myOtaku.com: silverdragongirl
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Bowling Tournament
heyy! wuts up?
not much going on today, except i have a bowling tournament at 9;30, and then after that we hafta go to my little bro, Andrew's, basketball game.
has anyone been watching college basketball???
possibly big east conference??
i have!! omg, my team is rockin! my team is...SYRACUSE!! booyah:P it would be soooo awesome if they could pull off another championship like they did a few years ago, but for now im just happy that their makin it through the big east conference!
so, anywayz, when i get back from bowling and andrew's b-ball game, i got sum homework to do, and then ill prolly visit all ur sites^_^
heres a pic of Hughes and his family from FMA!
((i did not draw this!!))

what anime do u wanna c a pic from for tomorrow???
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