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Friday, August 13, 2004
What??? NO WAY!!!
Hey, you guys heard about the Neko whore thing right? Well, I don't mind dressing up as a kitty...*looks for Jay* Sorry, he's a dog, and dog's don't like Kitties...*holds her tail* But anyways, that doesn't bother me one bit, it's the fact that Carrie's brother likes me!!! I'll admit, Carrie's bro is HOT, but I don't like him!!! You see, this is what happened...
Natasha: Carrie, did you put the cake away?
Carrie: Yeah...I ate some though...
Natasha: YOU WHAT!?!?!?
Carrie: What’s wrong?
Natasha: You just ate half of the baby’s cake!!!
Carrie: Oh shit that’s Cathy’s cake???
Natasha: NO DUH!!!
Carrie: I’ll just call my brother up; he’s nearby so he’ll be able to get a new cake…
Natasha: Okay, good…
Carrie: *Calls Dawn up* Hello? Dawn?
Dawn: Yeah, what’s up Carrie?
Carrie: Dawn, can you please buy a B-day cake for Catherine? I ate the other one…
Dawn: The same theme right, Nemo?
Carrie: Yeah, thanks.
Dawn: *comes home with cake* Hey Carrie, lil miss Natasha, I’m home!
Carrie: Got the cake?
Dawn: what’s in my hand?
Carrie: Never mind, how much I owe ya?
Dawn: $30
Carrie: $30???
Damn: Yo, I got a fucking talking Nemo toy and Nemo candles and shit for this fucking cake! It’s a lot of money!
Carrie: Okay, okay!
Dawn: Or Natasha can just kiss me, that’s worth $50 right there…
Carrie: Your right it is worth…. what the fuck?!?!
Dawn: Yeah, instead of paying me cash, just get Natasha to kiss me, that’s all…
Carrie: You’re fucking insane she’s MINE!!!
Dawn: Oh really?
Carrie:………okay, okay, she belongs to Jared, but in New York, she’s MINE!!!!
Natasha: What’s going on you two?
Dawn: Natasha will you kiss me?
Natasha: But I have a boyfriend…
Dawn: I know, but it’s a simple peck on the check…please?
Natasha: No, I’m sorry…
Carrie: *grabs my hand and runs off* Ha, so long fucker!!! Hahahahahahaa!!!
Okay, now I have 1,000,000,000,000,000,000, (repeats number) perverts, and now my ex girlfriends brother…Jay help me…. or even better, LORD HELP ME!!! T_T I’m sooooooo confused, and yet I’m so pissed off!!! >.<
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Wednesday, August 11, 2004
Hey everyone! I have a new big brother, and his name is Dark Lord Hiei! And to everyone who joined the Neko Clan, he’s Neko King, so you HAVE to visit his site because even though we are Neko princess’ he’s the KING!!! So, anyways, Chad is a super cool big brother! He gives SUPER HUGE HUGGIES!!! YAY!! That makes me smiles! And he’s funny, oh, and he’s my baby’s best friend! So ha to you all, cuz I have a great bf AND a super big bro! SO HA!!! *Coffee’s acting up* WEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! COFFEE!!!! Oh, and Jay, I LOVES YOU MORE!!! HA! Bye everyone while I go night-night! Welpies, bye- bye now everyone, I love you Jay!
~Bisexuality is beautiful and if you don't like it fucking bite me prick! ~
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Strange...very strange...yet wiered...
Something that happened yesterday…
Sindalla: Hi Carrie, ready for hell?
Carrie: You know it sweetie.
Sindalla: Okay, you have Josh today, right?
Carrie: Yep, and you have the others.
Sindalla: Yep. Let’s go…oh, did you bring the aspirin?
Carrie: 6 bottles…
Sindalla: Good enough.
Both: *Go inside*
Sindalla: Hello…. ummm kids?
Carrie: Are you guys…behaving?
Children: Yes miss Nati, and miss Carrie.
Carrie: Am I high or are these kids behaving?
Sindalla: You’re not high, because I see it too…
Carrie: So, children, what first?
Children: May we have breakfast?
Carrie: Sure…. I think…wait, don’t your parents feed you?
Children: But it’s Tuesday!
Carrie: Oh right, right, Tuesday is breakfast day, right.
Josh: Miss Nati, may I have a hug?
Sindalla: Will you touch my bottom again?
Josh: No, I promise.
Sindalla: Okay then come here. *Hugs Josh*
Carrie: Here are your breakfast kids.
Children: Thank you miss Carrie.
Michel: Miss Carrie, who is Mike?
Carrie: You are sweetie.
Michel: No, the one from your place…ota-ku.
Carrie: He’s Miss Nati’s older brother, he’s strong, and brave, and handsome, and he’s very sweet.
Lauren: Who’s Lionel miss Carrie?
Carrie: He’s also miss Nati’s older brother, but he’s better than Mike because he’s older. And he’s beyond cute.
Lauren: And who’s Ayla?
Carrie: She’s miss Nati’s older sister, she scares me though.
Lauren: They sound like fun; except for Ayla she sounds a bit scary.
Carrie: Yes, they are fun, and they are very nice too, now eat up so we can play, okay kids?
Children: Yes miss Carrie.
Michel: But who is Jared? And who’s Keon?
Carrie: Oh, Jared is a sweet young boy, who is miss Nati’s boyfriend! But Keon is evil, and you are not allowed to mention that name until tomorrow. Okay?
Michel: Okay.
Children: Done miss Carrie, and miss Nati!
Sindalla: Very good children! What now?
Children: May we visit your web sites?
Carrie: You can see miss Nati’s, but not mine…because…it’s broken!
Children: Okay!
Sindalla: *Shows the children her site*
Josh: I like blue! Blue is better!
Lauren: But I like pink! Keep pink!
Sindalla: How about I do blue, and then pink again, then my own designs?
Lauren and Josh: Okay!
From the rest of the day, we watched some Family Guy, DBZ, and some YYH that I recorded. They actually behaved!!! Omg! Well, then they all left home…
Carrie: By Natasha baby, I’ll see you tomorrow then?
Sindalla: Yep, but…why did the kids behave so well today?
Carrie: Simple babe…the magic words are Apple Juice!
Sindalla: Okay…apple juice?
Carrie: I’ll explain tomorrow! *Kisses me*
Sindalla: Hey, *giggles* I’m taken remember?
Carrie: Damn…oh well, by sweetie!
Sindalla: Bye Carrie! *Phone rings*
Sindalla: Hello?
Jay: Hello!!!!
Sindalla: JAY!!!!
And that’s it, the kids were great, the day was nice, we had fun, and I had a surprise call from my baby! ^___^ Welp, tomorrow I’m going to tell you…how the apple juice mad the kids good kids…? Welp, bye^ ^ I love you Jay
~Bisexuality is beautiful and if you don't like it fucking bite me prick! ~
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Monday, August 9, 2004
Hey everyone, I’m sorry I don’t post as much as before. But I have babysitting with Carrie, and as Jay knows, these kids are driving me insane! All they want to do is take my thongs, and my “personal” items and use them, and have sex with my teddy bear! It’s a fucking 4ft care bare for Christ Sakes! Why would you try to hump a fucking 4ft purple adorable care bear? But this care bear has regular teddy bear eyes and a regular teddy bear nose and face, so it’s cute. But why are these kids trying to eat my thongs and why are they trying to hump my stuffed animals? That’s sick! Well, anyways, I’m so tired; I hope Jay is on because I miss him. Also I wanted to ask him a question, but I need him to be on, and I need to ask him privately! Well, more perverts hit on me today, nothing really new. I haven’t heard from Nanook or Bloodscar in a while, and I haven’t heard from Kamiya either. Well, I better get going, if I find something else to talk about, I’ll post it. And thank you Vicious2 for what you said on your sight, I’m so touched! *Sniffles* And thank you Jay for being the most wonder fullest person I’ve ever met, and for being the most perfect boyfriend, and for loving me so much. And thank you Shonenmaster for telling me that your going to kick the perverts butts! Now all we need is a day, and some other info, and your set! And I love all my big brothers and sisters and my love! Bye-bye for now!
~Bisexuality is beautiful and if you don't like it fucking bite me prick~
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Saturday, August 7, 2004
I'm soooooooooooo HYPER ON SUGAR RIGHTNOW THAT IT HURTS MY BRAIN!!! POCKY POCKY POCKY!!! Oh...o.O'...I should try and stop that. ^___^ BUT! I'm bored!!! And Jay, YOU BETTER NOT BE GIVING KEEGAN WEDGIES!!! *ahem* Welp, I'm waiting for Jay to answer me, hope he hurries. ^___^ Welp, I STILL need help with the pic thing, but I'm getting help from one of my best friends,Anime girl67! She's great! AND SMART! GO FIGURE!!! Welp, I Love you Lord Riazen! BYE NOW!!!
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Friday, August 6, 2004
Okay, here’s a really good one, you know how guys are always hitting on me? Well today Carrie actually did something good for once! You see we don’t get home everyday until 5:00 or 6:00 because we baby-sit during the summer. It’s hard work, but the children are just so cute you can’t help but love them! But anyways, today we got out early because it’s Friday, August 06, every other Friday we get out of our job early, so our next break will be Friday, August 13. And so on and so on, but today we went out where my grandmother is, tomorrow, Sunday, and I think the rest of next week I’m not working, and I’ll be at my grandmothers house. ^__^ Well, anyways, we went out and out to this Chinese beauty store where they sell beauty cosmetics and Hello Kitty stuff, well, everyone who’s been to the place I have, knows that that place is filled with Mexicans and African Americans. There’s no Puerto Rican for miles, and there’s Defiantly not a White person for miles! Believe me, not one fucking white person, well in the Chinese store this Mexican guy was really hitting on me, he worked there, he looked like he was at least 18. You see I was looking at the Hello Kitty stickers, because I was (and still am) going to decorate my cousin’s birthday card, because I like to create cards and decorate cakes and artsy stuff like that. The guy was mopping the floors, and he purposely bumps into me, just take a look.
Guy: *bumps into me*
Me: *Oomph* Ouch.
Guy: Oh I’m so sorry about that.
Me: Oh, no problem. *Goes back to look at stickers*
Guy: So um, hey, what’s up?
Me: Huh? *Turns around* Oh um hi, nothing. *Goes back to looking at stickers. *
Guy: Hey, you come here often?
Me: No.
Guy: Oh, hey you coming by tomorrow?
Me: Depends.
Guy: Hey, um, you alone?
Me: No.
Guy: Oh, who you with?
Me: One, it’s “Who are you with,” and secondly, I’m with my friend Carrie.
Guy: Oh that’s cool you two are lesbians?
Me: Bisexual. Are you done? I’d like to get back to looking at for what I need.
Guy: Almost babe, so um, you’re bisexual, that’s hot. You know that turns me on. *Winks*
Me: *Sarcastically says* Oh really? Go figure!
Guy: Oh baby you know you’re so hot when you act like this! You must really want me.
Me: Oh, too bad! I’m taken!
Guy: By who baby?
Me: Don’t call me that.
Guy: What, baby?
Me: Yeah, that one, don’t call me that.
Guy: Okay sexy, so who took you huh?
Me: None of your damn business! Besides, he’s way hotter than you, and he’s more respectful! And he’s sweet and my fucking age!
Guy: *Takes his shirt off* Look at these abs, these mussels, this rock hard body! Tell me you don’t want some of this in you!
Me: Sicko! I’m 13! I’m underage!
Guy: No one has to know. Are you a Virgin?
Me: God I’m hating you so badly…. yes.
Guy: How about this guy takes that away from you baby?
Me: Fuck you, you’re so sick! I’m saving my virginity for someone special!
Guy: Might as well be me!
Me: No!
Guy: Come on baby, you know you want me.
Me: NO! NO, NO, NO, NO!!!
Guy: *Attempts to touch me* Come now, doesn’t this feel nice?
Me: You know what? I’m leaving, and I’m telling your fucking manager! How about that?
Guy: Hey, hey, hey! No need to get testy! So, even though you keep saying no, lemme at least by you a drink, then we’ll talk.
Carrie: What’s wrong!?
Me: This guy is trying to get me to sleep with him! Help!
Carrie: What?! *Glares at the guy* I’ll fucking show you you prick!
Me: Heh, your screwed.
Carrie: *Beats the guy so badly that he can’t even breath* Even though I hate to say this but Natasha is Jay’s girl! Not yours you sex craving pedophile! *Spits on the guy*
Me: Where did you learn those…. *gasps* you learned those from…
Carrie: 50…yeah, I read what you saved and decided to put it to the test, he’s good at this shit I’ll tell you that.
Me: I really just want to go home now…
Carrie: Let’s go, these two older fuckers are looking at your clit.
Me: What!?
Carrie: It’s the truth! Let’s go…
Both: *Leave to go home*
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Heyo, whoever commented on that post about the picture...can you write it again??? PLEASE!?!?! I accendently deleted it! You see I posted it again because I forgot I wrote it and then I went to delete the extra one and I deleted the one with the comments!!! *sobs* Please, if you could please write it again! Thanks! Bye^ ^
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To all of my Neko sweeties who have joined the Nekos Clan and who will join in the future, I have a picture I want to show you that I made on “paint-it.” But there’s one problem, I don’t know how to put a picture on my site? Because there is no code, so I need to ask you a question before I post, how do you put a picture on your site? I’m a little confused, but if someone can explain it to me, I think I’ll get it. Thanks you guys, I really appreciate it. Thanks again, I love you all, bye^ ^
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Sunday, August 1, 2004
We are
Heyo, I'm holding a new club thingy for girls, called, "The Nekos clan!" It's really cute, you get to be a part of the Neko family, and a part in my new story, "Neko Sinny!" It's only for girls, because I only know one web site that has kitty girls, but if you find a cat boy, you can join! Oh, and you can join if your a guy, but your gonna have to find a cat boy advatar, or find an advatar of another animal! I hope that SOMEBODY will join because I'm soooo excited about this! Welp, I'm off! BYE BYE^ ^
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Friday, July 30, 2004
This should be real fun! I can my life be NC-17, when I'm a virgin?!?! Oh well! I can't wait to test this out! *gets dressed* ADAM!!! *grabs Adam and his camrea* TAKE SOME PHOTOS!!! I NEED TO SEND THEM TO A FRIEND, SO GET MOVING!!!  My life is rated NC-17. What is your life rated?
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