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Where i shall remain alone...
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Student at Regis Jesuit High School: Girls division, Shinigami
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You don't need to know...
nominated one of the best poets of 2004
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Wolf's Rain, Yu Yu Hakusho, Rurouni Kenshin, Naruto, DN Angel, Dragon Knights, Inuyasha, Gundam Wing Gundam Seed, Full Metal Alchemist, Ghost in the Shell, Juvenile Orion, Chronicles of the Cursed Sword.
Work with wildlife
Guitar, drawing, writing, reading
Guitar, drawing, writing
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Thursday, November 4, 2004
SuperHero day and stupid newspaper article
Well it was superhero day today at school but all my friends and I went as villians. I mean honoestly you can't ahve superheros and not have villians. It was acually quite fun but every one kept on asking who/what i was supposed to be and they thought I was the Van Hellsing girl when really I wasn't. I was a character, Andrei, for a new novel I'm writing. And OMG I could stand this one prep who came up to me today and asked me who I was, blah blah blah, so I told her a little about my novel and she goes "Well why have it placed there, why not on another planet like Jupiter." I got so pissed when she said that. All jupiter is is gas. Thats about it. No one will be able to survive even one hour on jupiter. But the way she made it sound like was so stupid and I got so pissed at her. She's to stupid and preppy for her own good... Enough rambling about that. Eventhough my character is a guy but he's my hero even though he's sort of a villian. But in a way the villians consider themselves heros and vise versa. You just have to look at it with both point of views and thats why there is no right or wrong answer... Ok enough rambling on. I guess I could take a picture of my costume and see what you guys decide. I'll do it later.
God I hate writing this stupid newspaper article that is supposed to be due tomorrow and I had to make the original longer blah blah blah. Its really stupid to. See shitoyaka and I go to the same school and we're both on the opinion page of the newspaper and so we have to do an opinion thing on the stupid dress code. We have a very strict dress code and it like changes like every other week but lately the dean has been considering for going to uniform next year. I'm not personally for it saying that I came from public schools and no one in their right mind would even get near a uniform. But lately that has been the case, so Shitoyaka and I have to write articles on that. She got the good end and did the article on against the uniform policy, but being my unlucky and failer self got the opposit. I got for the uniform. It is so hard to write to because no one I talked to said that they'd like the uniform and might leave the school if the uniform is put into place. So its really hard to do it. why can't this be easy? And then we have another article due next week. And our editor and us haven't come up with a desision on what its going to be on. I think we're desiding tomorrow. I hope at least. This article is so stupid.
I guess its good that we don't have school monday and gives me four-five days to do my Latin homework. O well. And I also have a speech to do in Speech and Debate about Margaret Mead. yipee. -.- But at least I might be able to go to Borders tomorrow so I can see if they have Juvenile Orion 5. I hope. But I also doubt it. They don't get things for like 1-2 weeks. -.-
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Wednesday, November 3, 2004
Finally the elections are over. I couldn't take all the calls that were coming in. We were getting like 5 or 6 calls a day for telling us who to vote for and why we should. was so stupid. But I'm glad that Bush won. There was a lot of things about Kerry that did not please me at all. I just didn't feel safe around him. And sure people lie, its human nature to lie. No matter who you meet or hear about in history, there is always someone who told a lie. Its just that this election Kerry lied a lot. And I got really iratated hearing about his days in Vietnam. I mean sure it was ok to listen to at first but later on it just got really annoying. And the whole west cost in the electoral votes, voted for Kerry. course if I could vote, I would've voted for Bush either way. I still have like 2-3 years more to go. But yes, Bush won. I'm happy.
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Monday, November 1, 2004
Just to let everyone know Andrei is one of my characters but I like to go by that name sometimes.
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Sunday, October 31, 2004
Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween to all and I have good news. I'll be updating the fanart section in about 10 or 20 minutes. And I hope you will all enjoy them. ^^ And I would like to know what you think of this poem I'm doing for a poetry contest. I was nominated for being one of the best poets of 2004 and I made the finalls. So I would like to know a little Feedback before I send it. here it is:
Demons Wrath
As I walk through the grave yard at night
Sadness and loneliness all in my sight
Tears overflowing from the saddened graves
No one here was saved
I look to the night and then to my hands
Stained with the blood of so many
All across theses unforeseen lands
I never left any
I feel the pain inside me rise again
I clench myself tight as I fall to my knees
The demon inside is hard to restrain
Nothing helps, not even a breeze
Why am I like this?
What have I become?
I feel so cold and numb
Why do I even exist?
I can’t take the pain that overwhelms inside me
This demon is about to free
There’s nothing I can do to stop it
Our souls are about to split
I’m sorry for the pain I caused
Everything around just paused
Forgive me for what I have done
The demons wrath has begun.
Please tell me what you think. Thank you and once again Happy Halloween and have fun. ^^
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Saturday, October 30, 2004
 You're a "Black Angel" which means your an Angel of Death. You don't really care much about people (and if you do, it's just a few) since
no one was particularly nice to you. You're always alone unless forced to be with other people and you love to cause trouble. You feel depressed a lot and don't have someone that could cheer you up like most people but probably something else. You love to be alone to think and like the night because it provides solitude which makes you a very logical person. You're very secretive. (if you cannot see the pics, go near the bottom of my homepage and find your result. look closely to make sure your look in the right place)
What Color Angel Are You? (ANIME PICS) brought to you by Quizilla
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^^ me got good news. I'm almost done with like 4 or 5 pics and i just scanned a few. I will update tomorrow.
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Tuesday, October 26, 2004
to much home work and not a good day
Well first off i was home sick thurseday and friday and we had monday off. So i get back and all this homework gets dumped on to me and i have a couple tests i need to make up. Especially Latin. Great... I'm looking forward to that tomorrow. -.-. So I have all this crap I need to make up on top of the homework that we get usually. And in Algebra. O now thats a story. Ok first off I get back, talk to my teacher, blah blah blah, and then she gives us a test on the stuff that they learned thursday. The day I wasn't there to get it. And I told her that but she still gave it to me anyways. And I'm still confused on everything and no one is making it any clearer to me. So i have to find a way to understand it before the next test. *sigh* why does every one have to make such a big deal out of everything? I just don't understand. O well. Got to get by it some how. And tomorrow I have a debate on the whole Bush vs Kerry issue in speech and debate. *sigh*
Next when I get to school, I hear that one of the teachers died over in the Boy division. See I go to a catholic jesuit high school. There's boy's division, and then there's girls division. Ok back to the matter. Ok, see I had never even heard of that teacher and so I never met him. But today was really just full of sorrow and crying and to tell you the truth, I didn't feel a thing about it. I guess I felt really awkward being there seeing as how I never even known him. So I don't have school thurseday because of his funeral. *sigh*
Then later at lunch I see a friend of mine, who wasn't at school earlier, on crutches. So my friends and I ask her what happened and she told us that she had tripped over her cat on her hardwood stairs at home and had fallen down a few and then dislocated her knee cap. "Hope you feel better Shitoyaka!"
So as you can see I haven't had a very good day. So for all those middle school and Jr. High kids out there, when you get to high school, be prepared for all the homework you'll get and be careful not to miss more than one day. Not good.
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Monday, October 25, 2004
I just watched the anime today and I LOVE IT! Alucard ROX!
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Thursday, October 21, 2004
uh... too sick to do anything. thanx a lot shitoyaka for making me sick. gah... i want to work on my drawings today but now i can't even pick up a pencil...
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Wednesday, October 20, 2004
 You are a Warrior- You have good battle strategies and you have skills. Sometimes you have a tendency to lose your temper and I feel sorry for the prson that pisses you off. You kick ass and you rule your turf.
What anime girl resides in you? brought to you by Quizilla
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