myOtaku.com: silverdragongirl
Thursday, March 16, 2006
SU game And No Skool!
hey, all! so wuts new? not much here...im just really really really exhausted, lol...
Not too much happened in skool today, except in gym we finally started a new sport!! INDOOR SOCCER! im not that good, but its fun^_^
well, not much goin on tonight, cept the SU game at 9;40, which i can actually watch cuz i dont have skool tomorrow!! yay! i was gunna have pplz sleep over, but i guess that aint happenin now, o well..so ill prolly just stay up watching SU game and Adult Swim^_^ thats a fun night to me!!
o yeah, and i am going to visit everyones sites today!! yay!
well, heres a pic from Chobits!

have a nice day!
Q:what anime do u wanna c for a pic for tomorrow??
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