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Black Drake 97
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Member Since
College Student aka Graphic designer in training
Real Name
Allison, but do call me Ali please
Graduated from high school, taught myself keyboard, made Dean's list at my college (have to have a GPA of 3.5 to 4.0, had a 3.87)
Anime Fan Since
From about when I was... 7
Favorite Anime
Hellsing, Gunslinger girls, gravitation, FAKE, Gundam wing, fruits basket, saiyuki, and Trigun
To graduate college and get at least an associates degree in Communication design
Sketching, writing, Playing Keyboard and electric guitar, Creating digital images
Music, portait drawing, and digital image recreation
| SilverWingedAngel
Sunday, December 31, 2006
good news
Yes finally I'm startin to feel better. Migrane has dulled, and can finally breathe once more. Can forget talkin though, my throat issues switched to just purely no voice. But that I can deal with. People around me are happy cause I'm quiet and I'm happy that I have a reason not to reply.^_^
After I post this gonna do my rounds and see what everyone is up to. and oh!! if ya missed my last chapter be sure to read that before ya read today's otherwise ya'll be both lost and confused. Honestly not much has been happenin either... mostly been sleepin and chillin out while listenin to my dad complain about his hamstring injury thing. All I can say is thank god for ipods with ear buds so that while he's rantin I'm listenin to Rush or Whitesnake and in a total space out mode.
Which reminds me I never told ya guys. I did get my wich this Christmas and my parents got me a new guitar. and homestly with no help from me gotta say they did a damn good job pickin one out. They got me a Fender 60th anniversary edition starcaster, the black metallic and pearl plate one. and here's a pic of it in case ya have no idea what I'm talkin about:
that's it.^_^ plays sweet and looks better in person. well enough of that, I better make my rounds before everyone starts forgettin about me... don't wanna start losin friends... Ok well, gonna post the next part of my story along with a pic.
Ronin got on his knees next to her and watched in awe at the sight before him. Akio’s normally neatly filed and trimmed nails were now growing to be like claws, along with her skin tightening, and bones reforming to comply with the new body chemistry. She let out a loud and pitiable cry of pain as tears began to fall from her eyes, slowly turning from clear to crimson. Her teeth slowly sharpened into fangs as she twisted with each crack of bone. Closing her eyes tightly she tried once again to shut out some of the agonizing pain.
Ronin began to see her body float in the air before him as the final adjustments were made, until her eyes shot open with a silver light that went from her eyes to her back then wrapping her in a curtain of black. She slowly looked down at him, and unfolded her wings from around her body revealing an angelic-like form with the eyes of a demon and a mark under her right eye in crimson.
“ is.. it.. is it… over...?” He nodded and wrapped his arms around her.
“And don’t worry. You’re still as beautiful as ever.” She smiled at him.
“How different do I look?” He nodded towards the mirror.
Akio looked over and her jaw dropped slightly and her eyes slightly widened. She looked nothing like she had before. Slowly she got up and walked towards the mirror. The reflection staring back at her was much different than what she had expected to see. Her hair was a powder blue and shoulder length. The normal pale blue eyes she usually saw had turned a bright sliver mixed with a little teal on the outer edges, with a cat like pupil in the center. She had fangs like a cat’s as well, but were smaller. She was thinner too in her body build and lighter on her feet. Moving to look at her new claws she felt that any motion was almost effortless. Looking back at Ronin she gave a smile.
“See I told you.” After he said this a spike of pain went through his chest causing him to wince. Akio ran to his side and gently laid him back knowing the pain he would feel. She watched as his muscles slightly changed, and noticed his eyes change to be blood red with a black ring around the outside. He let out a cry of pain as she heard a crack of a bone, and saw his rib cage slightly compress to be smaller. His hair changed quickly from the usual brown and blonde style to a mix of red and brown. His muscles started to shrink, but his strength seemed to improve she noticed. Akio also saw a bluish light surround him. As his head shot up and eyes glowed red, then he went silent. She looked down at him giving him time to recover. He opened his eyes and smiled at her.
“It’s over isn’t it?” She nodded and pointed at the mirror. He sat up and looked, was pretty shocked at the person looking back at him.
“That’s me?!” Akio laughed and nodded again.
“Yea that’s you.” She got up and stretched. Then gave some space between them and turned in a way that she had space behind her. She closed her eyes and put her arms across her chest. Ronin wondered what she was doing until he saw her let out a breath slowly, and two black clouds form around her. He saw as each bit of the cloud became her wings.
When they fully formed she flexed them getting used to the feel.
“Those will be helpful when we have traffic.” She laughed and just shook her head.
“Can see ya sense of humor is no different than it was.” He nodded to her.
“Guess not huh.” She smirked and remembered something that she had put in her bag. She walked over to in digging through it pulling out a small but long box. Setting it on Ronin’s lap she nodded to him to open it. He was not sure what was in it. Upon opening it he saw a katana in a black sheath with a black Chinese dragon symbol on it.
“It’s yours now. It’s a very good sword, one of the ones given to only the highest-ranking samurais. The dragon on it is where the name comes from actually and that is the Black Dragon sword or the Midnight Dragon as it’s sometimes called.” He unsheathed it and practiced a little using it. Akio was in awe how he could so easily wield it so soon, but smiled. Just as they had been messing with their new abilities they heard a knock at the door. Kisho’s nervous voice was on the other side.
“Uh… can I come in now?...” Akio opened the door and greeted him. As soon as he saw her he almost passed out from shock.
“Akio is that you?!”
“Who else would it be?” She stepped back from him to let him see Ronin.
“Ok I’m not gonna even ask what’s going on?” He walked away very confused and more in shock than anything.
“Ronin I wanna try out my wings. Not gonna go far, but curious.” He nodded seeing her anxious to see what the feeling of free flight was like. She recalled her wings and walked out into the living room where Kisho was sitting in a confused daze.
“I will be back soon.” He made a slight noise acknowledging it. She walked over to the stairs and up to the roof. When she opened the door leading to the roof level she saw a blanket of snow had covered the top. She slowly walked out, almost gliding over the snow, not even sinking into it.

Happy New Years!
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