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myOtaku.com: Sinthae

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

yes I am bored right now. (if you haven't already guessed). and I have no one to talk to. Raykour, don't know where she is. Kaze Shi, had to get offline cuz of aunt yelling. And everyone else, NO WHERE TO BE FOUND! Shitoyaka should've called by now. Mock trial got done about half an hour to an hour ago. So she should be home by now. *sigh*
NEways. I'm working on this new novel (lost intrest in the past 2 novels I started) and I need a favor. Should I do it in the main characters POV or in third person? or perhaps both? because I could do that for certain chapters. But yes. This novel is mainly about a war that has been raging on for more than 900 years and takes place sometime in the future. Sci-Fi/fantasy. If you would like to read some of the first draft, feel free to e-mail or PM me and I'll send it. I really would like some feedback because I'm really hoping to get this one published. I really have A LOT of intrest in this one. thanx.
*sigh* Fencing was canceled today so I went home right after school. But the part I don't like is that we don't have fencing practice for the next 2 weeks. One the coach won't be there, two because of Thanksgiving. So my friends and I decided that we're gonna go to the weight room (well I am) to get some excercise since we won't have it for two weeks and Shitoyaka and I don't have gym this year. So excercise is good. yup. even though I'm thin, don't want to become obiece or become anerexic, i'm about average, Its still good to get at least half an hour to an hour of excercise and least 3 times a week. but yes. I'm normal.
Yay! 2 hour late start tomorrow! I can work on some homework and my friends and I are gonna go 2 Village Inn 4 breakfast. Too bad that Borders doesn't open til later or we would be going there. But o well.
Ja Ne.

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