myOtaku.com: silverdragongirl
Friday, August 17, 2007
hey everybody^_^ srry i havent posted in a realllllyyyyy long time...ive been super busy with tennis, parties, hangin out with ppl, and essays for school XD yes, i have to write 2 essays and do another assignment for history class before school even starts XD yay, lol. so i have an essay due this tues. and i havent even read the info on it yet!
anyways, on wed. i went to nikki's(darkheart13) sweet 16. it was ok. it was a dance party and im not real into that...especially the way people dance these days, it thoroughly disgusts me... and i almost got cupcake frosting in my hair cuz matt was chasing me like a wierdo. haha, im like 2 feet shorter than him and i wasnt even trying and i outran him...and hes on the football team, lol. he also made me promise him that i would slow dance with him, but thank god there were no slow songs, lol XD i did get to talk to matt and hang out with people i dont see a lot like kaliegh, mike, emily, and especially ERICA! i havent seen her in a really long time which sucks cuz shes like my best friend! i love that girl sooo much, shes like the coolest person ever^_^
anyways, i had to work yesterday which sucked as always and i got yelled at a ton by gina...thank god bert didnt get there until i was leaving and all he asked me to do was restock the french fry cartons...which i cant really reach anyways XD i honestly get yelled at for every little mistake, and i cant take it! i dont know why they dont have one person making burgers and another making chicken sandwiches. theres wayyy to many to remember offhand plus what buns they go on...it drives me insane!
later tonight im going to go see hot rod with sara...i think im seeing harry potter on sunday with my mom(i know, took me long enough to go see it, right?). i wanna see superbad tooo, maybe ill go with my brother next week.
tomorrow i have a tennis tournament at noon. im kinda nervous, its my first USTA(UnitedStatesTennisAssociation) tournament and i have to play against the 18yr olds even tho i just turned 17...and i might have to play against Missy from the team...shes like insane at tennis XD
and then i have work at 5pm, so if i win my first match of tennis i may have to forfiet to get to work on time XD this is not a good situation...then i dont get out of work till after 8pm and i have to attempt to get to saras b-day party on time...i am only one person!
and tennis practice for the team starts monday at 8am...yay
well, hope you guys have a wonderful day! ttyl, byebye!
PS- im gonna try and put up a new background and theme and what not before school starts...
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