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myOtaku.com: Sinthae

Thursday, November 4, 2004

SuperHero day and stupid newspaper article
Well it was superhero day today at school but all my friends and I went as villians. I mean honoestly you can't ahve superheros and not have villians. It was acually quite fun but every one kept on asking who/what i was supposed to be and they thought I was the Van Hellsing girl when really I wasn't. I was a character, Andrei, for a new novel I'm writing. And OMG I could stand this one prep who came up to me today and asked me who I was, blah blah blah, so I told her a little about my novel and she goes "Well why have it placed there, why not on another planet like Jupiter." I got so pissed when she said that. All jupiter is is gas. Thats about it. No one will be able to survive even one hour on jupiter. But the way she made it sound like was so stupid and I got so pissed at her. She's to stupid and preppy for her own good... Enough rambling about that. Eventhough my character is a guy but he's my hero even though he's sort of a villian. But in a way the villians consider themselves heros and vise versa. You just have to look at it with both point of views and thats why there is no right or wrong answer... Ok enough rambling on. I guess I could take a picture of my costume and see what you guys decide. I'll do it later.
God I hate writing this stupid newspaper article that is supposed to be due tomorrow and I had to make the original longer blah blah blah. Its really stupid to. See shitoyaka and I go to the same school and we're both on the opinion page of the newspaper and so we have to do an opinion thing on the stupid dress code. We have a very strict dress code and it like changes like every other week but lately the dean has been considering for going to uniform next year. I'm not personally for it saying that I came from public schools and no one in their right mind would even get near a uniform. But lately that has been the case, so Shitoyaka and I have to write articles on that. She got the good end and did the article on against the uniform policy, but being my unlucky and failer self got the opposit. I got for the uniform. It is so hard to write to because no one I talked to said that they'd like the uniform and might leave the school if the uniform is put into place. So its really hard to do it. why can't this be easy? And then we have another article due next week. And our editor and us haven't come up with a desision on what its going to be on. I think we're desiding tomorrow. I hope at least. This article is so stupid.
I guess its good that we don't have school monday and gives me four-five days to do my Latin homework. O well. And I also have a speech to do in Speech and Debate about Margaret Mead. yipee. -.- But at least I might be able to go to Borders tomorrow so I can see if they have Juvenile Orion 5. I hope. But I also doubt it. They don't get things for like 1-2 weeks. -.-

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