My sister got me a Inuyasha shirt!!!!^^ lol sry i love it! she also got a Trigun shirt for herself but i might steal it sometimes. lol Not much happened today...but i got a start on my pic. the majority of the votes was Trigun so im drawing a pic. of Millie and Kuroneko!^^ well thats about it...bai!
I made it in colorguard!!!^^ But im sad cuz one of my friends dident make it T,.T. Today went by very slow! And it was very boring so i dont have much to talk about. ill try to get to some sites today!
I have tryouts tonight! im kinda nervous cuz they just gave me the work we need to do yesterday! sry, i once again cant visit sites today. i have tryouts tonight, lessons tomarrow, talent show on thurs., and band camp on sat. so im kinda busy with that and hmk...i got to go do my hmk now! bye!
Its amazing! my mom actually got me to go clothes shopping! O.O i hate clothes shopping but she actually got me to go! I still dident like it though. lol Tonight I have a Color guard meating to lean what we have to do for tryouts. We have tryouts tomarro too so thats kinda scary! Sorry i dont think ill get to any sites today! lots of stuff to do! well bye!^^
Last night i was really bored so i went around signing ppls GB's for 2-3 hours. I was on 'till 10:30 signing them. lol Lazer storm was fun! Im not used to the actual DDR things though so it was pretty hard. We were going to go up to the mountains and hike for mother's day today but its snowing up there so were just haveing fun at the house. We just wached a movie called "Primer" it was...different. It wasent bad or any thing just different. It hade a interesting consept and stuff. Well im gonna go cheak sites now. bye!
I got really bored and I can never think of what to draw so I thought I'd make a poll lol:
The play was actually a balle im alway calling them plays. It was really good! The danceing was awesome! There were some parts that kinda drowned on but most of it was pretty good! Today i'm going to a lazerstorm place to play DDR!!! It gonna be really fun!
The jazz festival was really fun! We played pretty well. But when we sight read we play really quiet. Afterwards we kinda split up and went to lunch and stuff till 2:00 then we met at the school and went home. Interesting day. Were going to the play at 6:30 tonight. I cant wait! Well thats all for now!^^bye!
Freckles. With its upbeat tempo and lyrics seemingly sung by some junior high student that knows nothing about the ways of love is your anime theme song. This is a very optimistic song...and you too are probably pretty optimistic, and even in the worst of situations try to find the good...if that's not good enough for you, you got one of the most rockingest shows linked to your theme song
Today was VERY long! but i lived^^. Tonight I have jazz band, but I really don't want to go cuz im so tierd! Ill have to go though cuz tomarrow we have a jazz festival all day that were gonna play in. We get out of school for it too! Oh...tommarow night im also going to The Hunchback of Notre Dame. It will be fun! Well im off to cheak sites! bye!
I diden't have much time for my last post cuz I was at school again, but my consert went pretty well. It was our teacher's last consert to conduct cuz he's retiring so that made me alittle more nervous. I had fun though, but i messed up afew times...well thats all...bai!^^ Kilala