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Sunday, June 13, 2004
I'm married to Juromaru!!! *drools*
Certificate of Marriage
This is to certify that
Sindalla and Juromaru
Were united in Marriage
on the 14th day of June 2004
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Saturday, June 12, 2004
My one and only family.
Well, I just want to say, BeccaBaby, SHUT UP!!! Leave Malkav the fuck alone you bitch! You know, Malkav is going to stop loveing me because of your fucking stupidity!!! If you want, go harras somebody who actually fucking deserves it!!! Malkav loves me and he protects me in his own way! Just because he tells me the truth, and even though the truth does hurt, and yes, he can be very confussing with his talk, but he still loves me!!! Okay, I just also want to say that I love you Malkav, I do. Then, there is Vicious2, he's like, my garden angel, because he always makes me happy when I'm sad. He's always there for me, he even calls me alot! His voice is BEYOND BEAUTIFUL!!!! *drools* Oh, I shouldn't do that! *sorry Zero* ^__^' But, also, when someone is bothering me, he is always there to defend me! And, he's always there to cheer me up, and it always works too!!!! ^___^ And then there is 50, another one of my gardein angels that watch over me at night to protect me, if anyone bothers me, he takes care of them!!! I mean he he lets the have it!!! Everytime Lord Kain yells at me, he cheers me up! He "wipes my tears" and he also "removes the horr and fear away"! I love you Vicious2 and 50! Then, my big sissy KamiyaUsagi, the ONE big sissy I have that actually loves me!!! ^///^ Weeeeeeee, she sticks up for me and she has a Kawaii voice! Mwhahahahahaaa!!!! The Kawaiiness is coming!!! ^///^ Oh, and she knows how to make me laugh alots!!! I THINK that when I say "I'm gonna have to get some magic money outta my ass!" it makes her laugh! ^____^ Good, it's great to hear happiness! I love you too Kamiya, I'm about to go and see Catherine again, and I'm also going to see today Vampirella, GeishaDoll, and super king gohan!!! YAY!!! I'm so happy!!! When I get back, I'll tell you all about it! Oh, but I don't know what else to write about now!!! Hmmmm, what should I do??? AHHHH I'M SO CONFUSSED!!! ><
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Friday, June 11, 2004
Wow...who knew...
I'm so happy now, but it's for the strangest reason. You see, my loved ones here on myO make me VERY happy! I love to read all of my best friends and big bro's and sissy's little comments here and there. But, today I was too sad to be cheered up by my big bro Viciouos2 today, he helped me alot, but something still hurt my heart. Well, my baby cousin Catherine was over today, and this is the strange part, I was sitting on the couch, tears were filling my eyes, and Catherine, (who's only 1 years old by the way)came up to me and wiped my tears, and she said, "Kiss". I picked her up and kissed her cheeck, then I put her down and I played with her some more. We played "Hit Natasha with a Barbie doll." and ummm, "Throw plastic fake food at Natasha." Oh, and there was this really fun one we call "Throw up on Nati." Oh, and one called "Spit your food in Nati's face while she tries to feed you," and "Take your cookie and hit Nati in the face with it and say 'oooooooo' so Nati can eat the cookie." Yeah, it was really fun, and playing with the baby really made my heart feel much better, I didn't care about anything but playing with the baby. She only wanted to play with me, she loved everything I did! And...belelive it or not, but I started talking about Vicious2 and 50 and Malkav, she actually repeated my words, I said Vicious2, she said "Vicis" I said 50, she said, "fifdy" and I said Malkav and she said "Milk"!!! Well, I hate to say this but, her new favorite word is Malkav!!! Or, in her words...milk. But, she can even say Kame, for Kamiya! She's learning alot! I'm happy now, she sends kisses to you! I know this cuz when I said "I love my Otaku family" she said, "Kiss". So, that means she sends her love. Hey, who knows, maybe she'll be saying Zero next! Bye, love you all!
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The 8th graders are leaving!!!! Brittany...Angela...Sheary...Ryan...STEPHANIE TIFFANY!!!! NOOOOOOO!!!! You should have seen me today, the only time I ever cried so much was on the 7th!!! Wow, they are all leaving me...leaving...
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Thursday, June 10, 2004
Yoday, we finally got to go outside!!! WEEEEEEE!!! Yesterday we were being punished!!! >< But anywho, great Anunbus24, Bloodscar, Nanook, and me were heading outside, and Danny's hand ball slips outta his hand and smacksright into the right side of my "chest"!!! OMG DID THAT HURT!!! It felt like that he threw it at my chest!!! Ouchy! >< But it was kindda funny becasue it bounced of my chest! ^__^' Music class sucked ass, I swear if it wasn't for Anthony Rippalone, we would of had a great time! DAMN HIM!!! >< Oh, Gym class was really fun, FREE TIME!!! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! I gots to play with the little kids, they really only wanted to play with ME though because I'm great with kids. Like Kayla, Jessica, Janine, Mike, Joshy, James, Destany, and the other cuties, there all so great!!! Today, we had a surprise visit from the "E.C.C." kids today, I know one little gril named Serena the most, cuz her big sis is BeccaBaby!!! Well, she sat in my seat and I sat on my ass, ^__^ at the end, she runs into my arms and kisses me!!! AWWWWWWWW!!!! How sweet! Well, I just wanted to say that I love you Kamiya, 50, Vicious2, and my NEWEST big bro, Anime Dragon!!! Love ya too! I love being the baby of the family! ^___^ Bye^ ^
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Permalink bored....
What comes to mind when you hear.. | ..snow?: | RAIN | ..rain?: | Hey, that was my last answer!!! | ..tornado?: | winds | ..summer love?: | KEON!!! | ..Jon?: | My uncle | ..Mike?: | My big bro | ..Shea?: | Titi Nancy | ..banana?: | yummy | ..dizzy?: | nope, not yet | ..Laura?: | stop asking that | ..Juan?: | WHAT DID I JUST SAY!?!? | | mine ^__^ | ..white?: | blue | ..peppermint?: | yum | ..New Found Glory?: | My big brother Vicious2 | ..placebo?: | Big sissy | juice?: | no, I'd perfer grape | ..candid camera?: | nooooo thanks | ..sister?: | No thanks, I got some | | Got some of those too! | ..hate?: | No, I love everyone | | No, I'm almost done | ..President?: | He suscks, I don't want him | | don't like it | ..rap?: | AWESOME | ..pop?: | Fun | ..rock?: | ALL FOR ME | ..punk?: | ME ME ME | | ...sure, why not? | ..death?: | evil | | cutie | ..duuude?: | heh | ..the end?: | YAY!!! |
The Survey Where You Say The First Word That Comes To Mind. Yay. brought to you by BZOINK!
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Wednesday, June 9, 2004
I HIT 1000 VISITS!!! WEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! Well, actually, it's 1020, but still, 1000!!!! I MADE IT TO 1000!!! I'M SO HAPPY THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH THANK YOU!!!
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Jesus...I hate it when ppl like...nvm, I just hate it when I want to just commit suicide, everyone jumps my ass and says dont do it...thanks. There are some ppl that I'd like to say "Go fuck your self fags" Like Anime dude55's bro, yep, then there is ONE of my big bro', I'm lieing, there are TWO, I'm not mentioning thier names though, I'd be, *sniffle* a bad baby sister if I did so, so fuck it. Whoever ppl said "Don't do it you have so much to live for" I kindda pitty you, cuz you dont know MY side of the story damnitt!!! But, to Zero, my big sissy Kamiya, and Vicious2, I just wanna say, I love you, and thank you the most. Oh, and everyone else, EXCEPT Malkav and Anime dude66's bro.
But lets get out of that subject. Today was really fun, our last final! WEEEEEEE!!! Oh, I'm gonna call my big sissy soon to cry and tell her how sorry I am, because I loves her, and I might call my big bro Vicious2, if he wants me too. ^___^ I almost did it though, I only took ONE pill AGAIN!!! Lord Kain literally busted down my fucking door, he grabbed my hand, smacked the second pill out of it, and smacked me. He started saying things that I never thought of
Sinny: *sad sigh* Here goes nothing...
Lord Kain: *knocks on door extremly loud*
Sinny: Damnitt! *opens door*
Lord Kain: The fuck is in your hand?!
Sinny: Nothing!!! It's my medication!!!
Lord Kain: Medication my ass give it here!!!
Lord Kain: Imma wake ur parents, now give the fucking pill here!
Sinny: FUCK YOU!!!
LordKain: *grabs my wrist and smacks the pill outta my hand*
Sinny: Fuck off you bitch!!!
Lord Kain: *smacks Sinny*
Sinny: grabs pill and throws it into her mouth*
Lord Kain: Sorry if this hurts but, *hits back off Sinny's neck*
Sinny: *spits pill out*
Lord Kain: Now, before you reach for that pill, *throws pill down the drain* Think about me, do you know how badly I would feel if I lost YOU??? And Zero, he loves you with all his heart, how do you think he'd feel? He'd be fucking crushed, and your big sis, she's even willing to hurt HERSELF for your sake, and what about your big bro? HUH?!
Sinny: Which...which one?
Lord Kain: Vicious2, he loves you so fucking much, don't hurt him like this...
Sinny: But Malkav...
Lord Kain: FUCK MALKAV!!! He can fuck his own cunt for all I give a shit!!! Don't listen to him! Okay???
Sinny: 50...
Lord Kain: If he's talkin like ur so called big bro Malkav, FUCK'EM TOO!!! Think about the ones that love you, like me...
Sinny: *crys* I'm sorry, it's just that there's no place for me here...
Lord Kain: Yes there is, your my one and only favorite cousin, your Zero's one and only love, your Vicious2's one and onlt baby sis, and same goes for Kamiya.
Sinny: *crys*
Lord Kain: *puts Sinny to bed* Just remember, Fuck Malkav, Anime fag, and 50, fuck them ALL, okay?
Sinny: Not 50...
Lord Kain: *kisses Sinny's cheeck* Yes...even 50...
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Monday, June 7, 2004
Well you guys, I’m going to commit suicide. I was going to last night, but I chickened out, and only took one pill. But tonight, I’m going to go full way! No more fucking excuses right!? Some tell me NOT to commit suicide, but that’s only like TWO or THREE people. If I could get at least TEN reasons why I shouldn’t either slit my wrists or take an overdose of “The red pill” (which by the way I have) then lemme know NOW, cuz at midnight tonight, I’m gonna end it all. Thanks for listening. I’ll miss you big bro’s and sissy’s, I love you all. Bye…
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