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Thursday, October 20, 2005
No, I don't guess
I don't sacrifice
And I know
I don't realize
Just how much
I can idolize ... and I know
And then I find it falls back on
On to me, to see, believe
And down onto you, We do, it's true
And I won't beg to stay, to leave, or to believe
A word you say, and then I guess
It all falls back on you
Falls Back On- Nickleback
Ok... so.. I have decided that me and Howee have some weird brain connection thingy.... first it use to be he would just pop up and comment when I felt bad... now he just showes up on msn... so I had a good talk with Howee... hes got this ability to make me think about things from the big picture... which.... In all honsety.... I dont think I do enough... so anyway... Im kinda at peace right now and not wanting to actually kill people anymore... In fact..... I managed to talk to him *note: not howee anymore... the other him... the one that I was pissed at and wanted to kill*..... and say I wasnt going to fight anymore..... which... for a person like me.... is not to bad... but then again... i have those weird mood swing thingers... its kinda like that other night when I was playing pool with the tequila shots... There was the one side that was like "LOSE YOU IDIOT!!! ITS GOING TO MAKE YOU PUKE!!" and the other side that was like "You have to beat Batman... hes asking for it.... WE MUST BE VICTORIOUS!!" So... for the last... 7 days or so... *creepy voice on the other end of the phone* 7 days.... *cough* the whole... "WE MUST BE VICTORIOUS!!" side was kinda driving the crotch-rocket... so then... finally.... the slightly more sane... more self concerned part of the brain took over... and i guess I just realized there isnt a point in fighting a fight Im not going to win... that or I just miss talking civil to the boy... Its pretty damn stressful when you have to hold back all these curses and nasty comments and try to talk civil... much easier if you just say them out loud as you write something different XD... ANYWAY!!! Im being a nice girl thanks to Howee in some weird way... and the moral of the story is condoms make life much less crowded.... I would like to point out... I read afro's post.... which had to do with doctors and condoms... and life has been weird... and... I never thought I would have to go condom shopping before I got a bf of my own and how the hell did I get on the topic of condoms again?.... *thinks back* Oh yeah..... never mind.... DONT DRINK AND DRIVE!! *coughs and mumbles something about poptarts* anyway.... I love how I was able to relate my emotional issues to drinking... that my friends is talent... and not a good talent like cracking walnuts on your head.... a bad talent.... like.... juggling chainsaws and torches with one hand... it just should not be done.... unless.. you know..... Its a choice between that and watching three hours worth of hamtaro... then I hope you can learn to juggle quick... cause god help your sanity... anyway.. I think this post has been sufficently random enough to confuse a few people... have a good one ladies and gents
Comments (4) |
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Once said, always said
I will hold the past over your head
I'll speak my mind whenever I feel slighted
I am hellbent
I'm extracting all of my revenge
So take heart, sweetheart
Or I will take it from you
Good To Know That If I Ever Need Attention All I Have To Do Is Die- Brand New
Ok.... so I got sick monday... Tiga has this theory that it has to do with emotional issues... which... I suppose is very possible.... One part is bleeding dry and another just wants to be stone and a third wants to blow stuff up.... preferably one particular human... but I hear thats illegal these days... so I suppose I wont do it... I'm just gonna give up on making him feel bad too... Im not strong enough myself to do it... I just feel bad later and thats part of what might be making me sick.... anyway.... Afro helped me feel a little better... we had an honest to god mic convo... most of the time I get on and end up babbling off about any and everything *cough* alandra *cough*.... But Afro got his up and we had a good time.. I think... and I sang for him... and he said I nearly put him to sleep..... so I win... and then today I went with Tiga and her BF to watch Batman Begins... A very good movie..... much darker than the rest of the movies... but... the whole batman thing was kinda dieing till they made this movie... I mean.... the last movie or two were more just big light shows... at least to me.... but I really liked this one... and as usual I decided the villian was the coolest... Im not going to ruin the movie for people who havent seen it.... but the one villian was cool.... and pretty.... and... yeah... shhhhhhhh.... anyway.... its like..... 2:30 in the morning.... and Im sick... and I need sleep.... byes all...
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Monday, October 17, 2005
(Note: There is an actual post after the singing)
This is the song that never ends
Yes it goes on and on my friend
Some people started singing it not knowing what it was
And they'll continue singing it forever just because
This is the song that never ends
Yes it goes on and on my friend
Some people started singing it not knowing what it was
And they'll continue singing it forever just because
This is the song that never ends
Yes it goes on and on my friend
Some people started singing it not knowing what it was
And they'll continue singing it forever just because
This is the song that never ends
Yes it goes on and on my friend
Some people started singing it not knowing what it was
And they'll continue singing it forever just because
This is the song that never ends
Yes it goes on and on my friend
Some people started singing it not knowing what it was
And they'll continue singing it forever just because
This is the song that never ends
Yes it goes on and on my friend
Some people started singing it not knowing what it was
And they'll continue singing it forever just because
This is the song that never ends
Yes it goes on and on my friend
Some people started singing it not knowing what it was
And they'll continue singing it forever just because
This is the song that never ends
Yes it goes on and on my friend
Some people started singing it not knowing what it was
And they'll continue singing it forever just because
This is the song that never ends
Yes it goes on and on my friend
Some people started singing it not knowing what it was
And they'll continue singing it forever just because
This is the song that never ends
Yes it goes on and on my friend
Some people started singing it not knowing what it was
And they'll continue singing it forever just because
This is the song that never ends
Yes it goes on and on my friend
Some people started singing it not knowing what it was
And they'll continue singing it forever just because
This is the song that never ends
Yes it goes on and on my friend
Some people started singing it not knowing what it was
And they'll continue singing it forever just because
This is the song that never ends
Yes it goes on and on my friend
Some people started singing it not knowing what it was
And they'll continue singing it forever just because
This is the song that never ends
Yes it goes on and on my friend
Some people started singing it not knowing what it was
And they'll continue singing it forever just because
This is the song that never ends
Yes it goes on and on my friend
Some people started singing it not knowing what it was
And they'll continue singing it forever just because
This is the song that never ends
Yes it goes on and on my friend
Some people started singing it not knowing what it was
And they'll continue singing it forever just because
This is the song that never ends
Yes it goes on and on my friend
Some people started singing it not knowing what it was
And they'll continue singing it forever just because
This is the song that never ends
Yes it goes on and on my friend
Some people started singing it not knowing what it was
And they'll continue singing it forever just because
This is the song that never ends
Yes it goes on and on my friend
Some people started singing it not knowing what it was
And they'll continue singing it forever just because
This is the song that never ends
Yes it goes on and on my friend
Some people started singing it not knowing what it was
And they'll continue singing it forever just because
This is the song that never ends
Yes it goes on and on my friend
Some people started singing it not knowing what it was
And they'll continue singing it forever just because....
Yeah.... that was fun... I hope you all sang along.... For some odd reason I got that song stuck in my head.... and.... it kinda makes me feel sad.... or it could be the major guilt trip Im giving D'Hiur... I hate being human.... stupid... compassion... or... conscience.... or... what ever the hell is making me feel bad.... doesnt mean Ill stop!!! but I will feel bad.... *grumbles* oh well... Im sure Karma will make me pay in due time and I'll deal with the outcome of my actions later... ANYWAY....
some highlights...
October 17, 2004: Young.... naive.... lonely.... bored.... ummmmm.... had nothing better to do...... Code Name: Sita... joined the MyO.... she wasnt smart enough to figure out how to actaully post of course... but she did manage to post her first wall paper... so good on her...
December 9, 2004
Exhibit A: First Post EVER!!
Thursday, December 9, 2004
Yay i finally found out how to post things on my site. WOW! am i slow or what?! lol. meh its all good. I dont expect anybody will car that much anyway. yep. HAIL ILLPALAZZO!!! wow. im hyper too. lol. yep. finally got to see all of Excel Saga. WAHOO!! yep any way. maybe this will boost my popluarity. yep. well ill leave you with one thing to think about.(cause this is a really short post) QUICK!! Pick a color between 1 and 10? think about it. (btw im just a bit psyco/ crazy) lol. well thats all folks. bye
Not much has changed eh? Well… maybe my spelling is a bit better…. And chat speak has gone down… and I sound less…. 14 year old ish…. No offence to the 14 year olds…. I loves you all!!!
Anyway... thats the only really big dates I can think of... ^.^'
anyway.... a few memorable gb signings
Afro Jones (01/06/05)
Hello random member that I found because you randomly found me. The Fro loved that evil ninja. He sound disgruntled because somebody beat his a**. You have about the same hobbies I have you just missing two. Video games and Video games!!
Fro logic Ver.1 chapter 5
“The Fro can’t help it if I keep smiling”.
bLuE eYeS (01/12/05)
Hey sitarose! Thanks for signing my guestbook and adding me as a friend. Your site looks really cool. BLUE!!!!
I'm gonna add you as a friend! See ya.
bLuE eYeS
p.s. Can you PLEASE tell me your name??? PLEASE!!!
Howee (03/20/05)
you cant o past trigun, nice site lass, & rippen music, im addin you
later lass
Conneryalexis (04/04/05)
Hey there Sita! I see you are a fellow Canuck. Beauty, eh? Anyhow, I figured I should stop by and befriend you since we already appear to be at war with Howee and Heero *shifty eyes*. I shall see you around!
Daff-Power (04/16/05)
Yo Sita
Thnx for dropping my site. ur's cool too. And I'm adding ya as a friend 2. Cya
kevmart83 (05/04/05)
WOW. Thats really all there is to say, I just read your post, and... It's like someone cracked my skull open and poured my brain in the computer. I was messing around on a friends site, and had noticed your comments a few times, so I figured I'd come check you out (but not in a dirty way, maybe I should have said check out your site) but anyway, I like it, and I'm forcibly adding you as a friend, so you have no say in the matter. Welp I'm out keep up the good work.
Jaxx (05/13/05)
Hi there! I´ve heard about you from both Alandra and my bro, Johnny (Daff-Power) for some time now, so thought that i´d take a look at the person. They probably haven´t said a thing about me, so how about i introduce myself? I´m Daniel (Jaxx), 18 years old, best friends with Johnny (we both live in Denmark) i like YGO, sleeping, bragging about my intelligence and sometimes go hyper which triggers my split personalities. I see you like YGO which is a good start, you´re Canadian (yay, GO northern parts of the world!), you think you´re nasty (well, then you´ll get along fine with Harlem, one of my personlities), You like loud music (my favorites are Korn and Slipknot) aaaand... you don´t know what happens after twenty, well who does? Hopefully you´ll still be alive! I understand that you´re also trying to live a life without boyfriends, which as you claim, has been a success... that´s gotta be awfully lonely though... Anyway, hope you´ll swing by! See ya! ^^
I would have had Heero's in there as well... but sadly it was deleted due to an unfortunate incident (CON DONT HURT ME!!! I still miss him sometimes.... Im weak!!)
I've had some really really good times on the MyO... I've met some wonderful people.... Including my best friend Afro, My awesome Canadian Co-conspirer Con (amazingly I didn’t actually plan out the alliteration…. Im just that good), My girl Al in Aussiland, my bro Howee… who by the way… SO LOST THE WAR!!, ummm…. Jaxx… never forget jaxx… just… everyone… I met… Ive had some really really awesome times despite the fact that were all separated by so much distance…
I’ve been in chat box wars and written stories… and learned HTML… something I never thought I would do… made wall papers that people seem to like… though I found most of them plain or non-eye catching… I’ve created split personalities and conspiracy theories *cough* tree frogs *cough*… been COMPLETELY insane…. In fact… I’m pretty sure you can all legally put me in an asylum with some of the stuff I’ve written…
With good times… of course comes bad… oddly enough… I’ve had more heart break and heart ache in this past year than I thought possible. But no point in dwelling on that… I can say I’ve had a few times when I have been ready to quit. I’ve considered leaving and not coming back and actually tried it once or twice to always come back. I’ve discussed this with Afro a few times and I always told him I would hold out till my one year anniversary on here. And now that I’ve reached it… I don’t really feel like quitting…
Sita is here to stay and shes only going to quit if they make her… I have to say thank you to all of the people who continue to visit… You read and comment on things that I complain about… matters that really are trivial when looking at the big picture…. You listen to my ranting… and put up with my claims of… Whatever I claim these days which isn’t much… You really all do mean a lot to me… And… we all deserve cake… *pulls out big cake* eat up… enjoy… and Ill see you all around.
End of Year One stats
Total Visits 2016 (though I think its common knowledge that the counters are busted... but meh)
Popularity Ranking # 380 (out of 37,249 active sites)
My Guestbook
You have (158) guestbook entries.
Wallpapers Produced: 48
Total Downloads 7,292
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Sunday, October 16, 2005
Ok.... so to clarify.... I was suppose to go out twice this weekend anyway.... "business" meeting and also just a night out.... anyway... leasons learned...
a) Tequila (sp?) is not my friend... 7 shots of the stuff made me pretty damn tipsy... and i nearly puked on the 5th one cause it tastes horrible....
b) Sita can be smart even when tipsty.... for example...
Guy: So are you comming to the party?
*insert real name here* (Sita): Uhhhhh.... wheres the party? *not at this time shes still a bit not all there... tequila is not our friend*
Guy: At my house
Sita:Where is your house?
Guy: Far from here
Sita: Yeah... but.. uhh.. you see.... I dont party unless I know where the party is at.... now wheres the party?
Guy: Why should I tell you? your not comming.
Sita: Well I would think of going if I knew where it was
Guy: at my house... Ill drive you home tomorrow
Sita: Uhhh... whats your name?
Guy: Why should I tell you? Your not comming
Sita: Cause I wanna know who Im talking to...
Guy: Tony
Sita: Ok... Im Sita (Not lieing here... gave him my sn... I do not give out my real name usually... amazingly enough...)
Guy: Ok... so you comming to the party?
Sita: Where is the party?
Guy: At my house
Sita: *thinking: Bloody f*cking hell you dont get it you dumbass* yes.... but where is your house?
Guy: *gets pulled away for a buddy for a moment*
Sita: *walks away with a friend despite sort of not really considering going to a house party... If she had known where is was..... and didnt have to work*
Leason learned... Its all because of the poptarts... no... really... they got microchips in the jelly part.... and Sita is a bit of a bitch after 7 shots of tequila.... Im proud... normally I might have actually considered going to the party..... sorry to say.... What? I never said I was smart.... have a good one all.... I hope i dont wake up dead....
PS... Con... I love you.. and thats all that matters.... We know where the Hot Canadian girls of this site.... AND WE ROCK!!!!
PPS. Im not sure how many..... but I had to back space alot with bad typing and such.... I think my coordination is suffering big time...
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Saturday, October 15, 2005
Whatever poison is in this bottle will leave me broken sore and stiff.
But it's the genie at the bottom who I'm sucking at.
He owes me one last wish.
you don't need a present to let you know I still exist.
I hope the next boy that you kiss has something terribly contagious on his lips.
Jude Law And A Semester Abroad- Brand New
Oooooookayyyyyyy.... I learned something special tonight.... It takes more than... ummmm 8 shots and over half a jug of rye and coke to get me drunk.... In fact..... I dont think I was even tipsy.... I was acting a bit stupid.... But.... I do that anyway when i get tired enough.... sooooooo.... I need to try harder to actually get drunk.... though... Im sure its not healthy.... oh... and another thing.... im having issues with the resiatance of ending D'Hiur a nasty email... see... i was thinking... I could send one... be a complete bitch.... say everything I forgot to say last time I talked to him.... OR.... I could be really evil...... which is play mind games.... which.... i like that idea.... it may sound horribly... horribly wrong... but... I kinda feel I need to get some sort of satisfaction from the whole.... causing me great anger thing..... i hate being angry... only two boys have made me that mad... Only two people period have made me that mad.... lucky for them there was distance.... cause god knows what I would have done if they had been right in front of me... anyway.... Two times I've been that mad.... Two times I decided the boy wasnt worth my time or effort... or.... anything... SOOOOOOOOOO..... no nasty email..... mind games... it is..... if even that is worth my time.... not even going to do anything unless he starts it.... Another thing that I have learned.... If a person wants to be hated.... the best punishment is to love and forgive them.... or at least just not bother hating them.... that usually pisses them off... and stuff... anyway.... I like.... Just got home from the bar.... so.... if the post dont make sense and seems like alot of pointless babble... caust thats what most of it is..... blame it on the lack of sleep... cause.... Lack of sleep is the best way for me to get drunk.... i act the same anyway..... see yea all round.... ciao
Comments (1) |
Friday, October 14, 2005
three days is my MyO birthday... so thats cool... I plan on hittin up the bars this weekend... so thats cool... found out D'Hiur was cheating on me... thats not cool... and got to cancel my trip... thats kinda cool though cause now I dont have to worry about money... or making a cover story for my parents... or the whole akwardness of meeting... or... Im sure theres a few other up sides to the whole situation that I just cant see right now... cause Im kinda just not thinking.... well... I am... thinking about where the closest liquor store is... and how unhealthy even that thought is... and how... at least I will have alot of free time now cause Im more or less going to quit gaia till i get really desperate for something to do... cause its addictive... like the MyO.... and Im also thinking about that other guy... yes Con.... sadly the one that cannot be named.... and the parallels that occured in this recently deceased relationship and the long dead one... and the steps I took to prevent for that to occur a second time... and... I really have to say... this 19th year of mine.... all i can say is it just keeps getting better.... and I always wondered why I thought I would die at twenty... probably be hit by a bus the day before I turn 20 just out of dumb luck... and now for the weather...
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Thursday, October 13, 2005
There's a sign on the wall but she wants to be sure
'Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings
In a tree by the brook, there's a songbird who sings
Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven
Stairway to Heaven- Led Zeppelin
I dont even like Zeppelin that much.... anyway.... today was....... Interesting..... I got out of work three hours early..... partly cause I own three quarters of my bosses soul... partly cause if I didnt leave... I was going to kill the big head honcho boss that came to visit.... I swear..... I have a problem with jackass mangment... well.. Im pretty sure every one does..... but anyway.... the way it went..... ok... so we have a bed set up in the store to showcase some of the bedding products we carry... No.... were not allowed to take naps at work... so we got a shipment of *cough* quality merchandise... and the boxes were pilled up and on the bed..... so me and my boss were trying to clean up the shipment as quickly as we could... so first he askes us "If a customer were to come up and want to try out the bed... does the bed look inviting?" Course its covered in boxes... so the answer is no... so we clean the boxes off.... this whole time hes standing behind the counter in his leather coat with his cell phone... basically... If I were a customer... I dont think I want to be helped by him.... he just doesnt have the..."Im here to help you" look about him... he has the "Im to good to help you cause I have a leather coat" look about him... I dunno.. its just a vibe hes got.... so anyway... were still trying to clean up the shipment... and the next thing we know hes giving us hell for not being more friendly with the customers.... Usually people just come in to look anyway... and we were saying hello and such... but we were also trying to get the damn shipment cleaned up... so when he askes us why were not helping the customers.. I kinda snapped... "The store isnt very inviting with a pile of boxes in the middle of the floor... I know that cant really contrubute to a good shopping experience"... now.... I said it calmly.... but.... i really wanted to tell the guy to shut up... he isnt very nice... hes got this tone of voice.... makes me want to scream.... reminds me of my father... you cant do anything right half the time and the other half your only just barely succeding.... *glares at no one in paticular* and that the reason why I want to be my own boss... you cant do anything wrong if your the one making the rules... anyway.... sorry for the major venting session..... you can tell I got just a bit worked up.... and that would be why I ditched work 3 hours early.... I kinda feel sorry for my boss cause she had to put up with him.... but..... shes also use to him... but i think thats the most tylenol I've popped in about a month.... ahhhh the joys of retail.... have a good one people....
Comments (8) |
Wednesday, October 12, 2005

He is the lamb, she is the slaughter.
She's moving way too fast and all he wanted was to hold her.
Nothing that he tells her's really having an effect.
He whispers that he loves her,
but she's probably only looking for...
Sic Transit Gloria... Glory Fades- Brand New
Ok.... so it was kind of one of those days where I felt like crying even though there wasnt really a good reason. I guess Im worried about a few stupid things... but... they just keep comming to mind and I'm most likely stressing over nothing... that and I keep thinking about certain people from my past... I guess I start thinking this way when I have large amounts of time to myself where I have nothing better to do than think.... start digging up memories that are better off buried and finding flaws in people... and getting paranoid and worked up over nothing... *sigh* that or it could be the lack of sleep... I really need to just have a few good sleeps and I think I will be ok.... Its not that Im not sleeping.... Its that its bad sleep.... tossing and turning and waking up at odd hours.... *yawns* but I think Im going to try for that good nights sleep... have a good one all.... see ya
PS.. Thanks for the 2000 hits people.... Im pretty sure the counter isnt working completly and I should have had 2000 a while back.. but meh... nows as good as then to celebrate.... *throws muffins*
Comments (7) |
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Well... Im bloody tired... I got my CD.. Talked to my boy quickly... had turkey... and salt meat... and pie... and... saw kittens... and... and... decided that... well.. Ill tell you all the theory later... only have limited time on the comp as my parents... *cough* father *cough* think its bad to be on the comp all night... course he'll sit in front of the T.V till 12 or 1... but what ever.... one night and I get to go back to high speed and the freedom that is rent and not living at home... I may not like rent... but I enjoy the freedom to decide how long im going to spend talking to friends... yeah... Im whipped...
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Monday, October 10, 2005
*whimpers* I left my Sweatshop Union CD at work.... I thought I could go a night with out it..... but I was wrong.... so very very wrong... *sobs*.... I MISSED MY CD!!!! and my boy.... I misses my boy alot too.... but.... Im sure he has a good reason to be missing.... like.... he was abducted by mice with fuzzy pink booties.... or... or.... or.... he was walking to church (HAHAHAHAHA.... maybe to burn it down) and he had to stop to help a duck and its fluffy little babies cross the road.... and..... i dunno... most likely he got dragged somewhere by his family.... which... yeah... whatever... I still loves him... anyway... no lyrics cause Im scared to kill my computer.... and stuff... OK ok... im to lazy... and im out... have a good one people
I'll be your dream
I'll be your wish I'll be your fantasy
I'll be your hope I'll be your love
Be everything that you need.
I'll love you more with every breath
Truly, madly, deeply do
I will be strong I will be faithful
'cause I'm counting on
A new beginning
A reason for living
A deeper meaning, yeah
I wanna stand with you on a mountain
I wanna bathe with you in the sea
I wanna lay like this forever
Until the sky falls down on me
And when the stars are shining brightly in the velvet sky,
I'll make a wish, send it to heaven then make you want to cry
The tears of joy for all the pleasure in the certainty
That we're surrounded by the comfort and protection of
The highest powers
In lonely hours
the tears devour you
I want to stand with you on a mountain
I want to bathe with you in the sea
I want to lay like this forever
Until the sky falls down ON me
Oh can't you see it baby?
Don't have to close your eyes
'Cause it's standing right before you
All that you need will surely come
ooooohh ye-eah
I'll be your dream I'll be your wish
I'll be your fantasy
I'll be your hope I'll be your love
Be everything that you need
I'll love you more with every breath
Truly, madly, deeply do
I wanna stand with you on a mountain
I wanna bathe with you in the sea
I want to lay like this forever
Until the sky falls down ON me
I wanna stand with you on a mountain
I wanna bathe with you in the sea
I want to live like this forever
Until the sky falls down on me
Truely Madly Deeply- Savage Garden
Ok... I guess im not that lazy
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