myOtaku.com: silverdragongirl
Sunday, August 26, 2007
heyy^_^ im really srry i havent been on in almost a week XD ive been pretty busy with tennis and other stuff...and then theres the laziness and the fact that my siblings are on longer than i can find time to sleep...
anyways, tennis has been alright...i really wanted a singles spot, more than anything in the world, but i guess im gonna have to settle for doubles. but at least i made Varsity/the A-team! A-bay bay! thats our cheer, lol...ik, kinda dumb, but fun to say. so my new doubles partner is Kara, and im glad..kara is a nice person and i feel like i can kinda count on her more...thats another reason i wasnt too happy having to play doubles cuz i dont like having to depend on another person...at least when it comes to tennis.
so my first tennis match is this friday and we;re having a mock match wednesday. wish me luck!
i had work yesterday and one of my bosses, Gina, told me im doing really good...which threw me completely off guard because shes kinda bitchy and earlier my brother was in there working and she nearly bit his head off and almost made him cry. im pretty sure i heard her saying something to maryann about being pregnant, sooo i think shes just being more moody than usual.
just to let you guys know i havent been updating a lot, but i have been messaging people so if you want you can pm me.
o yeahh, and im trying to finish a new theme and i was wonderring if anyone knew how to get rid/hide the side menu thing with the links and info on the home page...plzz tell me if you do.
well, im gonna go check out some peoples sites! ttyl, byebye!
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