myOtaku.com: silverdragongirl
Friday, August 4, 2006
heyy everybody^_^ srry i didnt post yesterday, but myo was having commenting issues when i got on, so i just decided to wait until today.
yesterday i had tennis in the morning, and then i came home and had lunch and then we had to go visit my grandmother in the nursing home because it was her 90th birthday. 90! my gosh, i never wanna be that old...she doesnt even know who we are anymore except my mom(her daughter). o well..
then i ended up getting yelled at by my mom for no reason...whats new, huh?
for today i have tennis in about 20 min, and then i dont know what. all i know is i hafta pack for darkheart13's 15th b-day party. yay!
Speaking of her, for todays pic darkheart13 said it should be SGT Frog, so i give u SGT Frog^_^ awesome

well, hope u all have a nice day! ttyl, byebye!
What anime do u wanna c a pic from for tomorrow??
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