myOtaku.com: silverdragongirl
Monday, March 20, 2006
Skool and Stufs
heyy all, wuts up??? well, i hope ur monday went well, mine was very boring and tiring. seeings as i had skool....speaking of which, did u guys have skool today? cuz i think some places are having spring break already...idk, i dont have mine until april...
Anyways, not too much went on today in skool. in english, since we finished the dead poets society movie, we are now reading poetry from our textbooks. in math we have tests and stuf, blah-dy, blah, blah...in global i have a test tomorrow, which i hafta study for...im kinda mad at my teacher, half the test is on a map...i hate mapsXP im so bad with geography! o well...in art i finally began the printing process of the pop art project, but today was the last day to work on it during class, so im gunna hafta stay after skool..i thought i would be able to avoid that, lol. anywayz, in bio we are learning about male and female reproductive systems...and reproduction itself. on thursday we are watching the miracle of birth video...i shudder at the thought, its just not something i need to see right now, lol...
i dont think im going to get to ur sites today...im srry, i will try my best the rest of the week....
O yeah, my moms friend Jeri's daughter Kacey(who is friends with my little sister Rachel) is spending the night. its because her sister is having her baby, and her dad is away on a business trip and her sister wanted her mom their for the birth. so this should be interesting, especially on a skool night...
Before i forget, did anyone else notice that some new links were added to the myO sites? now there is a link for the members portfolio and permalink for the posts...interesting...
well, with no more words left to say, i leave u with a picture! heres a picture from Princess Mononoke, as requested by Animelover1392!

ENJOY! ttyl, byebye!
Q:which anime do u wanna c tomorrow????
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