Birthday 1986-09-17 Gender
Female Location North and left of center. Member Since 2004-10-17 Occupation Ex. Night Stalker, Slacker College Student and Resident Doomsayer Real Name None of your damn business.
Achievements I wake up every morning promptly at 9:10 unless its a Friday or the weekend..... Then I wake up when I feel like it. Anime Fan Since A while... Favorite Anime I had a list... it was long. Goals Nothing that this site will help me accomplish. Hobbies Doing stuff. Talents People say I can do stuff. I think a lot of other people do it better. sitarose
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
a picture perfect post... if i do say so myself
Cos I’m a brat…
and I know everything and I talk back…
Cos I’m not listening
To anything you say…
Ummmm…*stares blankly at the screen* yea…….. give me a minute… I’m sure I can find something to talk about….. ok.. so here’s a question… you people all remember Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles right? So which turtle was the best? I was having this discussion with a friend last night and he insists…. That which ever one is the best.. its not Leo… LEO IS THE BEST… so I say…. I mean come on…. The leader… the oldest… the BLUE one… come on… you know he’s got to be the best… that’s my miniature rant… ok my computer is making odd noises…. I’ve given it time outs…. I’ve given it a nap… or two…. But its still making funny noises…. Grrrr…. Its making beeping noises…. I think I might have to let it sleep for a bit… last time it did this I gave it a 12 hour break or so and it will quit….or kick it…. Kicking seems to work too…. What can I say… I’m violent….*evil grin* hmmmm…. Yep…. Its quiet now….. works like a charm…. Maybe I should charm it!! I could put little charm stickers all over it…. And all the little gremlins will get out… then I bet it would work like a dream… hehe.. I had a dream the other night… first one in a long time…. It was a nice dream…*smiles dreamy like* I need more nice dreams like that one…. I dreamed a friend came to visit me and we went to a movie…not like my usual dreams where I’m being chased by something…. HEY!! You all want to see pics of more of my animals? Of course you do!! [not like you give them a choice…] they don’t have to look… [yeah but your still putting the pictures up…] so… you cant stop me…. [ I suppose not…] then up with the pictures!!!
Ok this is one of my puppies…. Well not really a puppy…. Her name is Molly… she’s a Newfoundland dog…. Bread to save lives and she’s afraid to go in the water.. go figure…
This is my other puppy.. Minnie.. she’s been around since I was ten or so…. So she’s getting old… she’s a mutt… but a nice mutt… took me forever to get some good pictures of the dogs because they were happy to run around and not listen when I told them to stay in one spot…. I would get a good pic lined up and they would have to move….
ok and this is the odd pets of the year for my family… not llamas… alpacas…. They’re smaller…. And supposedly taste good… I wouldn’t know…. The big fluffy one is Cheeko and the other one is… well… I’m not sure if it has an official name… my little sister was suppose to name it… and I don’t think she’s gotten round to it yet… we have a brown one too… but he was hiding…. We had to give Cheeko a haircut because his hair was in his face… that’s why he has a crest all around his head… I did that actually… I though it was quite a nice job…. My dad just laughed…. Poor Cheeko…. All of them get shaved pretty soon… so that should be interesting…
yep yep… and that’s my other animals… well the big ones… got chickens too… and barn cats… but who cares about them… my favourite is Rosie… so meh to the chickens.. well now that you are thoroughly bored with my life for today.. what do you think of the new theme? I hope it looks good…of course it does…what am I saying?..^.^’ I’ll try to put up more story tomorrow… I will have to see how I feel… first day of work… so.. eeep…its doing it again…. It was nice a quiet for so long too…*sigh* time to get the hammer out….or the blow torch… haven’t used that in a long time…*evil grin* I’m off to threaten the computer…. See ya round folks
Uhhh… one last thing… anyone care to explain THIS!!
I was surfin around and found that pic…. All I can say is W…T…F mates? And the Canadians are like what’s goin on, eh? I’m sure that there is a reasonable explanation… but I’m slightly disturbed… and that’s why I don’t watch pokemon any more… not that I watched it that often to begin with….
YAYYYY!!!! 100 GUEST BOOK SIGNINGS…. *HUGS* I SO HAPPY…. THANKS EVERYBODY!!!! I’m guessing this means another thank-you post is in order eh?
Right then…. First off thanks everybody for the support *hugs* its good to know I have so many people just willing to listen to me… but I’m sure everything will work out in the end…. Second off.. I guess clarification is in order.. I like hugs… I’m just immune to ones from a certain person *evil glare* and thanks to that he has now found a new weakness… *hang head* I think I need to work on that… yeah... so once again... I’m so sorry if I didn’t get to your site in the last few days…. When it rains it pours and it rained this weekend…. Everybody wanted to do everything… geeze.. either I hide in my basement for weeks at a time or I don’t seem to see home for a few days….then my friend told me that I need to get a life…. The way I see it is either she has to force me to go out or I have to force her… so one of us ends up not having fun cause we were forced out… besides… I talk to most of my friends on MSN so its not like I’m just going to leave them…. I would miss them way to much ^___^… anyway.. I said I would try to put up some story today… the bad thing is... I’ll be writing this…. Well… as it comes to me… so hopefully it doesn’t suck too much… I really do miss those math classes now…. Some of my best inspiration was the insanity induced by calculus… back to Bobby and Hyper ^______^
[( in the bath tub) splashy splashy splashy….]
Bobby: (out side the bath room door) my sweet light of life itself…. Are you alright? You have been in there for the longest time….
[(looks at her hands) But I’ve only got a little pruney!!]
Bobby: I thought we were going to watch a movie together my light…
[ can we watch Princess Diaries?]
Bobby: (shudders) if that is what my lights light so desires I shall be happy to watch that delightful movie with you…
(Note: (shakes head) I agree with Bobby here… I’m more for the gory… blood soaked actions…. And comedies… comedies are great)
[ YAYYYY!!!! I’ll be out in a minute Bobby…. Ooo fluffy towel!! (walks out in towel)]
(Second Note: (hangs head) I have judgment issues sometimes… hey, we’re all naked under our clothes right?)
Bobby: (eyes pop out then he covers his face) such… such beauty…. I am not worthy!! (falls to his knees and bows his head)
[uhhh… are you ok Bobby?]
Bobby: I’M NOT WORTHY!!! (Crouches closer to the floor)
[ummm..(bites her lip) should I go get some help?]
Bobby: just please….(almost lays flat on the floor) please go put some clothing on….
[ok then! (skips off singing) LALALALA!!]
(suddenly a bright light fills the room)
Bobby: (sits up really fast) what? Who? Where? Oh crap *hangs his head* not again…
Bobby: but really…. I’m sure Sita is fine… she likes to stay right in the middle of things.. so really all the good karma balances out the bad karma…
KARMA: THAT’S NOT THE PROBLEM… SHES FOUND A NEW FRIEND… (a mirror suddenly appears and Bobby can see Sita talking to the Fro)
Bobby: That guy? She’s been chasing him for a while…
Bobby: (Looks at Sita’s shoulder) all I see is a little doll thing…
[(skips by in a halter top and shorts completely oblivious to the light) LALALALA]
Bobby: (watches as Hyper skips off) uhhhh….
Bobby: I was… (watches Hyper skip around the corner)… office party is this Friday…
Bobby: Hyper?
Bobby: why is it always demons? Why aren’t there… luck butterflies… or karma dealing doilies?
Bobby: (looks confused) what point?
Bobby: what about us?
Bobby: But Hyper…
Bobby: (hangs head) fine…
Ok I know… that really was not my best work… I was hoping it would make me feel a bit better… but it didn’t… I think I need to get out of the house… ummm… I think today will be the last day to vote on new theme… if you cant see the poll... which I think you might need Flash for… choices are Inuyasha, Kiddy Grade, and Hellsing… or other if you have any ideas… but I think Kiddy Grade is winning right now…thanks again to all of those who offered support… things worked out for now… so I’m kinda happy… still worried about a few things… but that’s ok… tis my first year out of house and home so a few lessons need to be learned… and really… that’s a good thing ^_____^
Note: Thanks to Afro Jones for making me feel better... i knew there was a reason why your my best friend... ^.^ Comments (13) |
Monday, April 25, 2005
Ahhh…. Sita really don’t have much to say today.. she got crappy news that she don’t want to talk about… uhhh… I’ll try to have more story up tomorrow.. but no promises…. Ahhh…. here’s a pic… sorry for the crappy post.. really not in the mood right now
note... i just learned a lesson... never tell a person you are immune to hugs... they take it one step further and you have to figure out what to do next... bastard... ill teach you *shakes fist at person... mumbles* teach you good
uhhh.... hehehe
Hello, hello folks… its good to be back after a slight respite.. hats off to Howee…. He did a stand up job last night…. But 311…. You can quit choking him… Pool was awesome.. I have discovered my ability to threaten and swear at inanimate objects.. my friend managed to say she hates me at least 50 times in less than an hour.. and I lost two games to one… it was luck versus karma or karma’s right hand man… Bobby… I swear Bobby rigged the game…. But what ya gonna do when you live in a void… alright… posted late tonight…. I swear I have been bitten by the Life bug… busy last night… busy today…. Saw the Amityville Horror….. that damn movie sucks you in… scared the crap out of me… I’m all good now.. but in the theatre I jumped a few times… f***ing fantastic (sorry bout that)… It was awesome… that’s what I think anyway… yeah.. what else…. Uhhh…. Sorry bout not really getting round to all the sites the last few days.. like I said… busy, busy…. That and sleep… I like sleep…. Ok who the heck chose train? That hurts you know… if your all gonna hit me with stuff I’m just going to permanently hide under my blanky *pulls blanky over head* I’m sorry all... I know I haven’t been the best friend the last few days but that doesn’t mean you have to hit me with stuff… meh whatever…. Ill get use to it I guess…. Ok so I’m revamping the site in the next few days… make sure to vote on theme cause its changing soon… I am retiring the Evil Ninja’s Insult of the Day…. I’m just getting tired of him… and he will start to repeat soon… that and I have to make room for Roth… right… uhhhh.. I think that’s all for the day… really I have nothing left to say…. What do yall think of the music?.. god I loved Gorillaz…. *sings* don’t stop get it get it…. Anyway… uhhhh… I’m gonna shut up now… need to write more story soon….. ummmm… yea.. ignore any funny stuff the next few days… I’ll prolly be playing with codes and stuff… and if you hear voices telling you to Katch em and Kill em…. GET THE F*** OUT OF THE HOUSE!!!!! I’m a little hyper… and maybe a little bit skittish… first movie to scare me in a while… it was based on a true story!!! I’m allowed to be scared... one other thing.. uhhh.. im goignt to be going through the commets from the past month... if your not there... im sorry.. but im going to be cleaning up the friends list agian... everytime i do it... i get a bunch of gb signings from people who want to be friends... i just really dont like onesided relationships... so hugs to all that are here today..*hugs* because im sure you will still be on the list and if not.... kick me.. throw a train at me.. do something cause im a brat.... and prolly accidently deleted you and didnt realize it.... have a good day folks
Note: if you get an odd comment from me... uhhh... im not sure why... lets just say... uhhhhh.... i dont know *hides under blanky*
second note: Uhhhh.. its looking like another busy day for Sita... ill try to make it to sites.. but..*sob* im not sure if i will... ok now i deserve the train...*hangs head* i suck... well not really.. just busy.... leave me alone *edges away under the blanky* (ok you know what i said about weird comments... well thats one of them... i think im going crazy@.@) Comments (8) |
Saturday, April 23, 2005
How exciting im back again
yes its what most of you have been dreading, howee is back because sita is of doing something, i think she said she is playing pool, comon she chose pool other you be outraged well any way she wont be visiting any sites today i am sorry to say.
well any way heres a puzzle & a poll to keep you entertained to her return, sorry im back lol
later lads & lasses
Make your own puzzle at
*slowly smacks head against table top repeatedly* im not mad *lays head on the table and puts up finger* and im not sad *picks head up and drops it again*… im soooooooo burnt out…….. *mumbles* stupid exams………*picks head up and grins* but that’s ok!!!! I’m officially a member of the Home Depot team….*shifty look* they entrust me with corporate secrets… na not really….. I get to learn how to run a cash register *loopy grin* and not to mention those great orange aprons…. Arg *drops head again*… should have applied at Rona… they got blue…but… they’re gonna pay me so I’m not going to complain till I actually work a bit…. And they give me a knife *picks up head and gets a crazed look* they said it will be a safety knife… but I’m sure I can prove them wrong… I just need ten minutes alone with it *crazy*…. I’m sure its not Sita safe…. *drops head* grrrr… I have to write a damn essay in the damn exam and damn!! damn!! damn!!! (sorry…. To tell the truth I am know to say much worse…. You all get the censored version.. you know.. where they replace one word with another that is moderately more acceptable and you can totally see where they edited the sound cause the person’s mouth is saying one thing but you hear another)… the essay would not be so bad… but I’m soooooo tired of that damn gym….I wonder if I can take my safety knife in with me *crazy eyes*…. [ok.. move away from the subject of knives till you get your sanity back] and you came from? [ I dunno…. Hey I was thinking.. why do I sound so… warped… in those stories of yours?] *shrugs* creative licence…you got a problem with that? *holds up knife* [I though you said they would give it to you.. not that they gave it to you..] oh this is my own knife… I just made it… look *splits hair* sharp…*crazy look* [O….K….. *takes knife slowly away from Sita* no more knife…] *drops head* I’m to burnt to fight back *starts to smack the table top again* [ok.. you need to stop that…*stops Sita’s head and places a pillow under it*…] *smacks head into the pillow and mumbles* stupid pillow… ruin all my fun……. [ok this week just went to hell for you didn’t it?] no not really…. I just dropped off my sugar high on about Tuesday night…hehe.. there was this cute guy at work… I swear he was checking me out… [sure sure… he made faces at you.. dont lie to the people] but they were cute faces…. He was all like “huff I’m tired of working” and I was like “workin hard, man!!” oh god I’m so stupid…*smacks head against the pillow*…[there there *pat on the back*… its ok to admit it…] *lays face down on the pillow and mumbles* [what was that?] *lifts head up* I said “I’m going to kill you” [*backs away slowly* I got the only knife, right?] mmmmaaayyyyybe *crazy look* [ok you need to lie down…] *lays head face down in the pillow* neghhhhhh… [ok you just stay right there… ill wake you up when I think that you might stop breathing] *lifts head up* I hate you… [good to know]…
On a lighter note…it has been decided... the cats name shall be ROTH THE ULTIMATE DEFENFER!!! Or rothymuffinsweety for short… watch out!!! He go kitty kung fu if you call him rothymuffinsweety …. Thanks to Zoye, Inuyasha311, Hinaru, and RKluverX who all took the time to carefully read the print at the top of yesterdays post that said “no comments today please unless you PM them” and then took the time to actually PM me…. good to know some people read the post carefully…*bashes head into pillow* I cant feel the table top anymore…*pauses*…..*panics* OH MY GOD I THINK ITS GONE!!! *looks under pillow* oh.. wait… there it is….*puts pillow back*… the PMs were greatly appreciated…. Welll that’s all I got today I think…. Must… work… on… stuff…*lays head down* grrrr…
War Update: *sniff* it was thought that the war would continue with the return of Howee but… the poor guy has decided to reduced his computer usage to better use his time in studying… so it has been decided that the war has ended in a draw with the opposing sides agreeing to live in peace… more or less…. (I still have your belt Howee *sticks tongue out*)… that’s what asking for some guidelines will do to a war… nobody wants to fight when they have to follow rules… oh well…*holds up bottle* to a somewhat victory… I suppose *lays head down on pillow* to burnt to even drink… damn exams….
i dunno.. ask tim
Alright.. before the post I would like to explain something… I am not depressed, sad, angry, ticked, or anything.. I’m just in a reflective mood…. Big diff than yesterday eh?….. anyway… this has kinda been started when I woke up yesterday (cause today is Thursday but I wrote the post Wednesday…. Yadda yadda… you all get it? Good then) and its just plain written weird.. its easier to reflect on how I act when I disconnect… well.. this is a new side we had yet to see…please.. any comments that you might have today… I would really prefer if you PMed them to me… or just didn’t say them… ok? Thanks…
Oks… this is before the whole day gets rolling…. A bit of morbid reflection… Sita would just like to say… subconsciously… Sita likes to hurt herself… maybe because she feels that she needs to feel something and if she doesn’t feel pain… she’s afraid she wont feel anything… she is capable of feeling other emotions… but pain is her favourite…she loves the feeling her maiden gives her too… but… pain seems to be the favourite out of them all… Sita thinks to much… and takes to many things literally… and expects a lot… Sita is a brat… spoilt rotten brat… and for that she is sorry… especially to her maiden… who does so much for her already… who she dearly loves… and wishes all the best too… Sita hopes she can write happy things later today… and trust me… the truth hurts… but Sita isn’t sad right now… Sita is just… not feeling… need more pain…. Need to think some more…. Big change from yesterday, eh? Not really.. Sita is just thinking… that’s all…
Lately… I’ve been thinking about what I want… what I think I need… were I want to go in life… what I want to do with my life… I guess the first thing I can say is I want to live… yet I am a bit curious with how death works… im trying to figure out where I stand in this world and what my purpose is… I do know I have been given life to live… but Im not sure how I want to live… sometimes I feel like I want to be by myself…. Detach from everyone I know and love and just be empty and lonely and live by myself… not be responsible for how others feel… or to help others… or do anything for another person… that’s how I feel sometimes….I feel like I don’t want to be loved or love another person…. Maybe I think I don’t deserve it… in my sad little way… Other times all I want is to be loved… to have somebody to hold me and tell me they love me and to be there for me… and I want to be with all the people I know and love…. And I never want to leave them…. Or I feel like I am being denied what I want… and that’s when I start to hurt… I want to know what it is like to love someone and have that love returned and I want to live my life to the fullest and I want to experience everything that this world has to offer… I feel like I should be moving… sometimes I get so restless that I feel like leaving everything…. Just get in a car.. or on a bus or plane and leave… go somewhere new… just never come back to the place where I lived… but mostly I want the same thing everyone else wants… I want to be happy with who I am… and where I am… and with what I am…but like I said before… I’m not sure if I can feel happy… with out feeling guilty at least… I believe in balance… where one person is full of joy… there has to be a person filled with sorrow… and really at this point…. I think I would prefer the sorrow because that means that somebody else is happy… I almost hope that is how it all works… because that means that when I’m unhappy… somebody... hopefully a person who deserves it… will be happy… but who am I to decide if they deserve it… everyone deserves the right to be happy… hats off to Life… we all know that’s not the way things work…
Don’t think I’m bitter…. Or sad… or depressed… I’m just…. Not feeling anything right now… maybe I’m at peace for a moment because that’s the only way it can be described… hmmm.. I preferred the chaos… If your still reading.. thanks for listening to my rambling… if your not… whatever… ill let you all know how the interview went tomorrow cause I need to go back for another one… then I will (hopefully) know if I have the job… thanks again… I hate when I get like this…. So boring
Sita Comments (6) |
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Uhhhh.. happy happy joy joy!!
ooo pretty… reminds me of someone ^.^
Ok… it might be due to the slush I just drank……. Or it might be due to the fact that I just got a call back about a job… or it MIGHT be that I’m just having one damn good week so far… I say so far cause its Wednesday.. and I got exams the next three days… but I AM FREAKING BUZZED!!!!!! So happy right now….. *bounces in chair* IT HAS JUST BEEN ONE FREAKING GOOD WEEK!!! Ok I need to stop yelling… I should be studying… but I like to type posts instead…. BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ok…. I’m working on becoming calm… so happy *cuddles blanky*…. Ok it sounds really pathetic…. But this will be my first official job if I get it... yeah you would think at 18 that I would have had one job.. I have done stuff…. Ok I’m gonna give back story so listen close.. not that you guys really care.. you can skip this if you want… I don’t care… ok.. so I “live” (well my official place of residence is) on a farm.. not right right now…. Right now I live in the city while going to school… anyway.. living on the farm being the oldest I got to do all the helper stuff… so I’ve done everything from built garages… from the ground up… to mechanical work, home renos (cause we live in a 50-60 year old farm house), uhhhh… wood work (cabinets and such)… deforestation (cutting down the old dead deathtraps that like to fall every now and then BEFORE they fall)…. Animal care…yeah right…. I looked after a donkey and various other odd animals over 6 years... so that’s just moving bales and stuff unlike my friend Rockybaby who frigan well runs her farm literally and she’s only 18….baby sitting (really.. who hasn’t babysat at one point with younger siblings)… And that’s just home stuff… I’ve helped install vacuum cleaners (blagh)…. Wood work for other people… geeze so much crap.. and none of it can go on my damn resume cause its all under my dad… and you cant really do that… on the upside.. I can tell the employers this… so hopefully they like what I have to offer.. its not like I’m against hard work…. But I am happy to be paid for my services ^.^ and I don’t like the excuse…. We feed you so no money… no its not that bad… that’s how my schooling (this year) is being paid for… at least I would like to think that’s why THEY are paying for it… bitter subject right now… I dont want to be affiliated with THEM right now… grrrrr… anyway.. be happy Sita ^_________^ Call back!! So I get to go work my charm tomorrow….. geeze I’m nervous now…. Must remember to breath… na it should be fine….. happy!!!! The bigger worry is the exam…. I hate math…. Especially calculus…. My theory (yeah another one) is that if you cant get the right answer through physics… then the calculus is wrong… I trust physics…. Gravity keeps me down after all… hehe.. speaking of keeping me down… I was at the pool (this is the other day if you remember).. hehe.. a kid asked me if I was high…. I had to laugh…. Nope.. just the normal brain chemistry…. Unless somebody slipped me something *shifty look* or it might have been due to blood loss…. But I’m pretty sure it was brain chemistry… then I’m pretty sure the kid was attempting to hit on me….@.@ all I ask for is a little patience… I had to laugh at him… it was cute… like a puppy.. trying to walk… then falling over…. Is it a bad thing I see it that way? Yeah… ok still buzzy.. just jumping around a bit… one last thing I suppose….. hehe.. Howee.. guess what? You suck… I bought another The Living End CD…. I blame you Howee *hugs*… be proud my aussie friend… you have officially started another obsession…. Ok nobody else cares about that… meh…. Whatever…. I move on….. oo wait.. one more thing… Heero.. I always have fun!! Unless it’s a bad day… and you will all know when that day comes along… if tomorrow is really bad…. Well.. just a heads up…. See yas Kats and Kittens (I got that stuck in my head right now)
New Theme: Oks I need ideas…. For a new theme.. cause I need a change…. Cause I like change.. and change is good most of the time…. So can you all please give me ideas? I like ideas.. and I aim to please…so send your ideas.. care of private messaging or comments to sitarose… and I will set up a vote.. Thursday night…. And YOU.. yes YOU.. will have the chance to decide the next theme… which will be presented…. Monday…. (central mountain time.. oh crap… scratch that last message… I do not live near mountains… *shifty look* it was a post card I swear (hey Connery.. you watch Corner Gas?)) for everybody’s viewing pleasure.. till I get tired of it…^.^
War Update: Thanks to carefully laid plans… and months (sure sure) of strategic planning… the war is back on… and my fellow Canuck, Connery and I are ready to kick some tail!!!! We just have to recover from the victory party… lol XD
One last thing… Sita likes thumbs up… thumbs up are cool… thanks to Hinaru, Zoye and Heero for the thumbs up… Thumbs up to you guys*hugs and thumbs up*
so i dont know whats right... screming at you in the middle of the night- The Living End
Not much to say today…warm and fuzzy again.. here’s story.. sorry it’s a bit short
Armisael: (running.. they ditched the mecha) so do you think it will work?
Crowley: No.. I think she’s gone mad.. but I guess it wont hurt to try…
Armisael: That’s the spirit.. Now lets go kick some a**
Crowley: (slows down a bit) are we close enough now?
Armisael: (looks up to see where Zan is) Almost…
Sita: Now.. where the hell is the button?
Fro: (still holding his nose) That hurt you know!!
Sita: Does it look like I care?.. The answer is no.. Now where is it?
Fro: (mumbles something)
Sita: what was that?
Fro: I said you would make a good witch!
Sita: I bet that’s what you said.. Now where is it?
Fro: I told you…(cowers a bit) I lost it…
Zan: (screams in horror) OH MY GOD!!! (smack)
Armisael: (Stops running and looks up) Ok…. We’re close enough.. stand back
Crowley: WAIT Wait wait.. I need to get into character…
Armisael: o.O… Ok then.. while you get into character I’m going to open this half of the portal….. so stand back
Crowley: ok (clears his throat and starts to mess up his hair.. his eyes start to blaze and darkness seems to gather around him)
Armisael: (holds up a small object that looks like a tube of lipstick and draws a circle in the air. A green light bursts out and a warm hole opens in the middle. She looks over to Crowley) you know that would be a lot more effective if you weren’t dressed in a Sailor Moon costume…
Crowley: ( the darkness disappears) Hey!! This (pulls at the skirt) is all YOUR fault
Armisael: So? Deal with it
Crowley: personally I thought the costume adds to the image
Armisael: No.. not really.. you just look hilarious.. maybe if you want him to fall over laughing…
Crowley: (growls) whatever… I need to get back into character now…. Be quiet…
Armisael: Fine (starts to inspect her nails)
Crowley: (clears his throat again and starts to make odd noises) grrrrrr…. Sssshhhhhhhheeeerrrrrrrggggggggg…. Nerk!….. nerrrrrrriiiiiik!!! (ok seriously sound them out.. yeah that’s how it suppose to sound)
Armisael: Are you quite ready?
Crowley: I think so…(deep breath) lets go!
Fro: seriously!! I dont know where it is!!
Sita: ok.. if you dont spill it that cape is coming off
Fro: NO!! Not the cape!! (Pulls the cape closer and stokes it)
Sita: Then spill IT!! (moves closer)
Armisael: Ok go ahead… its all open…
Crowley: Alright… lets bloody well do this thing!!
Like I said.. short… but meh… were coming down to the last streach… ok with the cat name thing… you all have three choices now… and seriously if other wins.. that’s the cats name ^.^ so go.. and vote.. cause you know you wanna.... and i cant stop ya.. so go.. and do it.... DO IT NOW!!!
Spooky Toaster Makes Breakfast Spooky
Some thing I drew that reminded me of a surfer person I know... I think it’s the hair...didn’t think it was fan art material… ok so I’m going to rant today… went swimming... that was all good… it was the prep that pissed me off…. Ok I’m gonna do a girl thing (blagh I say) and no I’m not going to discuss THAT thing… ill keep that info to myself… anyway… guys…. Legs do not stay hairless forever… we need to shave… it’s a law… ok that out of the way… I have decided I should not have access to sharp objects.. that includes razor blades…. Ok so anyway.. long story short I butchered my legs… not that they’re that nice to begin with… but they are officially sliced to hell…. Yeah… so here’s what I think…. *shifty look*….. I vote we all evolve out of our own will to become……. LIZARDS!!!! Lack of hair = good stuff….. no shaving… the first good point…. Ok so other good stuff…. Cold blood… ok…. Listen to me for a sec.. that means we get to be LAZY!! For once a good reason!!! Its that or we pay a huge heating bill…. I’m more for the lazy excuse personally…. And then we don’t have to eat as much…. Small food bill… yayyy!! Ok so other good things…. SCALES!! I love scales... so smooth…. No hair at all…. No shaving…. One other good thing…. Moulting.. yea it happens.. but…. It only happens once in a while…. Not like the loss of hair which seems to be happening all the time…. Also… hey you don’t have to worry about styling your scales… no hairspray... no gel… no curlers…. Yep…. Sounds good to me…. Oh and did I mention… no razor blades… no shaving in the morning for guys…. Safe living conditions for me….For sure….. so…. I say.. WILL YOURSELF TO EVOLVE!!!!!! BECOME A LIZARD FOR THE GREATER GOOD!!! Ok I’m gonna shut up now cause I sound stark RAVING MAD!! Sorry its short... but that’s all I got =^.^= see ya round Kats and Kittens
PS. I’m really sorry.. I didn’t get to many sites yesterday… I’m lazy…. Yeah.. sorry bout that…. I’ll make up for it some how….
PPS ok.. if you haven’t voted on the cat’s name… get going…. I’m gonna change it soon cause the damn thing is tied three ways…. So go.. and vote.. cause you know you wanna… DO IT NOW!!!