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myOtaku.com: silverdragongirl

Saturday, May 6, 2006

heyy! whats up?
srry i havent updated in 4 days! ive been really busy, with studying, my art project, and since its the end of this marking period! only 1 marking period to go^_^
o yeah, and last night i had to go to a Sky Chiefs baseball game(minor league baseball) with my family because my younger brother and sister were on safety patrol at skool. im not quite sure what it was all about, but my sister won some award, and they each had a few friends come to the game and sleep over. ugh, it was so crazy....my lil bros friends wouldnt sit still. o well, their all gone now =)
This morning i had to go to get my hair trimmed. i havent had it cut since last year, and its gotten pretty long. my hair dresser seemed pretty annoyed, tho, cuz i didnt get it trimmed and now i have split ends and crap...as long as u dont chop it all off, i dont care!
Today im going to a track meet with my family and my friend Nikki. My brother is gunna be running and so is Jeremy, me and Nikki's friend, plus her ex-bf. but they are still friends, so i think it'll be ok. its just that Jeremy sis is going to this meet cuz shes friends with my lil sis, and i just hafta make sure she doesnt figure out that there was ever anything between Nikki and Jeremy....for some reasons that i prolly shouldnt say, but jeremy's life will pretty much be shot to hell if the word gets to his mom....ill stop there, since at this point u prolly dont even know what im talking about, lol.
o yeah, and tonight im going to see a play at my skool called Inherit the Wind with Julia and some of my other friends. im so busy lately! AHHH!
And tomorrow im going to a pasta benefit dinner for Jessica, she used to live next door to me. when i was a baby she used to baby sit me a lot with her sister colleen. shes in her mid 20s if im correct, not sure i havent seen her in a long time. but anyways, i went to her wedding a few years ago, and then not too long after that she figured out she had brain cancer. apparently shes doing a lot better, but she has a lot of medical expenses, so thats what the benefit dinner is for. i hope it all goes well!
well, i dont have anything else to say, so here are some pictures! and a youtube, since its saturday! a pic of Hatsuharu from Furuba, as requested by Crescent Moon9, an FF7 Advent Children pic as requested by MysticFox, and another pic from Furuba as requested by Animelover1392! and a Kenshin Music Video! very relaxing!

hope u like them! ttyl, byebye!

what anime do u wanna c tomorrow???

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