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Saturday, January 8, 2005
I will not stand for this anymore! I heard from a number of my family memebers here on myO that Jared had written a hirrible nasty post about me, his own girlfriend, and then left myO without a word! How could he do this?! Doesn't he know how much I love him?!?! I spilled my heart out to him and everything! I can't believe him! I really love him, and I thought he loved me back. And then he leaves, he just leaves! Without a damn word! I'm not mad at him, because I could never be mad at him, never, but I am depressed about it. I am now talking Chad and I hope he can answer my questions, and I hope he gives me the answers I want to hear. Well, I'm going to wait a little bit and maybe if I can call Chad or Leslie, which ever I can. I am so sad though, I could use a hug. Well, I am going to write another post, a thank you post to two very special pepople, and to the others, I promise. Until then I loves you all! Hope to see you soon! HUGS AND SMOOCHIES!!! Bye^ ^
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Monday, January 3, 2005
Hi hi hi peoples!!! ^__^
Hey everyone, how have you been? Me? I’ve been working now that school is in! Ugh! I hate school! I feel like writing an erotic chapter to my story and posting it! I might do that, but that’d be a little harsh to my sweet and innocent family members here, they’re minds aren’t corrupted so I could just make it and PM it to my family who WOULD like it! LOL Well, school wasn’t bad, I worked my butt off, but it’s okay. I did get my graduation pictures back those people are such assholes! I look fat in my picture!!! >_< They actually put that blue robe on me that was like, five sizes to big on me, and it was heavy, and then my face looks bigger!!! OMFG!!! I can’t believe it! It doesn’t look bad, well…to others it doesn’t, but to me…I think I look like shit! Maybe if I can, I’ll post the picture so you guys can judge it. Well, I miss Leslie and Fernando; they haven’t called me in a while, I really miss out conversations with them. Heh, it’s way too much fun to talk to them. You get on the phone with them for 5 minutes and you fall in love with them! They’re great! And then Ayla, I hope she calls me too, because she’s so damn funny! Everything she says has such a great sense of humor in it! Especially the BooBaa’s! She hates them! LOL And of course, m baby Jared, I just feel like grabbing the damn phone and calling him up! But I can’t! *Sobb* Oh, and it should be illegal to talk to Chad, because he’s to cool! ^_^ He’s like, so much fun to talk to! GOD I MISS THEM ALL AND I WISH I COULD JUST CALL EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU UP!!!! ^. ^ Well, I don’t know what to say now…I think I might get on AOL right now, hope someone will be on then! I love you all so much! Hugs and kisses to you all!!! Cya when I cya!
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Saturday, January 1, 2005
Happy New Year Everyone!!!!
Mans, it's been a while! Welps, Happy New Years guys!!! I had fun yesterday, mommy and daddy and Mel and I went out to my grandmas house, and she mades so much food! XD Wowwy, she could feed a third world country with all that she made!!! ^__^ Oh, on Thursday daddy brought me to LongIsland and it was just me and daddy! We went to CircutCity which sucked cuz we didn't find anything, then we went to BestBuy and blew our cash away! WOOT! SO MUCH ANIME TO BUY!!!! ^_^ Then ummm, we went to eat and it was soooo crowed in there that we ate in the car! LOL But it was fun!!! And THEN we went to his job and I talked to all his friends and had lotsa fun! I used my new iPod ALL Day too cuz I felt like it! And then my dad and i chatted about how badly people drive here and how stupid they can be! It was funny! And then we joked around! Melanie and mommy were in Manhatten having fun with the big city and all the cool stores there!!! >_< AWE COME ON!!! But hanging with my dad was cool! He was even going to hit a dumb person for looking at me the wrong way! XD He's so over protective! I Hope Ayla, Fernando, Leslie, or Jay calls me! I'M SO BORED NOW!!! >_< Hope you guys have a Happy New Year!!!! I know I will! BYE^ ^
Oh, and Thankies Ashley for this little thingy you made me!!! It's so funny! ^_^
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Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Awe! She's a sweetie she is!!!
Well, today I'm too lazy and tired to post anything constructive so I will post this picture my cousin made for me on her paint it! You see, I told her about JAred proposing (SP) to me the other night and she was so hapy she wanted to make me a Congrats pic, it's on her site too, her myO name is I am the best! It's on my friends list, you should see her. I told her I couldn't scan any of her pictures cuz I have no scanner, so she asked me to draw an elephants head on paint it and send it to her, and asked me my favorite flower. So I did and she made me this little picture of the two elephants and the cutie banner and all the cute little fruits and thingys on it! I'm glad she did this, although I made the retarded looking elephant, the rest is all her work! Comment on my cousins work so I can tell her! ^_^ And Happy New Year! Now my go find something constructive to post! BYE^ ^
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Friday, December 24, 2004
Merry Christmas to me!!!
Hello! Thank you my friend for helping me finds this pic! WOW! Anyways, I have wonderful news! Three new wonderful things have happened! The first great thing is that Shannon and I are friends, I know, it’s unbelievable, but everyone (my family) who wants to hurt and or kill you, you can’t! Because then you’d hurt my new friend! We actually have a lot in common, which is pretty cool! That to me was the cutest fight I ever had! LOL! So that’s surprise number one!!! ^__^ Surprise number two was Leslies gift to me! He got me an AOL account and now I can chat using AOL!!!!! ^__^ Thank you Leslie!!! And if it weren’t for Leslie’s sweetness, I wouldn’t have gotten my last surprise! Nor would I have been able to talk to Jay for once after so long! ^__^ And my last and most heart-warming surprise was Jared’s gift to me last night that surprised me so much I cried! Are you ready for this? He asked me to marry him!!! *Blushes and smiles* He actually asked me! ^__^ I’m so happy! My heart stopped and my big brother Chad and Leslie and my big sister Ashley were all cheering and I cried! Oh, and thank you Ashley for the Saki! It was yummy! And we all celebrated all night until we all got tired and left! I woke up and checked and I was still on the AOL thingy, my comp is so stupid! >_< Well, Merry Christmas! Thank you everyone for your support and your love! I hope you all get lots of presents and a lot of things like that! And don’t forget to smile! ^__^ I love you all!!! BYE^ ^
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Thursday, December 23, 2004
It's almost Christmas! Just two days! I bought Jared a gift, I'm thinking of buying him another one, and giving the first one to daddy because I don't think it would fit Jared! ^__^ I really missed him, but he's back now! I really do love him, and my grandma yesterday was so sweet, she came with gifts in her arms and my God were they huge! She won't let us open them though! >< Darn, I was going to try to be Shannons friend once more, but then the evil bunny lurking under my bed told me not to because I'll just be wasting my time and I don't want to waste time when there's presents that need to be bought! So I did the next best thing which I should have done a LONG time ago, and contacted founder Adam. I hope he recieves my e-mail. But now I wish I hadn't because I now feel bad for the girl, she's just stupid, can you blame her? I know I can't. Also, she's jealous, thats the biggest thing, she's jealous, I mean, I have my sweet little sister, my grandma whose the coolest, a perfect boyfriend, a great family, a nice, extremly well educated school facility, great friends, my kindness and my heart, my wonderful education, my great house, my pets, my web sites, my nice wonderful neighborhood, my excelent health and figure that did take me forever to gain, and I have all of you guys! Now, if I were a stupid whinny bitch, I'd be jealous too! Right? Well, enough simple vocabulary, also, I am holding yet another contest! YAY! The prize is nice this time! Well...yeah, Brittany better have it ready for me! ^__^ I LOVES YOU ALL SOOOOOOOO MUCH!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS AND LOTS OF HAPPINESS TO YOU!!! ^__^ BYE^ ^
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Monday, December 20, 2004
I get to stay home today!
I got really sick, in fact, I am still sick writing this damn post, but anyways, sorry I haven't posted in forever, but I'm as sick as hell, so don't bugs me! My sister is here with me, she gots sick too, so my grandma is taking care of us. You know, the one who lets us do almost everything we want! We just can't jump outta windows! ^_^ But she lets us doeverything else that isn't deadly and or dangerous! ^___^ I loves my grandma more than anyone else in the world. Because my grandma took cares of me for the first three months of my life! And she's the coolest grandmother in the world! Your grandma is nothing compared to my grandma! LOL JK! But my grandma is better than yours! ^__^ Well, me going off now, hope you like the purplepussy comic I put up! ENJOY!!!! ^__^ Love you all sooooooo much!!!!! BYE^ ^
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Thursday, December 16, 2004
Dunno what to post, so me posty this!!! ^__^
Heyo, I got so bored today, that I looked at this little thingy my sissy Nezariah had on her site, (Sorry sissy if I spelt your name wrong) and decided to make my own little list of questions, you know I’m so tired, I can not even type straight or type some things straight! >< But hey, I had to do so many projects that my brain is so dead. Before the quiz goes up, I have to sing, “Joy to the World” and “Let is Snow” tomorrow in a concert, Lord help me. Everyone thinks I have a beautiful voice, I think it sucks but they think it’s the best of the whole 8th grade! And Leslie thinks I have a Puerto Rican accent! But I don’t! I shall one day prove it!!!! LOL so, here is the really stupid quiz that I actually stole like a few questions and added it to mine! ^-^ Well, enough talk, the next, “A conversation Sindalla’s Family would have” is coming up soon! Just give me a little more time! I love you all so damn much! You all are the greatest! BYE^ ^
My own little list of questions!
1. Who are you?
2. Are you one of my siblings?
3. If yes which one are you?
4. If no, would you like to be?
5. Would you kiss me?
6. Am I to hyper for you?
7. Give me a nickname!
8. What did you think of me when you first met me?
9. Do you still think about me like that?
10. Is there something that makes you think of me?
11. What would you give me?
12. Is there an evil bunny lurking under your bed like mine?
13. What culture are you?
14. What do you look like???
15. Are you chibish like I am?
16. Do you know who Poemy Sinny is?
17. Are you nice or mean?
18. Are you a sugar hyper Chibi such as I?
19. Did you ever feel like telling me something but you just didn’t have the heart to? If yes, can you let me know what it is?
20. Do you have a crush on me?
21. Describe me in one word.
22. Are you going to put this on your site and see your results from me?
23. Do you love me?
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Monday, December 13, 2004
WOW!!!! LOL^__^
I just read Leslie’s post! (ShippoDude1234) And he put his side of the story, this is how it went for me at my house! LOL
Sin: *watching Mad T.V.*
Daddy: Hello Nati!
Sin: Hey daddy! How was your day?
Daddy: Okay, fucked up but okay!
Sin: LOL Oh, you know Mel’s at…
Daddy: Yeah, don’t worry I know.
Sin: God I am so bored!
Daddy: Do your H.W. then!
Sin: It’s done!
Daddy: Your room?
Sin: Done! ^__^
Daddy: Dishes?!
Sin: DONE!!!!! ^__^
Daddy: Wow! Thanks sweetie, *looks at Verizon phone bill* GOD DAMN IT!!!
Sin: What’s up?
Daddy: It’s Verizon!
Sin: Ohhh!!!
Phone: *ring, ring, ring…*
Sin: Who is it?
Daddy: Hello?
Phone: *click*
Daddy: I’m going to kick his fucking ass the next time he calls!
Sin: It was Thomas?
Daddy: *looks in the phone for the # and shows me it*
Sin: *GULP* I don’t know who that is daddy!
Daddy: It’s okay, *puts the phone away*
Sin: Lemme see that # one more time! *Looks* Oh it’s Ayla! Yeah, she must have gotten nervous! Yeah, she um moved with her mommy to Illinois, next time gimme the phone?
Daddy: Oh it’s that girl? Okay then, poor thing, I know you two are wonderful friends! But if she calls and you pick up, let her know she can respond to me! ^_^
Sin: Okay, but I better make sure that…uh…she moved to Illinois before I pick the phone up! ^__^
Daddy: *Picks up the phone* Time to fight…*sigh*
Sin: Okay, good luck! *PHEW*
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Friday, December 10, 2004
For my sisters...
While surfing the web, I came across this site with MILLIONS of anime pics, and I found these specific ones very nice, and decided to deticate them to my sisters!!!! Hope you like'em sweeties!!! My brothers will have to wait because the pics of the girls and guys together are the girl and guy as a couple, and your my brothers...not ym boyfriends! ^_^ So, ENJOY!!!! ^__^
This pic I took from Purgatory...sorry sweetstuff!!! XD
This one is me and my baby sisters...THEY'RE SOOO CUTIE!!!! XD I love this pic cuz it's like the big sis is holding her lil sis'! ^__^
This one's with me lil Neko sissys!!!! I love this one, it's soooo CUTIE!!! ^///^
This one's me and Mai, YAY WATER!!!!! ^__^
This is Yulianmon and I! Though I have not confirmed our sisterhood yet, I still consider her my family, because I truly believe she deserves it!
And last but defiantly not least, Selena and I!!! She has been like a mother to me, her and Vicious2 are like my mommy and daddy, that’s why this pic of the little girl and her mother embracing is for Selena!!!
If I have forgotten you, please do not hesitate to tell me, and I will gladly add you, Love you all!!!! BYE NOW^ ^
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