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Where i shall remain alone...
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Student at Regis Jesuit High School: Girls division, Shinigami
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nominated one of the best poets of 2004
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Wolf's Rain, Yu Yu Hakusho, Rurouni Kenshin, Naruto, DN Angel, Dragon Knights, Inuyasha, Gundam Wing Gundam Seed, Full Metal Alchemist, Ghost in the Shell, Juvenile Orion, Chronicles of the Cursed Sword.
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Guitar, drawing, writing
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
to much home work and not a good day
Well first off i was home sick thurseday and friday and we had monday off. So i get back and all this homework gets dumped on to me and i have a couple tests i need to make up. Especially Latin. Great... I'm looking forward to that tomorrow. -.-. So I have all this crap I need to make up on top of the homework that we get usually. And in Algebra. O now thats a story. Ok first off I get back, talk to my teacher, blah blah blah, and then she gives us a test on the stuff that they learned thursday. The day I wasn't there to get it. And I told her that but she still gave it to me anyways. And I'm still confused on everything and no one is making it any clearer to me. So i have to find a way to understand it before the next test. *sigh* why does every one have to make such a big deal out of everything? I just don't understand. O well. Got to get by it some how. And tomorrow I have a debate on the whole Bush vs Kerry issue in speech and debate. *sigh*
Next when I get to school, I hear that one of the teachers died over in the Boy division. See I go to a catholic jesuit high school. There's boy's division, and then there's girls division. Ok back to the matter. Ok, see I had never even heard of that teacher and so I never met him. But today was really just full of sorrow and crying and to tell you the truth, I didn't feel a thing about it. I guess I felt really awkward being there seeing as how I never even known him. So I don't have school thurseday because of his funeral. *sigh*
Then later at lunch I see a friend of mine, who wasn't at school earlier, on crutches. So my friends and I ask her what happened and she told us that she had tripped over her cat on her hardwood stairs at home and had fallen down a few and then dislocated her knee cap. "Hope you feel better Shitoyaka!"
So as you can see I haven't had a very good day. So for all those middle school and Jr. High kids out there, when you get to high school, be prepared for all the homework you'll get and be careful not to miss more than one day. Not good.
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