myOtaku.com: silverdragongirl
Friday, July 28, 2006
heyy^_^ another 2 days in a row! dont i just rule, lol.
Anywayz, not much went on today. my last day of golf camp was postpone to sunday becuase of rain.
besides that, all i did was make cookies today XD from scratch! and better yet, they didnt burn!! well, my finger got burnt...but thats a small price to pay for 6 dozen or so chocolate chip cookies! and they are yummy^_^ but i must share with the 5 other monsters, i mean PEOPLE, in my family=D
i dont really have much else to say as far as life goes..except that me and darkheart13 are trying to order some sort of computer graphics software, like or similiar to Adobe Photoshop..do u guys have any recommendations? what do u use to make wallpapers, welcome signs, layouts, banners, etc? if u can help we would really appreciate it^_^
Also, darkheart13 is trying to make a Pirates of the Caribbean Fansite for myO! the banners so far look really awesome, and if u love POTC, then please join! she has for ppl including myself so far, and she would like it if she could have ten to start. just visit her site and tell her u would like to join, or PM her. thanx a lot! ttyl, byebye!
PS- heres some pictures!
Fushigi Yugi requested by AnimeLover1392; DN Angel requested by luckyviet; Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII requested by Mewprincess; and Riku, Yuna, and Paine from Final Fantasy X-2 requested by darkheart13! hope u like the pix!

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