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myOtaku.com: silverdragongirl

Friday, April 28, 2006

heyy! its friday, and im sooo happpy! yay :P
srry i didnt update yesterday, it was half me being busy, half me being too lazy...but i did visit most of ur sites...unless i was hallucinating during that period of time...dont ask me y i would be0.o
so today was pretty normal skool day....o yeah, we are doing a new project in art class and we have to create a unique city...we've been working on it for a few days, and i just figured out today what im doing!! story book land^_^ laugh all u want, but im gunna make it look awesome...or at least ill try, hehe. all i got so far is that the cities gunna come outta the book like a pop-up book...
today in bio we got progress reports (marking period ends next week) and i have a 97, which is pretty good. but i just get sick of the 10th graders in my class that couldnt get a 90 if they tried (nothing against any of u guys in 10th grade, im specifically speaking about my bio class) always ask me what i get and look amazed at what it is. they seemed even more amazed today when i said thats what i get in about every class...o well
i dont really have much else to say, so here is a pic, and a music video from Taking Back Sunday, called MakeDamnSure! ttyl, byebye!

PS- i luv this music video because it takes things that are ugly (like buildings collapsing, animals attacking each other, etc) and make them into something beautiful....

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