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myOtaku.com: Sinthae

Wednesday, November 3, 2004

Finally the elections are over. I couldn't take all the calls that were coming in. We were getting like 5 or 6 calls a day for telling us who to vote for and why we should. was so stupid. But I'm glad that Bush won. There was a lot of things about Kerry that did not please me at all. I just didn't feel safe around him. And sure people lie, its human nature to lie. No matter who you meet or hear about in history, there is always someone who told a lie. Its just that this election Kerry lied a lot. And I got really iratated hearing about his days in Vietnam. I mean sure it was ok to listen to at first but later on it just got really annoying. And the whole west cost in the electoral votes, voted for Kerry. course if I could vote, I would've voted for Bush either way. I still have like 2-3 years more to go. But yes, Bush won. I'm happy.
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