myOtaku.com: silverdragongirl
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Bowling and More Bowling!
hey everybody! i hope u guys are having a good weekend...mines going pretty well^_^
Well, i just got back from bowling about a half hour ago, and i must say, i bowled horriblyXP i got a 111, 109, and 108...not my best, lol. but i get to bowl three more games this afternoon for character ed. Its for charity, and i hope i bowl well!
O yeah, and last nights FMA was pretty good. i kinda figured it was gunna be the last one (i read somewhere that there was only 52 episodes). its not how i expected the series to end, but i still thought it was a pretty good ending, and an amazing show overall. but it kinda left u with a feeling like it was gunna continue..hmm..
well, not much else to say, so heres a pic from Spirited Away, which i got to watch some of last night!

Q: which anime do u wanna c a pic from for tomorrow?
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