myOtaku.com: silverdragongirl
Wednesday, August 2, 2006
grrr, omg, i just typed a bunch and was almost done with my post when i accidentally clicked a button and now its gonnnneeee**kneels on the floor in agony** just...GRRR!
well, i guess it went something like this(hit it!):
heyy^_^ srry i havent updated in a while. i feel bad saying it, but i dont think i really have an excuse...i just didnt feel like it i guess XD
not much has gone on the past couple days, except that ive had tennis from 11am to noon. its a good thing i love tennis, because the last couple days have been unbearably hot.
Today b4 tennis i went to the local eyecare place and got my glasses adjusted..they always seem to get unadjusted or loose..i must take better care of them**pets glasses** they are the only way i am capable of seeing the world clearly**quickly puts them back on** believe me, ud understand if u were as blind as i XD
Anywayz, after tennis i went to the store and then came home and had lunch. yum. then i came upstairs in the hopes of getting on the computer, but needless to say my little bro andy was on **sighs** my god does that boy have issues. he was on for 4 hrs straight. thats longer than it takes me to post and visit all u guys! and all he ever does is play the same computer game constantly! hopefully he'll do something more productive tomorrow...
Anywayz, since he was on the comp i read...the book started to get pretty interesting so i read for a few hours(almost finished! woohoo!) and im prolly gunna go and finish it when i finish posting...i am so not a book worm tho^_~ (im not a worm, lol)
hmm, havent got too much feedback on the graphics thing, so i guess im just gunna hafta go with photoshop...i could prolly find it cheap on ebay or something.
Thanx to all of u who helped out darkheart13 by joining her POTC club! it was a success and she is finally able to start it with 10 ppl and growing! thanx a lot, and the offer still stands if u wanna join! just PM her about it^_^
speaking of darkheart13, her 15th b-day is coming up on Aug.5th! which means im prolly not gunna be able to post from saturday to monday because thats when her party is. im sleeping over for 2 nights and we're going to the Renaissance festival! i cant wait!
hmm...i think i covered everything except todays picture! requested by darkheart13! ur taking over my posts nikki, lol! but thats ok, its almost ur b-day^_^
heres the pic:
I just have to say that it had to be this picture! how can anyone not love this picture? Hiei + Kurama + Dancing= Most Priceless and Amazing picture ever...it so totally adds up^_~

hope u like the pic as much as me! ttyl, byebye!!
PS- what anime do u wanna c a pic from for tomorrow??
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