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Wednesday, August 23, 2006
heyy^_^ srry im posting so late, i understand if no one comments, lol. anyways, im back from Myrtle Beach! i actually got back on monday, but i wasnt able to get on yesterday cuz i started tennis practice. its been going really well (i know, its only the 2nd day XD but so what!) except yesterday i got there and wasnt able to play the first half hour cuz my name wasnt on the list for having my physical forms handed in, even tho my mom handed them in to the stupid nurse b4 i left on my mom had to drive to thornton and get it figured out, minor inconvenience, but it didnt take to long...and i got out of running XD i had to run today tho, and i am horibble...i ran past the soccer fields and once i got near the track, i could hardly breathe... i guess ill hafta work on that XD plus i hurt my ankle while running, and my other ankle, knees, and upper thighs are really sore...i have it from 8-11am on weekdays until skool starts (Sept. 6th) and on Sat. from 3 more days of running...then i can take sunday off! i swear to God, i really hate distance running...sprints i can handle, but not kills *cries like a little baby* haha, im pathetic XD
last night i went to a baseball game with darkheart13, erica, eileen, and was a lot of fun^_^ i got reeses pieces flurry! such a simple concoction, yet sooo amazing! lol
o yes, and i got my schedule for the year while i was away...this is how it goes if anyone cares^_^ :
1. Drawing/ Painting
2. AP European History
3. Spanish 3
5. Math A/B E
6. Eng. 10R
7. Earth Science R
8. Earth Science R day 1 and Phys. Ed day 2
i might switch into English Enriched cuz it'll look good for college. blah. im already taking Math Enriched, and the history course im taking is a college i have my work cut out for me this year..and since i took bio last year(10th grade course) i hafta take Earth Science this year(9th grade)...there arent any enriched courses for that, and im gunna be stuf with a ton of freshman that think their all that XD at least i may have sumthing to laugh at ^_^
anyways, not too much happened on vacation that was exciting, and thats basically my life right now... so i guess ill talk to u all later, and i hope u all have a nice day!!
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Friday, August 11, 2006
heyy^_^ srry i didnt update yesterday, but i thought it would be better if i spent my time visiting u guys rather than updating and not visiting u guys...especially since i wont be back until Aug.22 XD srry i forgot to tell u guys till now, but im leaving on vacation to Myrtle Beach tomorrow, and like i said i wont be back for a week or so. maybe there will be a computer where im staying! but its a false hope XD
Anyways, yesterday i didnt do too much...i went on the computer and later on in the day i went to Dick's Sporting Goods and got a new tennis raquet, some shorts w/ pockets cuz i dont have any(its quite hard to find gym shorts with pockets! i wonder y...), and we looked into getting me tennis shoes. then last night b4 i went to bed i packed for tomorrow.
Today we went to WalMart to get food and stuff for the trip, and then i went to and played tennis with my sister for practice(she stinks horribly, so it didnt help too much), and then i went with my mom and sister to the outlet mall...we went to Old Navy and i wanted to get flip-flops there(they were only 2 for $5) but my sister had to whine about somethin, and we had to leave...i didnt even get to go to borders and see if they got the new Fruits Basket manga in ='( stupid sister..anyways, that was my day, as exciting as it is-_-'
im gunna miss u guys a lot! i cant wait till i talk to u guys again on the 22nd! until then, here are some pictures^_^

well, i hope that was enough pictures! ill c ya when i come back! much love to u all, byebye!
memorable quote from POTC:
Do us a favor... I know it's difficult for you... but please, stay here, and try not to do anything... stupid.
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Wednesday, August 9, 2006
heyy^_^ srry i havent updated since saturday, i didnt get back from darkheart13's party till monday at 5pm, and then yesterday the little time i had on the computer i spent trying to get to ur sites...srry if i didnt get to all of them tho XD
darkheart13's mom came and got me around...7ish? i think, i dont remember exactly. anyways, then we picked up erica and then we drove to meet up with darkheart...and party! lol. actually, she opened her presents(i got her Armor for Sleep cd and burned her 30 Seconds to Mars, Angels and Airwaves, and taking Back Sunday's new cds...and Skittles^_^ she loves skittles!) then we went outside and played volleyball then Pulsifer came over and joined us, and then we decided to go get chad to come, that time it was pretty dark, and when we started getting close to chad's house, darkheart13 and erica started running to chad's house, and since it was dark and i didnt know exactly where we were going, i just walked with Pulsifer..then he started asking me how old i really was(darkheart13 told him i was 16...which i am).. i told him i was 16...once i finally convinced him of that he told me that b4 he thought i was 12...i must say: MY SHORTNESS IS THE ABSOLUTE VAIN OF MY EXISTENCE! its true XD then later i told mike about it and he said that my face makes me look young too...why? cuz i dont have horrible acne? thats a GOOD thing! gosh dammit...i can rant when i wanna, huh?
ANYWAYS, after we got chad we went and played soccer with a bunch of the neighborhood kids, it was really fun, but i got eaten alive by mosquitos XD i swear, i am COVERED in the bug bites! i itch so much...
then on Sunday morning we woke up early (me and darkheart13 woke up at 6:41, to be exact) and took showers and got ready for the day.. we went to the Renaissance Festival! it was sooo much fun. darkheart13 rented a costume once we got through the gates, it was really pretty^_^ i think she'd fit nicely into that era, if u ask me. anyways, we played games(strength game thingy, etc.). it was a lot of fun. darkheart13's mom bought me, erica and darkheart13 each our own flower head wreathes to keep.. they were really pretty, i went straight for the orange one with tiger lilies^_^
the funnest parts were the archery and mud show! ive been wanting to try archery for a while, and im not that bad, really. the mud show (we got covered in mud) was really funny, they did a spinoff of Dante's inferno...i would try to explain it to u, but i prolly wouldnt do it justice=D
we had huge turkey legs for supper, and each bought personalized coin necklaces, and 30 yr. anniversary shirts for only $5. we also saw the joisting and dunk show^_^ they were funny, too.
we got back from the Festival somtime after 7pm, and after putting away our souvenirs we went outside and later played soccer and capture the flag with the neighborhood kids again. i stink at capture the flag XD
we got kinda tired of running around, and mostly everyone decided to go home, so me, darkheart13, erica, and mike went back to darkheart13's and played truth or dare...i stink at coming up with dares, and i know everything about erica and darkheart13 XD but it was fun anyways, we made mike do stupid stuff **laughs evilly** then after mike left we went inside and watched "Not Another Teen Movie", which has gotta be one of the most disgusting movies ever...but pretty funny, lol.
On Monday morning i woke up at 11am (i know, shocking...thats the latest ive EVER woken up) and ppl started coming over at noon, and we went outside and played volleyball for a while..not a lot of ppl, so we kinda stopped after a while and walked over to Pulsifer's house with him to go get the cheesecake he made for darkheart13 for her b-day. then he walked back to get his bike with us, and we left not too long after. we dropped erica off first, and then dropped me off...
It was a really fun weekend^_^ thanx darkheart13!
yesterday i didnt really do anything...i mostly spent the day being lazy, i mean relaxing^_^ i only was able to get on the comp for an hour yesterday, so i visited some of ur sites and then had to let my dad on. srry if i didnt get to everyones XD
this morning i made minted brownies, and then went to the park with my little brother with the intent of practicing tennis...we played for like 20 min, and he was acting like a jackass the entire time. it sucked. o well.
srry that this post is so long, if u just read parts of it i suppose i understand.
i think i already visited everyones sites who updated today, if i didnt im srry.
hope u have a nice day! ttyl, byebye!!!
memorable quote from POTC:
Jack Sparrow: [Imitating Elizabeth] "It must have been terrible for you, Jack. Must have been terrible." Well, it bloody is now.
[Seeing Norrington's ship off shore]
Jack Sparrow: There'll be no living with her after this.
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Saturday, August 5, 2006
well, n2m to say except last night i watched V for Vendetta, and i thought it was really good^_^ definitely a movie to see.
since its like 8:49 am, nuthing has really happened to me today, but i wanted to update and get around to all ur sites today because i prolly wont be back on until at least monday, because of darkheart13's b-day party.
well, since this is a seemingly short post, im going to post up a quiz that i took in one of Redblaze's posts a while back..ive been meaning to post it but ive either forgotten or my posts have been too long. so here it is!
1. WHO ARE YOU?(user name)
4. DO YOU LIKE MY FANART? (*i dont have any fanart submitted at the moment*)
5. WHAT ANIME ON MY LIST DO YOU AGREE WITH?(which one do you like that i like)
18. if you could meet 2 people on the otaku who would it be?
and last but not least here are the pictures for today!
Pita-Ten, as requested by ninjagirl242004, Kenshin getting hit in the head as requested by TimTwins13, and a picture of Chance Pop Session as requested by Magnus Lensherr! hope u like them!!

have a nice day! cya on monday or tuesday!
PS- Magnus Lensherr i stopped by ur site but it wouldnt let me comment XD ill go try again, but if i dont comment then hopefully u'll know y!
same thing goes for pipsqueak and ninjagirl242004! im really srry!
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Friday, August 4, 2006
heyy everybody^_^ srry i didnt post yesterday, but myo was having commenting issues when i got on, so i just decided to wait until today.
yesterday i had tennis in the morning, and then i came home and had lunch and then we had to go visit my grandmother in the nursing home because it was her 90th birthday. 90! my gosh, i never wanna be that old...she doesnt even know who we are anymore except my mom(her daughter). o well..
then i ended up getting yelled at by my mom for no reason...whats new, huh?
for today i have tennis in about 20 min, and then i dont know what. all i know is i hafta pack for darkheart13's 15th b-day party. yay!
Speaking of her, for todays pic darkheart13 said it should be SGT Frog, so i give u SGT Frog^_^ awesome

well, hope u all have a nice day! ttyl, byebye!
What anime do u wanna c a pic from for tomorrow??
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Wednesday, August 2, 2006
grrr, omg, i just typed a bunch and was almost done with my post when i accidentally clicked a button and now its gonnnneeee**kneels on the floor in agony** just...GRRR!
well, i guess it went something like this(hit it!):
heyy^_^ srry i havent updated in a while. i feel bad saying it, but i dont think i really have an excuse...i just didnt feel like it i guess XD
not much has gone on the past couple days, except that ive had tennis from 11am to noon. its a good thing i love tennis, because the last couple days have been unbearably hot.
Today b4 tennis i went to the local eyecare place and got my glasses adjusted..they always seem to get unadjusted or loose..i must take better care of them**pets glasses** they are the only way i am capable of seeing the world clearly**quickly puts them back on** believe me, ud understand if u were as blind as i XD
Anywayz, after tennis i went to the store and then came home and had lunch. yum. then i came upstairs in the hopes of getting on the computer, but needless to say my little bro andy was on **sighs** my god does that boy have issues. he was on for 4 hrs straight. thats longer than it takes me to post and visit all u guys! and all he ever does is play the same computer game constantly! hopefully he'll do something more productive tomorrow...
Anywayz, since he was on the comp i read...the book started to get pretty interesting so i read for a few hours(almost finished! woohoo!) and im prolly gunna go and finish it when i finish posting...i am so not a book worm tho^_~ (im not a worm, lol)
hmm, havent got too much feedback on the graphics thing, so i guess im just gunna hafta go with photoshop...i could prolly find it cheap on ebay or something.
Thanx to all of u who helped out darkheart13 by joining her POTC club! it was a success and she is finally able to start it with 10 ppl and growing! thanx a lot, and the offer still stands if u wanna join! just PM her about it^_^
speaking of darkheart13, her 15th b-day is coming up on Aug.5th! which means im prolly not gunna be able to post from saturday to monday because thats when her party is. im sleeping over for 2 nights and we're going to the Renaissance festival! i cant wait!
hmm...i think i covered everything except todays picture! requested by darkheart13! ur taking over my posts nikki, lol! but thats ok, its almost ur b-day^_^
heres the pic:
I just have to say that it had to be this picture! how can anyone not love this picture? Hiei + Kurama + Dancing= Most Priceless and Amazing picture so totally adds up^_~

hope u like the pic as much as me! ttyl, byebye!!
PS- what anime do u wanna c a pic from for tomorrow??
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Sunday, July 30, 2006
heyy, srry im posting kinda late, i think i did get too everyones sites(if i didnt get to urs im really srry, dont be afraid to tell me! ill make a point to stop by tomorrow). this morning i went to church and then had lunch, came online, talked to DemonxSamurai on AIM, and then got off and fast forward to 5;30pm and i went to golf for the makeup session. i suck soo much, lol. i cant drive it, so yeah i hit it like 12 times on a 4 par XD end of story.
im gunna ask again since no ones commented on the subject too much: me and darkheart13 are trying to order some sort of computer graphics software, like or similiar to Adobe u guys have any recommendations? what do u use to make wallpapers, welcome signs, layouts, banners, etc? if u can help we would really appreciate it^_^
Also, darkheart13 is trying to make a Pirates of the Caribbean Fansite for myO! the banners so far look really awesome, and if u love POTC, then please join! she has 8 ppl including myself, her and Mewprincess so far, and she would like it if she could have ten to start. just visit her site and tell her u would like to join, or PM her. ik i posted this stuff yesterday, but me and darkheart didnt get much response, so thanx again! much thanx to Mewprincess for responding to darkheart about the club!
here are the pix i forgot from the other day XD
Cowboy Bebop, as requested by Animelover1392 and kaleido star, as requested by Mewprincess!

i hope u like them! ttyl, byebye!
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Saturday, July 29, 2006
heyy everybody^_^ im having a pretty good day today...
i went to my sisters softball game, which they lost because they didnt even try because there coach told them that even if they lost they woulda been in first...o well, i still think they shoulda tried thoAnywayzz, u guys should go check out DemonxSamurai's site....hes really awesome ^_~
Anywayz, (sry for the overuse of the word, lol)
me and darkheart13 are trying to order some sort of computer graphics software, like or similiar to Adobe u guys have any recommendations? what do u use to make wallpapers, welcome signs, layouts, banners, etc? if u can help we would really appreciate it^_^
Also, darkheart13 is trying to make a Pirates of the Caribbean Fansite for myO! the banners so far look really awesome, and if u love POTC, then please join! she has five ppl including myself, her and Mewprincess so far, and she would like it if she could have ten to start. just visit her site and tell her u would like to join, or PM her. ik i posted this stuff yesterday, but me and darkheart didnt get much response, so thanx again! much thanx to Mewprincess for responding to darkheart about the club!
ttyl, much love!
ahhh! almost forgot about pix^_^ i dont have time right now, but ill do it later or tomorrow....just hold up on the requests for today!
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Friday, July 28, 2006
heyy^_^ another 2 days in a row! dont i just rule, lol.
Anywayz, not much went on today. my last day of golf camp was postpone to sunday becuase of rain.
besides that, all i did was make cookies today XD from scratch! and better yet, they didnt burn!! well, my finger got burnt...but thats a small price to pay for 6 dozen or so chocolate chip cookies! and they are yummy^_^ but i must share with the 5 other monsters, i mean PEOPLE, in my family=D
i dont really have much else to say as far as life goes..except that me and darkheart13 are trying to order some sort of computer graphics software, like or similiar to Adobe u guys have any recommendations? what do u use to make wallpapers, welcome signs, layouts, banners, etc? if u can help we would really appreciate it^_^
Also, darkheart13 is trying to make a Pirates of the Caribbean Fansite for myO! the banners so far look really awesome, and if u love POTC, then please join! she has for ppl including myself so far, and she would like it if she could have ten to start. just visit her site and tell her u would like to join, or PM her. thanx a lot! ttyl, byebye!
PS- heres some pictures!
Fushigi Yugi requested by AnimeLover1392; DN Angel requested by luckyviet; Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII requested by Mewprincess; and Riku, Yuna, and Paine from Final Fantasy X-2 requested by darkheart13! hope u like the pix!

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Thursday, July 27, 2006
heyy^_^ srry i didnt update yesterday, i had camps in the morning and when i got home my brother was on the computer until my sis's softball game, and after that some one else in my family went on. o well.
Today wasnt too exciting. i had golf and tennis in the morning, and then i came home and had lunch, and now im on the computer. haha, my life can be sooo boring, lol!!!
o yeah, and my parents went out of town for the afternoon and their new cell phone came by Fed Ex...luckily the guy let me sign for it, my mom woulda been so mad if she didnt get it..
but enough of my o so very exciting life, heres a picture!
Tokyo Mew Mew, as requested by both darkheart13 and Mewprincess! hope u like it!

what anime do u wann c a pic from for tomorrow??
PS- srry if i dont get to everyones sites today..
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