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Student at Regis Jesuit High School: Girls division, Shinigami
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nominated one of the best poets of 2004
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Guitar, drawing, writing
Tuesday, May 3, 2005
Bayne and the stupid idiots out there
Time: 10:50 PM
ok, we had a new goth guy, Bayne, move into lyn-chan's neighborhood the other day. So, he moves in, everyone's happy, yadda yadda. Well, lyn-chan have some major homophobes in her neighborhood, and while Bayne was over, they called him a fag and all that shit because Bayne wears black lipstick, eyeshadow, and nail polish. Typical goth. So, these other guys whip out some baseball bats and start trying to hit me and Bayne with them. Well, Bayne and Lyn-chan managed to catch this one guy, Mark, and they dragged him into lyn-chans house and tied him to a chair. Then Bayne started having fun, touching up his lipstick and eyeshadow while talking about "past boyfriends," basically scaring the shit out of Mark. Well, when Mark wouldn't shut up, that's when it got REALLY funny. Let's see... first, Bayne took off his shirt and threw it at Mark, ONLY his shirt. After that Bayne sat in Mark's lap and kissed him, which made Mark's eyes bulge larger than we thought humanly possible. Then Bayne took a sharpie and wrote, "I got fucked by a fag" on Mark's face. Seeing as Mark was about to explode, Bayne and Lyn-Chan let him go after that.
Now I only got the play-by-play of this because I had left earlier. But I had talked to Bayne later on, blah blah blah. Continue on with the story.
Later that night, Lyn-Chan looked out her window and lo and behold, there is Bayne in her backyard. Just standing there and looking around. He wiped off his makeup and took off his goth clothes, so he was wearing a white t-shirt and jeans. And he just stood there for a while. Well, Lyn-Chan being the person who she is didn't think anything of it. After he left, he was arrested. For rape. Apparently, Mark's mother called the cops and told them that Bayne had frickin raped him. And the cops came and took him away. The worst part of is BAYNE'S MOTHER BELIEVES THEM!!! GAH!!!! SHE'S A FUCKING BITCH! What is this world coming to? Ok, one knows that the US Police Force System has gone downhill when drawing on a guy's face with a sharpie is rape. And also, generally, in order to rape someone, one must remove the victim's pants as well as their own. Bayne took off his fucking shirt for Christ's sakes!!! So Once they shove a stick up Mark's ass and realize he still has his virginity, Bayne will go free. Stupid bastards making false rape calls. we swear we should call the entire Mafia together and just sit in front of Mark's house on the sidewalk and stare. That'll bug the shit out of him.
Anyways so Lyn-Chan got the call from the cops since she's an eye whitness and this is what she told me earlier:
~"In other news today, in the Bayne vs. Mark case, Lyn-chan received a call from the local police station. The results of the medical tests have yet to be revealed and they are questioning Bayne as we speak. Mark has already spoken to the police. Lyn-chan may or may not need to come to the police station. It all depends on a bunch of stuff." (And yes she was talking in 3rd person. We tend to do that a lot)
So basically you can get the whole gist of it. But as we speak Bayne is being held up in Ju-V being constantly survelanced. I swear that I can't stand people these days. But hey, thats just me. And the rest of the mafia but thats a whole other story.
And about 20 min ago Bayne was able to get on a computer on AIM and talk to Lyn-Chan for awhile being survelanced of course. I got the message from what they said and apparently the tests came back negative (no suprise there) and Bayne would be able to go home either tomorrow or the next day. They just want to double and triple check the stupid tests and Bayne has to go see a councelor tomorrow. He tells us he's NOT looking forward to that. And apparently Mark is getting a restraining order but how many of us know that he's only going to use that to his advantage just to get Bayne in trouble again? *sighs*. Bayne doesn't even want to go home either. He doesn't want to have to put up with his mother. And believe me she is a fucking bitch. But I'm not going to say anything further.
Anyways I have to go. Supposed to be watching my sister since parents are at a stupid basketball game with friends. Which means I'm going to be staying up late yet again and its going to be hell in the morning since lately i haven't been able to get out of bed. Cya.
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