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The Netherlands
Member Since
Aircraftengine repair & overhaul Technician/Line-Inspector
Real Name
B-J (Bert-Jan)
Getting through my years in school
Anime Fan Since
Gundam Wing was on tv
Favorite Anime
To become a better me
Gaming, Reading Manga
I am not very gifted.. though I seem to have good technical skills
I know the site says I joined here recently, but I've been on here for over 2 years now I think..
But I deleted my old site.. stupid I know..

Props for pretty much everything on my site (BG, intro, manga list, postbox) go to my sweetie Lytjuh
(PS: if I didn't give props my site would be turned pink....)
Friday, April 4, 2008
I guess it's goodbye
Yup I'm gonna leave theO behind me.
I started on theO because of Lyt, and now that we've ended so does this..
I've hardly been on here anyway, and I really dont think anyone will miss me.
Also I think TheO has been a big factor in alot of bad things that happened in my life, I wont go into detail.
But a lot of bad things lead back to here.
I just dont want the memories anymore.
I wish everyone who reads this (if anyone at all) all of the best things in life.
And I will do the same.
This message will be up for some time before I delete the site.
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Monday, March 10, 2008
Closing the book and opening the next one.
Hey all ( if anyone reads this at all)
As you may have read on Lytjuh's post..
It's over between us.
I'll spare you guys the details, but it was a decision made together after a long emotional talk.
So I'm closing the book on our life together.
And opening the next one.
I'll be figuring out what I'm gonna do with my life for a while.
Who knows our paths may cross again, we are trying to stay friends, I think it will work.
Dont you guys worry about me.
I'll manage.
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Friday, February 15, 2008
Busy week
Hey there fellow Otaku's.
Wow 2 comments ^^
Not a huge amount but that's just cause I'm probably on nobody's friendslist anymore ^^
Time to work on that.
My week:
The weekend was great, me and Lyt went to play pool with a friend.
And after that we went for a drink in our favorite bar.
After a great night (although Lyt got sick from the alcohol) we had a relaxing sunday.
At work things are kinda hectic.
I've been working overtime every day, except for monday..
And tomorrow I'll be working some extra hours aswell.
Ohwell it's all for the hotelbill for the next AnimeCon ^^
Me and Lyt booked the room were in throughout the weekend for an extra night before the Con.
So we can relax a little and help out the people from the Con.
I'm seriously looking forward to it now, it's gonna be great.
This saturday we'l have a party at an irish pub.
A co-worker of mine is leaving, well he was then he found a new function in out company ^^
But he still is throwing a farewellparty because he's not gonna be working with us anymore ^^
So that should be good.
See you all next week.
Have a nice day!!!
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