go again, talking about myself, I feel so self centered. Ill just end this self torment now and give u the pix for today! sailor moon for the girls, and, just in case you guys feel left out, yu yu hakusho! personally i like both. Hope u all like them!
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Sunday, September 25, 2005
good day to u all....
hey! whats up? srry bout the heading, couldnt think of one, so good day works just fine! sounds kinda bussinessy tho, idk. so i had bowling this morning! i did so good today, i got a 124, 144, and a 151! yay! my average is gonna go way up now(its a 116 at the moment). when i got home from bowling i helped my lil bro make a volcano for his science project(wasnt too hard, specially cuz i had to help my lil sister do the exact same project last night, their in the same grade). we basically just made it outta clay that we put around an empty beer bottle(ya, ik, but we couldnt use plastic cuz, well i figured this out after helpin my sis, it melts cuz u hafta bake the clay. forgot that would happen, lots of fumes). so then we baked them, and now all they hafta do is paint it. i hadta help them cuz my mom and dad arent as good at the crafty stuff as i am. kinda strange, im really good at crafts and drawing(not that good at the drawin tho) and my twin bro is like an artist, and niether of my parents are good at arts and crafts. kinda wierd. maybe they took the wrong, im just kiddin, im like my parents in other ways. onto other things....uh, idk what else is goin on....o, yeah, my friends r buggin bout goin to the first skool dance. i wouldnt mind goin, but u hafta wear a dress. i hate dresses, and im not sure i want to put my mom in a position where she feels she hasta buy me one, moneys kinda tight with all of the high gas prices and stuff, we have a car and a van, and i know that adds up. so i gotta think about it. thats about all i hafta say for today, so heres a pic! for all of those sesshomaru fans out there(that includes me, hehe, but i still luv u kyo! but sesshomaru is awesome!) hope u like it!
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Saturday, September 24, 2005
hey, whats up? srry bout the day before yesterday, i didnt finish the post because my dad was buggin me about gettin off, and then yesterday i went to the varsity football game for my high skool, so by the time i got home my mom wouldnt let me get on. it was fun tho. i saw lots of ppls i know, (well, i went with erica and ashley) i saw christina, sarah, malerie, stephanie, peter, and a bunch of other ppl that i cant remember off the top of my head. when me and erica and ash stopped to sit and watch the game, ppl kept on walking in front of us and stuff, and- well, u know how there are those guys at football games without shirts on that paint the bodys and stuff? well there were some kids from my skool that did that( i didnt know anyof the guys that did it), and ashley was wondering how they survived walking around like that, it was freezing! then erica dared me to ask all of them who walked by if they were cold, it was so funny. they seemed so suprised when i asked, they just went "no". erica didnt even think i'd ask! o well, i did anyway^_^ i think that was basically the highpoints of the game. o yeah, haha, did i say that my skool won the game? i didnt pay that much attention tho. skools going better, i think my math grades going up(it was an 85! that is unacceptable!), and i had another bio test and i got a 96. arts going better, too. i got an 83 on the project, which sux, but for the one we're working on now, i think its coming out way better. its on scratch paper, and we hafta use these little tools that are kinda sharp. we hafta draw our hands, which thankfully is something im good at! so, yeah, its going way better now. today i basically watched tv all day(thats my saturday^_^) and then went to church. omg! they had the music video for dirty little secret{by all-american rejects} on! i luv that song sooooo much! i knew there was a video for it(ive seen it b4) but i just luv that song so much! thats about all i hafta say for today, so heres the pic for today, and then onto watch anime! yay! hope u like the pic!
{im really srry to say this, but i dont think im gonna be able to get to anybodys sites today, since im posting the at 10;15, and my parents r gonna make me get off any second now. ill make sure i do tomorrow, or next time i update!}
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