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myOtaku.com: Sinthae

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Happy thanksgiving, blah, blah blah. For one the only thing I like on thanksgiving is the food and thats it. I never really have a great time on thanksgiving unless my cousins and I are watching new anime. But its different this year. My cousins are in college and I have to spend time w/ my moms side of the family. If you haven't already guessed, I'm not to big on my moms side. They all live in Michigan and they are always "zzzzzzzzzzzz" boring. And no one on that side is anywhere near my age. They're all older and have their own place and kids, or they're younger and they don't understand right from wrong. this thanxgiving is going to be the most boring yet. and friday won't make it any better either. we're all gonna go 2 the mountains, eat lunch, and then come back. no shopping, no nuthin. just go, eat, and come back. 4 once in my life can I ever do anything that my parents wont make me do? *sigh* And right now i'm still depressed. Nothing ever turns out positive in my life. Its always a negative no matter how many times I "try" to think positive. *sigh*
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