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Where i shall remain alone...
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Student at Regis Jesuit High School: Girls division, Shinigami
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You don't need to know...
nominated one of the best poets of 2004
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Wolf's Rain, Yu Yu Hakusho, Rurouni Kenshin, Naruto, DN Angel, Dragon Knights, Inuyasha, Gundam Wing Gundam Seed, Full Metal Alchemist, Ghost in the Shell, Juvenile Orion, Chronicles of the Cursed Sword.
Work with wildlife
Guitar, drawing, writing, reading
Guitar, drawing, writing
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Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Well I don't know what to say. haven't updated in awhile eventhough I have been around. Kind of sad really. O well not that it matters.
*sighs* well a few weeks ago I had sprained my ankle getting down from a tree. I didn't fall. I jumped from where i always jump the same way just landed wrong. Anyways i was in pain for the next week because when we went to the hospital they told me that I had broken a blood vessle and if it didn't heal within the next 2 - 8 weeks i would have to get surgery. O well. Its pretty much healed because I can walk on it just fine with only slight amounts of pain. Nothing serious. used to it.
I'll be in Michigan for the next week and thank god I'll be on the lake the whole time. My grandparents live on a lake so we go there every year blah blah blah.
Anyways I don't know what else to say so I'm gonna go.
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Tuesday, June 7, 2005
I don't know what I'm feeling like right now. I feel bored, depressed and for some reason a little angry. I don't know why. I just feel like that.
I don't know. For some reason I get the feeling like I'm being left out of something that all my friends know about. I feel like I can't even talk to anyone anymore. Its just so confusing.
So I don't know what to say anymore.
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Thursday, June 2, 2005
O god this has to be the best thing that ever happened since the whole Bayne incident and finals. (Finals didn't go so well, not going to talk about it). Anyways so I've been bored stiff ever since school was let out. Theres not much to do when you're home alone, most of your friends still in school, blah blah blah. So anyways, here I am bored, reading my friends novel when lyn-chan gets online. So I'm talking to her and she has to leave but will be back later. So I get back to reading and sure enough an hour later she gets on pissed as hell. Apparently Lyn-Chan and Bayne had made a little bet in a game that was going on in the neighborhood. They each bet that if the team they chose looses then the looser has to wear a mini-skirt, a really tight blouse, hooker boots and anything else that the winner desiers. So if you haven't already guessed it, Lyn-Chan lost. So she has to wear the outfit and all this make up to a friends party this Friday. I was talking to Bayne about it and well, lets just say he's having the time of his life making fun of Lyn-Chan. I was just sort of making things worse for her by joining Bayne's side but all is forgiven in the end. But much to my dismay I can't go to the party because of three things that I can't back out of. Master Drive, an hour guitar lesson, and babysitting my sister. All day. Which sucks but I got a couple friends say that they'll be happy and take pictures for me. So all in all its good.
Anyways theres not much to say right now except happy summer to those who are out. And don't go making bets that you will end up like Lyn-Chan in the mini-skirt and make up she hates.
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Tuesday, May 24, 2005
So yea. The post was up for awhile. O well. Like I even give a shit. Anyways Bayne is doing fine. He came back. He was just talking to us last night. Everything is good... blah blah blah...
So... Ok well I have finals this week (wensday-friday) and then i'm done with school come til August. Half days rest of the week, i know i'll fail 2 finals but o well. i'm not stressing. just cramming in really hard to get as much as i can in my brain.
So anyways theres this new book out (Aprill 11, 2005) called Maximum Ride. VERY good sci-fi-ish book. It is a must read. I finished it in about 5-7 hours tops and I re-re-read it. And yes I said "re" twice. Tis because I got the book thursday night, finished it friday. re-read it again that night. and then re-read it again saturday. So its that good.
My friend Raykour started this RP forum:
I think you should join it. O well. If you're into literate RP's then this is a place for you. If not, fine. I don't care.
Anyways now I feel like I'm ranting too much so I'll shut up now.
c ya.
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Monday, May 9, 2005
Ok this is going to be one of those posts that you either should post or shouldn't. But seeing as I'm REALLY stressed right now and I need to talk about this I said that I would post it. So here it goes.
As some of you know from my previous post I have talked about our new friend, Bayne and his problem with the cops.
Ok so back to what I was saying about Bayne.
Ok so he was supposed to get home from JuV Thursday and so we would talk to him and all that shit. So Lyn-Chan (since she lives the closest to him) went over to see if he was home. At that time I was talking to my friend Aimee about the whole matter and I found out that shes worrying about me since we're no longer in the same schools and can't tell each other whats going on anymore and so that just made me worry even more. I have been worrying about this all day thursday and i didn't know why until later... Little off topic there... Ok so Lyn-Chan goes over and his mom answers the door. From what I got she was completely drunk (no suprise) and she said that he wasn't home. So that just made Lyn-Chan, Yaoshin and I worry more. We could tell that something was up but didn't know what. And knowing his mother she had probably locked him in a closet after she beat the bloody hell out of him. At least thats what we assumed. We didn't say anything about it because we're the only ones that know about it and our parents wouldn't do anything about it because they hate goths and people who have been arrested. My parents especially because they're big fucking catholics (sorry to those out there who are catholics but personally i hate the religion. thats a whole other story). So we kept it to ourselves and made sure we were careful about what we said around people. So a few days pass and we haven't heard a word from him... until last night. Yaoshin was on at the time so he talked to her. Heres the story. (Yes another one)
After his mother had gotten him out of JuV she had locked him in the back of her trunk of the car. Not the whole closet deal like we were assuming. So a day and a half passes and he was able to break out of her trunk Friday night, get into his car and drive off around 3 am in the morning. So basically he ran away. So a couple more days pass and finally we hear from him. He won't tell us what hotel he's in nor if he's even in the state anymore. All we know is that he's in some hotel somewhere and its eating the living hell out of us right now.
All we're doing is waiting for a reply soon and you should've seen us today. Yaoshins ADD wasacting up, we all were feeling sick, I had to hold something all day, about broke one of my binders I was so stressed. God. and at lunch was horrible. Same with after school... I don't want to go into full details about how stressed we are right now as you can probably already guessed.
So thats all I'm going to say right now because I'm just too stressed and worried to say anything else.
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Tuesday, May 3, 2005
Bayne and the stupid idiots out there
Time: 10:50 PM
ok, we had a new goth guy, Bayne, move into lyn-chan's neighborhood the other day. So, he moves in, everyone's happy, yadda yadda. Well, lyn-chan have some major homophobes in her neighborhood, and while Bayne was over, they called him a fag and all that shit because Bayne wears black lipstick, eyeshadow, and nail polish. Typical goth. So, these other guys whip out some baseball bats and start trying to hit me and Bayne with them. Well, Bayne and Lyn-chan managed to catch this one guy, Mark, and they dragged him into lyn-chans house and tied him to a chair. Then Bayne started having fun, touching up his lipstick and eyeshadow while talking about "past boyfriends," basically scaring the shit out of Mark. Well, when Mark wouldn't shut up, that's when it got REALLY funny. Let's see... first, Bayne took off his shirt and threw it at Mark, ONLY his shirt. After that Bayne sat in Mark's lap and kissed him, which made Mark's eyes bulge larger than we thought humanly possible. Then Bayne took a sharpie and wrote, "I got fucked by a fag" on Mark's face. Seeing as Mark was about to explode, Bayne and Lyn-Chan let him go after that.
Now I only got the play-by-play of this because I had left earlier. But I had talked to Bayne later on, blah blah blah. Continue on with the story.
Later that night, Lyn-Chan looked out her window and lo and behold, there is Bayne in her backyard. Just standing there and looking around. He wiped off his makeup and took off his goth clothes, so he was wearing a white t-shirt and jeans. And he just stood there for a while. Well, Lyn-Chan being the person who she is didn't think anything of it. After he left, he was arrested. For rape. Apparently, Mark's mother called the cops and told them that Bayne had frickin raped him. And the cops came and took him away. The worst part of is BAYNE'S MOTHER BELIEVES THEM!!! GAH!!!! SHE'S A FUCKING BITCH! What is this world coming to? Ok, one knows that the US Police Force System has gone downhill when drawing on a guy's face with a sharpie is rape. And also, generally, in order to rape someone, one must remove the victim's pants as well as their own. Bayne took off his fucking shirt for Christ's sakes!!! So Once they shove a stick up Mark's ass and realize he still has his virginity, Bayne will go free. Stupid bastards making false rape calls. we swear we should call the entire Mafia together and just sit in front of Mark's house on the sidewalk and stare. That'll bug the shit out of him.
Anyways so Lyn-Chan got the call from the cops since she's an eye whitness and this is what she told me earlier:
~"In other news today, in the Bayne vs. Mark case, Lyn-chan received a call from the local police station. The results of the medical tests have yet to be revealed and they are questioning Bayne as we speak. Mark has already spoken to the police. Lyn-chan may or may not need to come to the police station. It all depends on a bunch of stuff." (And yes she was talking in 3rd person. We tend to do that a lot)
So basically you can get the whole gist of it. But as we speak Bayne is being held up in Ju-V being constantly survelanced. I swear that I can't stand people these days. But hey, thats just me. And the rest of the mafia but thats a whole other story.
And about 20 min ago Bayne was able to get on a computer on AIM and talk to Lyn-Chan for awhile being survelanced of course. I got the message from what they said and apparently the tests came back negative (no suprise there) and Bayne would be able to go home either tomorrow or the next day. They just want to double and triple check the stupid tests and Bayne has to go see a councelor tomorrow. He tells us he's NOT looking forward to that. And apparently Mark is getting a restraining order but how many of us know that he's only going to use that to his advantage just to get Bayne in trouble again? *sighs*. Bayne doesn't even want to go home either. He doesn't want to have to put up with his mother. And believe me she is a fucking bitch. But I'm not going to say anything further.
Anyways I have to go. Supposed to be watching my sister since parents are at a stupid basketball game with friends. Which means I'm going to be staying up late yet again and its going to be hell in the morning since lately i haven't been able to get out of bed. Cya.
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Saturday, April 16, 2005
Geek Fest Pics
Ok here are some of the pics that I took at Geek Fest. (Go to the previous post to find out more)
Heres a mountain pic. I've got plenty of those

Here's Lyn-chan.

Here's Kel-Chan. She was the one that was mad at us for awhile. But in the Mafia we go from depressing to forgive and forget in 3.5 seconds.

'nother mountain pic. This one is one of my faves

YAOSHIN! ^^ Her and ONE of her possessed looks. Luv it. Right next to "the Brain". Long story

Yaoshin AGAIN! Nother one of her looks. ^^

*sigh* Guys don't fight

GAH! Guys I told you not to fight!... Wait. Stay there until I take the pic.
me camera has bad timing and got them win they hit hands

and they're at it again

back, kitty, back!

here they are in a tree

Yaoshin looks like she's smoking something

yaoshin AGAIN!

yaoshin showed us how to tie a noose so Lyn-chan hung her from it

but Yaoshin came back and got her revenge

Lyn-Chan staring at the noose. nice kitty...

Yaoshin tired on the way home

And here we have the entire Regis Latin Geeks

So those are the pictures. I have much more but most of em are scenery pics.
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Friday, April 15, 2005
Yes you heard right, Geek Fest. Also known as JCL! Now for the past two days I have been in the mountains with the Regis Latin group who the girls got to experience it for the first time since the girls school is fairly new. Two years to be exact but the teacher last year wouldn't let them go. So lets just cut to the chase shall we?
I was recently up at geek fest. (as you all know) Which is also known as JCL, it was really fun, and my friend got to climb about 20 feet up a tree seeing as we live near mountains. and our school made the most noise but was cheated out of the spirit award anyway. (stupid Holy Family. They didn't even cheer for their teamsmates) Although one of the guys from Regis did take one of the top 10 overall awards. But the main story I want to tell is the badass story.
First I am going to tell you that myself and two of my roommates showed up that morning wearing jeans and a black t-shirt, the fourth was wearing solid black. Not planned it's mafia esp, we can comunicate without communitcating really but if you know us then you probably already knew that we don't need words all the time.
So we go outside because I'm a photographer and I love taking pictures and two of my friends come along. So I'm taking the pics and all that shit and so then Lyn-Chan and Yaoshin were doing a death dance when one of the other Latin Geeks come over and say "You know it would work better if you use the room key." Yaoshin being the Yaoshin she is, forgot the key inside the room. So we're locked out of our room because this "genius" left the key in the room and the other person that had a key was really pissed at us.... and sleeping....and not letting us in until lyn-chan and Yaoshin went down on our knees and begged. I didn't even do anything and our friend was STILL pissed at me and wouldn't even let me in. But all that aside. While we were walking down the hall some girls earlier had asked us what our favorite words were, and we had answered them to be "Mortuus" and "Sanguis", which if you know Latin means "death" and "blood".
Anyway we're locked out of our room and are about to start banging on the door when the same two girls walk by recaping and they say, "and their favorite words are death and blood because they're badasses." To which lyn-chan replies, "Yeah, badasses that are locked out of their room!"
And it wen't well from there on except the room was so damn depressing after that for a while because no one wanted to talk and the silence was oppressing! It scared me and I'M USUALLY THE ONE THATS ALWAYS DEPRESSED! It's was bad, then we did the mafia thing and wen't from depressed to happy in 3.5 seconds! Bipolar talent!
The regis guys won Kertamen for the upperclassmen and we made all kinds of noise afterwards, but since during Kertamen you have to be silent we made little cheer gestures when our team got things right or were answering a question.
But I have to be the DUMBEST person on the planet! Ok so their were art compitions and so yea. I love art and photography (which was also another part of the art compititions). So heres the story. I did two pieces. Pencil drawing (MIGHT post. not sure) and photo. Well being the dumbass that I am, I bring two of the things but LEFT the photo one in the room. And it was to late to turn it in. I COULD'VE GOTTEN 1ST OR 2ND PLACE FOR IT TO BECAUSE THERE WAS ONLY ONE OTHER WHO SUMMITTED ONE! So Yea, I got smacked by the Mafia. O well. Always next year. Which we are going to CRUSH the whole damn compitition!
It was insanlely fun.
But maybe later I'll post Some of the pictures I took and you can all see WHAT THE MAFIA LATIN GEEKS ARE LIKE! Whoo Hoo!
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Friday, April 8, 2005
Dark Poetry Corner
ok here's the deal. I'm making this dark poetry site and I need people to join and let me host their poetry. So far the site isn't complete. So if you would like me to host your poetry I just need you to PM me with the following things:
1. Your Name you would like to go by
2. A short description about yourself (two senetences at the least)
3. A preview from one of your poems
4. (optional) a quote (can be a quote you came up with or one you really like)
You don't have to if you don't want to but I really need people to contribute.
The Outsider
(song by A Perfect Circle)
help me if you can
just that this
is not the way
I'm wired
so could you please,
help me understand why
you've given in to all these
reckless dark desires
you're lying to yourself again
suicidal imbecile
think about it, put it on the faultline
what'll it take to get it through to you precious
I'm over this, why do you wanna throw it away like this
such a mess, why would i wanna watch you
disconnect and self destruct one bullet at a time
what's your rush now, everyone will have his day to die
medicated, drama queen, picture perfect, numb belligerence
narcisistic, drama queen, craving fame and all this decadence
lying through your teeth again
suicidal imbecile
think about it, put it on the fautline
what'll it take to get it through to you precious
I'm over this, why do you wanna throw it away like this
such a mess, why would i wanna watch you
disconnect and self destruct one bullet at a time
what's your rush now, everyone will have his day to die
they were right about you
they were right about you
lying to my face again
suicidal imbecile
think about it, put it on the fautline
what'll it take to get it through to you precious
I'm over this , why do you wanna throw it away like this
such a mess, over this, over this
disconnect and self destruct, one bullet at a time
what's your hurry, everyone will have his day to die
if you choose to pull the trigger, should your drama prove sincere,
do it somewhere far away from here
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Tuesday, April 5, 2005
guess no one requested. O well. No big deal. I got back into my drawing stage, photography stage and anything else to do with art. But I'm probably not going to post anything soon. Been busy with my personal site; *Black Book as well as a Dante's Inferno site i've been working on. Really cool so far and I hope to have it up soon. Thats all for now.
Note: If the following song seems offensive to you, I am sorry. The best thing you can do is not complain about it and leave my site quietly.
(Song by A Perfect Circle)
You're such an inspiration for the ways
That I'll never ever choose to be
Oh so many ways for me to show you
How the savior has abandoned you
F*ck your God
Your Lord and your Christ
He did this
Took all you had and
Left you this way
Still you pray, you never stray
Never taste of the fruit
You never thought to question why
It's not like you killed someone
It's not like you drove a hateful spear into his side
Praise the one who left you
Broken down and paralyzed
He did it all for you
He did it all for you
Oh so many many ways for me to show you
How your dogma has abandoned you
Pray to your Christ, to your god
Never taste of the fruit
Never stray, never break
Never---choke on a lie
Even though he's the one who did this to you
You never thought to question why
Not like you killed someone
It's Not like you drove a spiteful spear into his side
Talk to Jesus Christ
As if he knows the reasons why
He did it all for you
Did it all for you
He did it all for you
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