myOtaku.com: silverdragongirl
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
hey everybody!
ay yai yai, yet another boring day at skool! i cant stand it much more, i want something exciting to happen...anything!
everything except for art and gym was just blah blah blah today....in art we had ALL had to stand up on the table in the front and pose, while everyone else did these wierd drawings of us...he mostly told us what to do, but i still hated it. i had to do this pose almost as if i was bowing, then like a genie(sp??) then i just had to stand there and point, lol.
in gym we played badminton. it was pretty fun, i just hit it back and forth with Nikki and Eileen, and then we played a game with Mallory and Steph. it was pretty fun, and funny, lol. o yeah, and during it, for some reason we started talking about titanic, the movie, and they said something about the Jack dying, and then i said "Rose dies too" and they started crying again! they didnt even know that happened in the movie! (if any of u know what im talking about, when Rose is an old woman and goes to sleep at the end, it shows her going up the steps to jack, young again, going past all the other ppl that had died in the titanic.) i thought it was obvious, and ive only seen the movie twice, lol...Nikki's seen it like 500 times! not even exxagerating, its her fav movie, lol.
O, yes, and before i forget(like i did yesterdayXP) im going to be putting my friend's (your!) buttons to your myO site in my profile....if u see that little section that says Friends Buttons, and then it says across the screen "ur buttons go here" or something or other, thats where they would go. so, if ur interested, then PM me the link to ur button. Thanx a lot!!
well, i dont have much else to say, so heres a pic! Sailor Moon, as requested by KimmehWolfwood!

Q: what anime do u wanna c tomorrow???
(u know the deal^_~)
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