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New York
Member Since
Being the biggest slut in the world....Aahahah! Just kidding........WHAT!?!
Real Name
Just call me Lusty
I have the most perfect boyfriend in thw world...yep...screw you other ppls....
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Candy, Beautiful Games, and Bible Black...hehehe, porn animes...
To go to Cali, and Chi-Town!!!! WOOSH!!! Oh, and to...nvm! O.O
Drawing anime comics, singing, dancing, saying FUCK YOU alotta times, freaking people out, lettin everyone know I'm crazy, being a bitch to people I truly dislike, being a good big/little sister to my myO family, and being a gf to Gods greatest creation!
I'm smart AND I'm sexy!! Heh, who knew? And I'm also a Vampire, Demon, Neko, sweetie, I can draw things....yeah....things.... ^-^
Sunday, December 5, 2004
I made this banner, by using the pictures from a very loving site! The BIG one with Bakura and Kiba is my creation! ^__^ ENJOY!

Also, the post on my post on my other site to Ferny and Les will be here as well! WITH A PIC THAT REMINDS ME OF THEM!! ^__^ HERE YOU GO!

Ferny, Leslie... you two are not the two people I dislike, you know that I would never stop loving you guys no matter what! I would do anything for you guys, I would kill myself to save your life, I would cross the hottest desserts and suffer the cruel burns of the sun, I would go threw torture and be raped a million times, I would be cut and beaten and hanging on my last thread of life just to see your faces, you know just as well as I do that I love you guys. You two have absolutely no idea how much you mean to me! If I had to, I'd be fucked by a million men at the same time just to keep you safe! I love you and everyone else close to me on the Otaku! YOU TWO MEAN SO MUCH TO ME THAT IF YOU LEFT ME I WOULD KILL MYSELF BECAUSE I WOULDN'T FORGIVE MYSELF FOR WHAT I HAVE DONE!!! You guys make up a part of me, and losing you two would be the end of me, YOU’RE MY BROTHERS AND I LOVE YOU NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS!!!! I will always love you now and forever and don’t you forget it!!! I would never stop loving you even if someone told me to stop or they’d kill me I’d still love you!!! Just like I would do for ALL of my brothers and sisters! I WILL NEVER STOP LOVING YOU GUYS!!!!! NEVER NEVER NEVER!!!! So please, please, please try to understand, that you took my post incorrectly, because you mean to much to me for me to lose you…
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