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in my secret lair where I plot for world domination
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writer, aspiring artist, somewhat poet,
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a fair amount
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hmm...all sorts
to be a mangaka and to write a poem that is happy and doesn't even mention not surviving, or anything like that. So hard...
drawing, fanfiction, writing, being lazy, listening to music
drawing, writing, music
| Silvermoonglow
Tuesday, January 2, 2007
Winter Break has gone by so fast! And today is the last day before school! I don't want to go back! One of my bestfriends have moved and since I'm the hermit I am, I didn't make very much new friends.
Most of my friends go to a different school that's less than a mile away...'s hard not to rant about it.
I wish I could turn back time...or that I could have winter break that lasts months!
I can't wait until summer!
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
On a Lighter Note...
However, one good thing is...the exams are over so I have about a little more than a week of Winter Break! do I do?
I guess I'll just hibernate or something.
Or sit in front of the computer all day reading fanfiction.
I've been a bit obsessed over 'Naruto' lately. I've loved the series for a long time, before they even came out of the US...but...I've never been thinking only about Naruto and not any other anime...
One good thing is...on Febuary 15, 2007, Naruto II will come out in anime, called Naruto: Hurricane Chronicles. No doubt a reference to his wind element. It's after the time skip and Naruto's grown TALL! I wish I could grow tall...but I'm not.
And Sasuke wears clothes similar to Orochimaru...but he looks hot...unlike Orochimaru...who is a fruity child molester. But Orochimaru is still sort of cool...
But still...Naruto and Kyuubi pwn all!
Bow before Naruto's cuteness!
Admit that Kyuubi is awesome in a grumpy evil way!
And Itachi is still hot...:)
Yes...I just consumed a bunch of chocolate to keep me from forever fuming over Rosie O'Donnell's ignorance. And the fact that venting helps.
And Shino, after the timeskip, looks like a drug dealer...but he's still cool! Because he isn't a drug dealer! He was smart and just had to go incognito because of all the fan girls.
Kiba had giant Akamaru to help him get away from the RFG's (rabid fan girls).
The rest were on their own...
Rosie O'Donnel and her 'Ching Chong' Comment
I am so upset right now.
I know this happened a short while ago, but really!
She didn't even apologize and when she did, the insincerity upsets me even more.
Rosie O'Donnell, on national TV, said 'ching chong...etc.', thinking it was FUNNY. She thought a racial slur against someone's language was FUNNY! And...she thought of it as a "pseudo Japanese, Chinese, and a bit of a Yiddish accent."
You can see her 'apology' here:
Unfortunately, no one can really complain since other people will be all 'you stupid Asians, she already apologized'.
I’m normally a laid back person and don’t get that angry when people insult my ethnicity because they’re being racist idiots. I’m not that angry at her, I just think she’s a mindless monkey. Mocking someone’s language was offensive. Sticking all Asians into a category was worse. Giving an insincere apology and making it a joke is disgusting. Apparently, she doesn’t respect the races and languages of other people.
And, notice how she only called that derogatory term towards African Americans as the 'N Word', but continually says 'ching chong'.
"Well, comedians are always getting in trouble all the time..." (Quote from Rosie's 'apology by one of her sidekicks')
Her sidekicks are annoying and they can go back to being good little twist and stop talking about things they obviously don’t understand. It is a show, not a comedy. Even then…Comedians shouldn’t go around mocking others for things they can’t help.
Then she practically tells people to ‘loosen up’ because they don’t understand what is so funny about something similar to what they have heard countless times from narrow-minded idiots that made their lives miserable.
"I apologize if you're offended, but I'm probably likely to do it again, because that's the way my brain works..."
Why is she calling herself a racist? I know she probably isn’t, but she’s popular and pretty much telling people it’s ok to mock Asians. The stereotypes for Asians haven’t fully dissolved yet either.
If I was good at martial arts because I was Asian, then...she must always eat fast food and it's made her fat because she's American. Note the sarcasm.
The whole audience thought it was funny and they took the opinions of only two Asians as the opinion of every other Asian. Does this mean I can make racist ‘white’ jokes and not apologize in a meaningful way?
No, no I can’t…I’d be stooping to their level of idiocy.
Mindless moronic monkeys. Except for Rosie...because just because the Japanese are harpooning her whale brethren doesn't give her the right to insult other people for things they can't control.
I'd yell at them in REAL Chinese...but I'd be wasting my breath.
Now, Rosie and her little twits along with the foolish audience can just save their breaths and stop wasting oxygen over something that makes people regret being born over something that can't be helped.
Che, fools.
By the way, I apologize if Rosie O'Donnell, her army of twits, or anyone else are/is offended...but I'll probably do it again, because my brain tends to think that way about racist idiots that have insincere apologies on sensitive topics and think it's funny.
However, if any whales are insulted, I apologize. I'm sorry...that was out of line. I'm sincerely sorry. ToT
I'll find some time to make alot of donations to Green Peace if my parents will let me. If they don't...I'll still go, "Save the Whales!"
Saturday, June 24, 2006
A while ago, somone submitted a post on a Kikyou (from Inuyasha) bashing forum. Being me, I hate bashing of any kind, so I try to go to those bashing forums to defend the character. I had been debating on that forum, trying to prove that the bashers have no reason to hate this character.
The basher I was debating with told me that I was embarressing myself, that no one listens to complicated people, insinuated that I was stupid, and told me I was dead to them! What the heck? Ok, so if I express and stand up for my beliefs, then its stupid and embarressing? Feh! How mature!
Ugh! I just had to rant here a bit to get rid of it! Ok, my annoyance has evaporated. I could care less about that person. If they wish to waste their life like that, fine! I don't care! They can't be helped! I'll just see if they reply. I'm going to laugh if they do since according to them, I'm dead!
On a random note though, now that I look think of it, I have decided to dubb myself as the queen of rants as well as OC's!
Thursday, June 1, 2006
I'm being lazy again. I just finished a chapter and posted it and I'm starting, but I have alot to do, so I have to put it off. I really don't want to. I feel like crying. This is summer people! Why do I have homework from my mom? I'm also putting off my summer reading assignment, heck I haven't even read the book yet. I've read the beginning, but it's so boring.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
I've just joined. what? Oh yes, I have to practice more piano, make lunch, and do my extra homework during the summer. Nah, I don't feel like it. I know, I'm lazy. I think I'll work on a chapter for my fanfiction.
Featured Quiz Result:
My friends aren't loners or dark, except for one, but that's it! Let's hope my friends don't see this result! Heh heh
 People view you as a Loner Artist. Loner Aritist are exactly as their title says, loners and artist. Now you are not alone by choice but many people find you odd. This only bothers you when you're in a public place like a dance club or a crowded lunchroom so you tend to steer clear of those places. You might have a friend or two but they're either Loner Artists like you or Truly Dark. Fear not! So many artists are not appreciated in their own times!
What Do People Truly See You As? (lots of outcomes and stunning pictures) brought to you by Quizilla