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myOtaku.com: Sinthae

Friday, November 12, 2004

Ok its like (10:20 pm) here in colorado so its still not the twelth yet. But has anyone here heard of Fogly Mogly? If not you should deffinately check em out. Its this Irish punck band with a bit of western put into it. THey're great. The music is just awsome. I was listening to em today and now I want the CD. But my parents said I have to wait for christmas. darn. O well.
Fencing was fun. To bad it was shortened because they had to set up for the cross counrty banquet but o well. As long as I hold a sword I'm good.
Stupid homework. Why do they give it to us if we just forget all of it out of high school? I mean the only thing you really remembr are the basics. Add, subtraction, multiplication, and division. And it would be really sad if someone forgot 2 + 2. But yes homework sux but we have to do it to pass. I have a socratic seminar I need to prepare for tomorrow, a theology project I need to finish thats also due tomorrow, and algebra when its completely useless since I've done all this stuff before so many times its so boring and stupid. My teacher thinks that I need to move up to the next level of algebra, but they won't change my schedule and its to late into the year to do it, and right now I have a C-. So that won't happen. math and Theology is pointless. English is fine, I love to write, want to get better. Latin is so much fun with Mr. BK. Science, snores fest, but fun when we do experiments, Speech and Debate, all right. Not my fave subject. But o well.
So I guess thats it for tonight. Ja Ne.

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