myOtaku.com: silverdragongirl
Tuesday, April 4, 2006
Its Madness, Its Chaos!
heylo all! im srry i was away for a while...again....my life is getting so busyXP
on Saturday, it was my Moms b-day, plus i had to work on my research project for global, since i hafta have it done by the end of this week...and i dont have much time as it is...plus i went to church^_^
Then on Sunday, i had my last week of bowling...
IM SO SAD! IM GUNNA MISS BOWLING LEAGUE SO MUCH! I HAFTA WAIT A WHOLE YEAR!!! anywayz, i got a 141, 140, 142...pretty good and consistent, so thats good:D
then Yesterday i had to write ANOTHER poem about my fav season...WINTER! yayness:P i think its actually a good poem...but what do ik, eh?
Also, my best friend Nikki is all sad...her boyfriend Jeremy broke up with her...hes being such an idiot, i seriously dont get what the hell is up with him...but i cant be really angry with him...hes still my friend, too...i just know that nikki comes first^_^
Soooo....i should prolly wrap this up, cuz ive gotta go finish my outline for my research thingy...and its due tomorrow...EEEEP!
heres a Wolfs Rain pic!!

hope u likey!
Q: whos ur fav character from Wolfs Rain?
me: HIGE!!! 2nd fav is Tsume^_^
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