myOtaku.com: silverdragongirl
Tuesday, December 4, 2007

hey everybody! ive felt like the biggest jerk lately, im never on here ever. usually its just cuz i dont have time, but when i do it just seems pointless to come on here. nobody comes by here anymore (and if you do im very grateful) and you all prolly hate me for not keeping in touch and all. and the only reason im really even able to get on today is because we have a snow day where i live.
anyways...if you actually came by to hear about my life and what not (even after i havent been on in MONTHS) im doing ok. schools a lot harder this year, tho. I like chemistry, but its a lot harder than biology was, and i have to study a lot more and put a lot more effort into it. AP US History is a lot harder than AP European History, too. my teacher grades a little bit harder, and the tests are insanely hard. my highest grade on any of the tests was a 74, and i put prolly 3 or 4 weekends and 30-40 hrs of studying into it, and thats what it got me. needless to say its frustrating, i was crying my eyes out actually...i care way too much about my grades i guess, but it was just very disheartening, you know? but ive been doing very well on the essays and homework assignments, and they are no walk in the park either. thats basically whats saving my grade this marking, is the 100s im getting on all the essays.
Math is harder too, and english, and just everything. the only classes that are keeping my overall average up around a 96 is health and spanish. and its incredibly irritating, because im not even on top ten academically this year because a lot of my friends who are as smart as me, maybe smarter, are taking the easy, stupid people, courses. while im sitting here, challenging myself and doing everything in my power to try and get back on top ten. its so annoying >.<
enough about school, lol.
tennis...the season went ok, me and my doubles partner Kara did pretty good until we started playing all the really good teams and it kinda just went all downhill. but im still taking lessons and improving a lot, and yet again my goal is to play singles next year. hopefully ill be able to because 2 of the 3 girls from this year are leaving...im also attempting to get into better shape by joining track. which is hard for me, because i am not in shape, i cannot run well, and i HATE running. but if i didnt join a team i wouldnt have the motivation to go out and run and work out and stuff. since i hate it so much.
well, not too much else to say. thats all the big stuff going on in my life right now. i have to go and read Huckleberry Finn and go Christmas shopping later, so ill talk to you all later! byebye!
PS- o, speaking of huckleberry finn, i just have a tiny little rant. so my teacher says that mark twains huckleberry finn is the epitamy of American Literature. and i wonder...how can a book, where all the characters are so grammatically incorrect that it deserves their own language, be the book that authors have used as a basis for other great works of literature? idk, maybe im judging it too quickly, ive only read about 7 pgs, but its just very...terrible. especially grammatically. anyone else read it? any thoughts? |
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