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Thursday, February 24, 2005
Ok… well I’m working on chapter seven right now… uhhhh yeah…. Its making me angry… lets just say that…[that’s because you suck!!] death to the voices!!! Yeah… hey guess what… I am the secret leader of the dust bunnies… so secret even I didn’t know it… yeah cleaned my room yesterday and I haven’t even been in it since Christmas and its been a mess since then…. Yeah…. Its clean now. ^__________________^ and because I was bored… and I just rearranged my site… I rearranged my room… I rearranged it good too… rearrange is a funny word….yep… I’m bored…. Lalala yep… narg…. Ok so no chapter seven today… it needs work… lots of work… stupid perverted Crowley is making my life difficult… that and the voices… stupid voices… you can’t make me!!!! Its not going that way!!!! Shut up!! They’re looking at me…. ^____^ its all good… see this is what happens when you start to suffer from cabin fever… well its actually an old farm house (looks around the room) actually I think its haunted… you ever get that creepy feeling like your being watched… you’ll be fine then you get the creeps… start seeing things out of the corner of your eye… well I’ve been getting that a lot lately… and not just in this house…. Ok quit staring at me like I’m crazy… I’m not… really… I’m suffering from boredom. That and I’m starting to question my reality… are the doors suppose to warp when you walk through them…. Wait a minute… I know what this is… its one of them posts… Sita kinda leaves rationality behind and just types… wooooo…. What a trip…. Who needs drugs when they can do this on command… ooo funny colors… Yeah anyway… back to what I was thinking about… I met one of my friend’s friends who does Wicca… is that spelt right… meh… anyway I bring up the topic of people avoiding me… no no its true… quit looking at me like I’m crazy!! 0.o [you need help] seriously I can be sitting on the bus and have the only open seat next to me and people will stand rather than sit next to me… hmmm wonder what that’s about… so anyway this chick says “well let me see your hands” and she gets me to hold my hands out with my palms down and she puts her hands under mine and she closes her eyes… ok at this point I guess I should explain what I think of witchcraft and god and all that other organized religion crap… I don’t care… people are allowed to believe what ever the hell they want and I believe what ever the hell I want… depending on the day… that particular day I felt like believing in the occult…the drinks could have helped open my mind a bit too ^___^… so she sits there with her eyes closed for a moment and then she opens her eyes and pulls her hands back really quick. She looks at me and asks me if I felt it… 0.o…o.0 right…. So I sit there for a sec and I’m like… “feel what?” “The heat” she says… I’m sitting there and I’m like “well kinda… but as far as I can tell you’re a warm-blooded creature which means your gonna release heat…” (that’s the scientist in me speaking and a bit of the cynical smart-ass) anyway… she’s says “well I felt it…” and at first I’m like “felt what…” she looks at me and she’s says “yours IS weird…” so I sit there for a second then after thinking about it for a second I ask her… “can you feel auras?” (I’ve read I bit about it… in fact I went through a whole “witch/occult” phase a few years back) so anyway to end the story in less than a thousand words… cause I tend to do that… I supposedly have a weird aura… yeah. Damn it quit looking at me like I’m crazy!!!… you know reading over this… I think I am nuts… hmmm… well this should lose me a few friends… damn it… its them tree frogs… Who’s with me!?! (looks around to see an empty room) well you all suc… ok maybe I’m a little crazy… but what is sane? [oh don’t get her started… its just like that perception of pain thing… IT DOESN’T STOP!!] ehem it is at this point that I think I need to state that if any of this just made sense… GET HELP!!! NOW!! Ok well that’s taken care of… its just one of them posts… yep. I need to get out of the house… and away from the t.v. Hey I watched Buffy today… haven’t seen that in a while… oh I figured out who Crowley looks like… ok you take Spike… from Buffy… and give him longer curly, black hair and sunglasses… that’s kinda what Crowley looks like… for me at least… ok I’m crazy. Crazy, crazy Sita. @.@ yepo. Well I’m gonna go clean the kitchen now. (I’m writing this at 3 in the afternoon… I’m not allowed on the internet till after supper (oh how low I have sunk) because it ties up the phone line… and this gives me a chance to think over my post and decide to re-write it) so I’m off to battle the last stand of dust bunnies… they will not use me as their front for there despicable plot to take over to world!!!!!!!! [ its ok… take a deep breath… and count to 10… that’s right… deep breath] Ok off I go. BTW if you haven’t figure it out yet… this is just one of them posts that is a result of too much Pepsi… and an overactive imagination in a cluttered head. [so very, very cluttered… with junk too… not even good ideas]
Ok update right before post… I know why I’m crazy…see usually I have a place to vent crazyness ie school, friends, certain people who have been gone for the past oh… month or so…(I hope they read this too the bugger) yeah so crazyness just built up and I needed some place to vent… I’m all done now
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Tuesday, February 22, 2005
aww... i missed you all too...{*sniff*}
Hey how’s it goin? aww you all missed me.... I missed you all to... hugs for everybody
(throws out chocolate hugs)... so whats new with you all? I tried to go to visit some sites
but it takes me about five minutes or so to load each page... and that’s just the text... so I
figure ill have to visit everybody when I come back for good... so till then oh well. ^.^, but I love visiting the sites. {*sniff*}… anyway… yep… ooo I got a new CD case. its an ugly brown but I think I’m gonna paint it pretty... but I didn’t realize I had that much music... I got a 64 CD case and it is full and I still have CDs to put away. geeze. and when I get a CD I listen to it like ten times over (or more) till I know all the words0.0... geeze… I listen to a lot of music… no wonder I have no life...@.@ yep. just though you might like to know that... in fact I bet you didn’t even read this... I bet you just skipped right to the story... and if you are reading this... your prolly getting ready to throw something at me to get me to make me start the story. (dodges eraser) I was joking!! [bwuahahaha on with the story...OFF WITH HER HEAD!!] … 0.o …no more Alice in Wonderland for you [Cards!!! Cards!! OFF WITH HER HEAD!!] you do that and people will be mad at you if you do that, cause then I can’t finish the story so... nana (sticks out tongue) [just hurry it up will you!!!] ok, ok… here you all go... as promised...
Crowley: (hears water start to run as Sita turns on the shower. Begins to think to himself)
What can I do for that girl...(materializes a drink and takes a sip) what does she
want...What is she doing in there anyway... she’s been quite for the past ten minutes...(he
gets up and starts to wander form room to room. He walks into the kitchen and notices its
as bare as the front room. he opens a few cabintes and sees that they are empty. He
doesn’t find any dishes besides the plate and fork in the sink. he opens the fridge and finds it empty with the bulb burnt out. he calls out) You must eat out a lot, love (under his
breath) that will change though (he smiles to himself and continues wandering about the
house. He walks into some of the other rooms and sees that they are empty. he finds
himself standing in front of a closed door. The water had stopped running. he knocks
gently) Hello...?
Sita: (opens the door. her hair is still wet and she is dressed in a white halter top and
dark blue pajama pants. her eyes narrow) what do you want? were you not able to find the door out?
Crowley: acting slightly taken back) But we were just getting comfortable...(he smiles) so
I see your freshening up for me...
Sita: (gives Crowley a disgusted look and closes the door on him... he puts his foot in the
door to stop it from closing) What do you want?!
Crowley: (pushes the door open and walks into the room. He notices that the room only
has a bed and a nightstand. he notices a door that must lead to the bathroom) Cozy...(he
looks around again and notices his jacket on the floor) I was wondering if you were
planning on returning my jacket or if I was suppose to go home cold...(he grins) or home
at all...
Sita: (she walks over and picks up the jacket. she looks at it for a moment and then
throws it toward Crowley) you can go to hell for all I care...( the jacket falls short and he
takes a step forward to catch it. he keeps moving forward, throws the jacket toward the
bed and pins Sita against the wall)
Crowley: Now that wasn’t very nice at all... and I’ve been very nice to you...(he looks her up and down again (he does that a lot doesn’t he)) I think you owe me an apology...
Sita: I’m sorry... I’m sorry your such a disgusting, vile little worm...(she pushes him off
and he tumbles back toward the bed. At the same time the power limiters start to glow
blue and Sita falls to her knees screaming)
Crowley: (regains his balance) good... They are worth the price I paid... I was beginning
to think that they were faulty. (he walks over to Sita, pulls her up roughly and throws her
on the bed) I would advise you get some rest. Tomorrow will be extremely busy.
(we walks over and picks up his jacket from the bed) And I’ll have a new uniform for you
tomorrow as well. Don’t forget to pack your overnight bad. (he smiles and pats Sita on
the head as she starts to recover from the pain from the limiters) Good-night fox. (Crowley walks out of the room and Sita hears him slam the door as he leaves)
Sita: (starts to cry) I’ll kill him... oh I swear I’ll kill him.
...: (extremely pissed) You’ll to have to fight me for that pleasure. (he bends down and
checks Sita’s wrists which are slightly red but otherwise look fine) I’m so sorry...(Sita notices tears in his eyes... she crawls off the bed and wipes his eyes)
Sita: there wasn’t anything you could do...(she wraps her arms around him and they both
sit on the floor holding each other for a moment)
...: (he pushes her back and looks at her)... I swear if he does that to you again… ( he pauses to catch his breath) when he did that a part of me died...( he kisses Sita’s neck) I think we will kill him together (he kisses her cheek)... painfully (he kisses her lips gently)
Sita: (pulls back and wipes her face) No... I’m going to kill him... and you can’t begin to
imagine how painful it will be. (... interrupts her with another kiss)
...: you need to rest... (he picks her up and lays her on the bed. he walks to the door, looks
down the hallway, closes the door and locks it. He looks back to see Sita crying again. he
becomes very concerned) What?
Sita: I completely forgot. I’m...I’m suppose to live with him while I “work” for him...
....: How are you suppose to get the... the thing to me?
Sita: I’m not sure. (she looks very worried, and tears fall down her face)
...: (crosses the room and sits on the bed next to her... he finds her hand and holds it)
Lets... lets not worry about that right now. (he wipes her tears away) he’s added some
complications, but for right now lets not worry... Ok?
Sita: It’s very hard not to worry... (... kisses her)… ten days now…
...: I said lets not worry about it. (he starts to kiss her face and neck, between kisses) you
have other things to worry about right now…
Sita: (she wraps her arms around him and pulls him closer) god... I’m going to miss you... so much...(she pushes him away) you have to stop...
...: stop what? (he gives her a small grin)
Sita: If you keep going... you know what’s going to happen right?
...: It will help take your mind off things? (he gives her an innocent look)
Sita: (slowly) well... yes...
...: So? nothing wrong with that... ( he starts to kiss her again)
Sita: (giggles slightly) No... stop. (she gets very serious and pushes him back) You keep
this up and I’m not going to be able to leave you. (she sees love and disappointment cross
his face at the same time.) I need to rest... can you just lay with me?
...: (he looks at her for a moment... kisses her lips and nods) if that’s how you want it...
Sita: You know its not... but we have to remember what were working toward. (she kisses
him then pulls the blankets on the bed back. she lays down, pulls ... down with her and looks into his eyes. she fells him searching for her hand. she sighs and moves closer to him. She slowly falls asleep. )
. . .
yeah I know... corny… and mushy... we all know who needs a hobby [and a boyfriend] ... bad, Sita... bad… (shakes finger)
(dodges various objects being thrown) those things hurt you know!!
. . .
...: (lays awake holding Sita. he looks at the roof trying to figure out how to make
everything work. Slowly he drifts to sleep and begins to dream...)
. . .
...: (He can’t breath... and he wonders why... he feels something wrapped around his neck, He reached up and feels the hand around his neck. he grasps the arm trying to make
whoever is holding him let go. He opens his eyes and sees blood red eyes and hears a
voice. at first he doesn’t understand what is being said...
You should have taken my offer... Now I bind you to my will... You will do as I
say regardless... I hope you enjoyed the time that you had free. (Holds up a weird object that looks like a scepter. It has a large bell on one end and the other end is a dagger. It is extremely ornate, covered with jewels and made out of gold.) I bind you irregardless...
(With that the dagger plunges into his heart, the bell rings, and he hears a girl scream. The sound from the bell cracks and he screams as well. The voice yells out in frustration.)
(... is thrown to the ground... he gasps for air and tries to yell to the girl. slowly the world
starts to turn black. he feels the dagger being pulled from his chest and hands on his
face) you... you have to run...( the girl speaks)
no... I won’t leave you…
. . .
...: (wakes up breathless. he looks over to Sita and she starts to wake up... under his
breath) shit...
Sita: (still half asleep) What?... Did something happen ...?
...: No... its alright... go back to sleep...(he brushes her hair down flat with his hand trying
to comfort himself)
Sita: ok...(she moves closer to ... and falls back asleep)
...: (lays awake looking at the ceiling. he looks at Sita and pulls her closer...) Never again...
Woo... how was that? worth the wait? maybe if you like the mushy...^.^ this is really not
how i pictured it... but that’s ok. it is you people who suffer. bwuaahahaha... ehem... ^_____^ so what do you think is goin to happen.... hmm getting even more complicated. is it just me or did it seem like Crowley completely ignored ... in the room? o.o what do you think is up with ... and that whole dream thing anyway...? hmmmm [OFF WITH HER HEAD!! explain your self!!! what the hell is going on?!?!?!?!] bwuahahahahaha... most will be explained by the end... I hope ^_____^;. well off to sleep for me... hope you enjoyed. ill prolly update for Friday or so and ill try to get to some more sites in the next few days... if I don’t. sorry....
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Saturday, February 19, 2005
For Your Viewing Pleasure... well this was the best Get Up Kids mv in my opinion... kinda sad really
Video code provided by MusicVideoCodes.com
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hey ya bye ya
k so last post for a while. im goin home to snail net tommorow so ill prolly post again on tuesday or so. hopefully with another chapter. any way. hang loose and ill talk to all you cats later
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Friday, February 18, 2005
the fifth installment. this kinda reminds me of excel saga. it just keeps gettign weirder. but Excel is funny...
Eh! What up? So I got the fifth chapter for ya all. sorry if I didnt get to everybodies site yesterday. I was a bit busyer than i thought i would be so I didnt get around. Ok I just wanna quickly say this (yeah right. Am I ever quick ?) im sorry for the direction the story is goin if you don’t like it. For whatever reason (well I know the reason but that’s a secret) I’m in mushy romance mode. So this one is a little more mushy. Yeah. Also just a warning, cause some people tend to be sensitive there is language and some sexual implications. Guess I should have put that in earlier, eh? Just covering me bases. Here we go...
Crowley: (as the taxi pulls up) Where is your home?
Sita: ( stands back from Crowley a bit) Do you know what could have happened in there? (points back to the pub) Do you know what they do to half-demons?
Crowley: I believe you prevented any further incidents when you killed that ogre. (gently) Now where is your home?
Sita: Why?
Crowley: I would think that would be obvious. I’m taking you home. Your done for the day and you asked to go home tonight. (grins) then you get to stay with me.
Sita: (unsure) 32nd road North.
Crowley: good (opens the door) get in. (Sita climbs into the car and Crowley closes the door behind her. He walks over to the other side and climbs in.) 32nd road North and under ten minutes gets you a bonus.
Cab Driver: Gotcha. In a bit of a rush are ya? (looks back and glances over Crowley and Sita. He grins) right-o
(Crowley sits with his legs crossed and his arms spread out across the back of the seat. Sita looks out the window and sits as close to the door as possible, trying to take up as little space as possible. Crowley glances over to look at her and he considers telling her to sit next to him. He decides against it and looks out the window instead. Sita begins to recall various memories from her past as she looks out the window) {woop!! Iv always wanted to do this}
Sita: (walks along a busy sidewalk. She is dressed in worn clothing and she looks like she’s been living on the streets for quite a while. She has a touque (Canadian, eh?) pulled over her ears and her tails are out of sight. She is only about 16 here. She walks with her head turned down and she avoids eye contact with the people around her. Suddenly she runs into somebody. She falls back a few steps and looks up to see who she ran into)
...: Why don’t you watch where your goin? (he stops and closely examines her face) What are you?
Sita: (quickly checks to see if her hat is still on) I’m… I’m sorry. (startled) What do you mean? (she looks scared for a moment)
...: you...(looks unsure)What are you? (raises his voice slightly and then realizes what he is doing) Come with me. (he grabs Sita’s hand.)
Sita: (to shocked to do anything she lets him lead her down the road. Unsure) What are you talking about? (she pulls her hat lower)
...: (not quite paying attention) Oh I think you know...(he comes to an alley. He looks down and decides it will serve his purpose) right…(he pulls her down the alley way and behind a dumpster)
Sita: Oh Shit! (starts to pull away from him) I’ve heard about this. Let me go. (she tries to pull his fingers apart from around her wrists but he is very strong) let me go!
...: would you shut up? I’m not going to hurt you. (he turns Sita around to face him and gently pushes her against the wall)
Sita: what the fuck? (starts to move away from the wall. He pushes her back)
...: Take your hat off.
Sita: Why don’t you make me...
...: Fine. (he grabs her hat and he moves to pull it off)
Sita: (reaches up to grab her hat) No!!
...: (grunts) just... (gives up) take of the damn hat!!
Sita: (defiantly)why? (under her breath) perv...
...: (evil grin) yes... I’m a perv... now take the damn hat off and I wont hurt you... I want to see something.
Sita: (looks shocked. She drops her hands, ... laughs and quickly reached over and pulls her hat off. Her hair falls out in tangled shortly cropped layers. She reached up to cover her ears) No!!!!
...: (Starts to laugh) Is that all your hiding? (starts to laugh harder. He leans against the dumpster to support himself) oh god...(tries to catch his breath) oh that’s too funny…(he looks up and sees tears in Sita’s eyes...) oh shit...I’m sorry...look dont cry...geeze (puts his arm around Sita, she pulls away and looks very pissed) I’m sorry... its just...
Sita: What do you mean its just...? This is all I’m hiding?!?!?! Most normal people, for your information, do not have these (touched her ears) growing out of there head. Or since your so keen to see a freak...(she pulls her jacket open to show her tails wrapped around her waist) TAILS!! NOT JUST ONE EITHER!! HAPPY?? (tears run down her cheeks)
...: (looks at her for a moment then starts to laugh again) it could be worst... you could have paws too...(starts to laugh again. Sita looks pissed he looks over and smiles)
aww it ok. I think their cute...(he doesn’t notice the sparks that start to come off Sita’s hands) So what are you?
Sita: Why do you keep asking me that?!
...: well you could be full-blood, half-blood, or something else all together... Wolf, Cat, Fox...(trails off as he notices the flames licking off Sita’s hands) Whoa... ok so fox, right?
Sita: I don’t even know you! I’m a freak, Ok?!?! I don’t even know what I am! What is the deal with you anyways?! (her eyes narrow) What are you?
...: (looks at her thoughtfully for a moment) this really isn’t the best place. If you can put those out (nods to the flames in Sita’s hands) I’ll buy you lunch. We could talk then. (smiles)
Sita: (tries to calm down) Ok. You’re not listening to me. I don’t even know you! You cant just bump into someone, drag them into an alley, force them to reveal a secret, laugh at them (with great emphasis) and then... and then ask them to lunch.
...: (contiues to smile) Why not?
Sita: Arrgh!! You (pokes him in the chest) are (pokes him again) incredibly (goes to poke him again and he grabs her hand) STUPID!! (She pulls her hand back)
...: (holds his hands up, takes a step back and bows slightly) Maybe... but I am offering a free meal. You look like you could use it. And I’m offering to explain these (he reaches over and pinches her ears lightly) and the tails too... if your willing to come have lunch with me. No Strings, your free to leave if you want. (takes another step back and motions toward the street) I just wanted to figure out what you were. I know now... but you don’t...(he gives her a sly grin) do you?
Sita: (looks at him for a moment) Where are we going to eat?
...: (gives her a warm smile) I’ll surprise you… your hat... (hands Sita her hat and she pulls it on making sure her ears and hair are well hidden.)
Sita: (grumbles) I dont like to get surprises from strangers...
...: Oh yeah...names... I’m ..., you would be...?
Sita: (examines him for a moment considering what to tell him)... Sita
...: and a very pretty name too... well? Shall we? (offers her his hand. She looks at it for a moment and timidly puts her hand into his)
Sita: I guess so...
Crowley: fox... Fox...damn it all... bloody hell... FOX! (grabs Sita’s arm, quickly dodges as Sita turns to punch him) Finally…
Sita: What do you want?
Crowley: we have been parked outside your home for the past minute. I though you might like to know. (grins evilly) So, do I get invited in?
Sita: (look of disgust crosses her face) NO!!
Crowley: Well to bad… I’m coming in (he steps out of the cab, hands the driver three $10s and closes his door. He moves around to open the door for Sita) Madam…
Sita: I dont think you realize how repulsive you are…
Crowley: well you keep reminding me… so perhaps I’ll learn eventually (grins). Lets go…
Sita: Why exactly are you coming into my house again?
Crowley: because the taxi is gone (as the taxi turns the corner) and because despite the fact that you are off for the night, you are still under my employment. Also I need my jacket back. (ok if you don’t know what’s happening go back and read the rest of the story)
Sita: I don’t really think that employment is the right word to use. Its more like forced labour. If it wasn’t for the fact that you have my sword (and other things she thinks to herself) you wouldn’t be here.
Crowley: oh , I think I would be. One way or another. (evil grin) Well? (he motions toward the door. Sita removes the hidden key under Crowley’s watchful eye and unlocks the door. She hesitates to open the door) what? You dont notice that anyway when your…(he trails of and gives her a predatory grin) well I guess you wouldn’t know about that anyway, would you?
Sita: (looks extremely disgusted. She opens the door and walks in, leaving Crowley on the door step. He looks at the open door fro a moment and follows Sita in. He hears her slam a door and the click of a lock)
Crowley: so I guess I’ll just make myself at home? (he closes the door and looks around the room. The room is extremely barren, except for a threadbare couch. He goes to sit down and the couch turns to black leather)
Sita: God Damn it!! (punches her pillow)
...: Calm down... its ok. Just...
Sita: hes like a fucking dog... he just will not go away. (punches the pillow some more)
...: Ok...(takes the pillow away) its not the pillows fault. Your going to burn…(he stops as Sita holds up her wrists)
Sita: No... No I’m not. He put these fucking...(tries to take the power limiters off) power limiters on and I. Cant. Take. Them. Off… give me the damn pillow(she grabs the pillow and starts to twist it) Such a repulsive, disgusting, twisted little snake. (the pillow starts to tear at the seams slightly) Oh and another thing. You want to see what he made me wear? (undoes the jacket. ...’s eyes widen at the outfit. He turns away trying not to laugh) It’s not funny!!
...: (turns around with a slight smile on his lips. He takes Sita’s shoulders and moves her toward the bed. He sits her down and kneels in front of her where he takes her hands) we can fix the outfit, we can force him to take the limiters off… we can even make him pay for anything else that he’s done… but if he’s dead, then I’m stuck like this… 10 more days… and I’m stuck. (he looks into Sita’s eyes and she starts to cry out of frustration) 11 more days and we can kill him. Ok? (Sita nods her head. … moves up and kisses her cheek and Sita wraps her arms around his neck)
Sita: if it weren’t for you, I would have killed him along time ago, He’s here you know.
...: (he pulls back) in the house?
Sita: yes. He insisted on coming in. we could take it from him right now (she looks hopefull)
...: (uncertain for a moment. He speaks slowly) I... I think that we should wait.
Sita: why? We can take it then you can do what you need to do then we can kill him. Why cant we take it?
...: it’s not that simple… from what I know it must be given freely… I’m not sure if we can just take it. Now… why exactly did he make you wear this? (he looks over the outfit, he notices how high cut the skirt is)
Sita: because he s a perv. Why else?
...: so, am I a perv to think it looks good? (he winks)
Sita: ugh. Thats what he said. But your no perv. (he kisses her briefly)
...: what if I said ud look even better without the uniform on?
Sita: (annoyed) Oh no. this is not the time for Mr. Smooth to be laying out lines. I’m going to take a shower then I’m going to have a nap.
...: what about Crowley?
Sita: he knows where the door is. If he’s still here when I wake up, I’ll use my dagger to show him the way out.
...: (smiles gently) would you mind if I can join you for your nap?
Sita: (wraps her arm around his neck again and kisses him) Yes, I’d like that.
...: ok, well go have your shower. I’m not going anywhere.
Yeah I know. Mushy. Yeah I know. Long. This makes up for the fact ill be gone for a week or so. Grrrr stupid snail net. Anyway, I’m glad everybody likes the pics. Im kinda on a Dark obsession right now. And the Get Up Kids, but no lyrics today. This post is long enough. Well ttyl
Comments (5) |
Thursday, February 17, 2005
i know i know english essay. thats why its really short.
Ok short post... for real this time. 1. chapter five will be up tomorrow (I hope) and 2.

everybody say it with me. "Sita is cut off." ^.^ (try and stop me right)
PS. Lyrics don’t count
Campfire Kansas
woke up at eight, started the fire
had a few drinks, we all felt inspired
jumped in the stream, our shoes and canteens
the water was bitter cold
laid in the raft till it started moving
the current just sang, the song was so soothing
we stopped along the way
on a beach in the sun on a beautiful day
our boats collide, we'd feel the breeze
we'd stay afloat and make the most of everything
by noon we had swung the ropes in the woods
missed all danger, snakes and the floods
burnt by the rays and next to our legs, the water so bitter cold
lunch had been saved along with the lighters
wet cigarettes serve us as reminders
never trust a man with the food, change of clothes, and a drink in his hand
our boats collide, we'd feel the breeze
we'd stay afloat and make the most of everything
the sun would set, the stars would shine
the trees would shake, we'd all feel fine
let's take the moon and make it shine for everyone
we laughed away the sunburn
as we laughed away the day
what we lost means nothing
for the memories will stay
caught the last bus with no time to linger
driver seemed to be missing a finger
i turned and looked away to the bus, gravel road and a beautiful day
our boats collide, we'd feel the breeze
we'd stay afloat and make the most of everything
the sun will set, the stars would shine
the trees would shake, we'd all feel fine
let's take the moon and make it shine for everyone
let's take the moon and make it shine for everyone
The Get Up Kids
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Wednesday, February 16, 2005
Woo! I just passed 300 hits on my page! go me
i curse those who didnt sign the guest book though. all 245 of them. now this is a short post. ^.^
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Hehe im so happy i figured out how to put up pics. thanks to all who helped.
Ok. so short post...cause I got work to do. Sorry if I didn’t get to everybody’s site today. I tried I really did. Damn work. Would almost like to be poor and have time to do what ever I want... ok not the best idea. Meh whatever. So here’s the other pic of dark that i was to lazy to put up before.

Eeee. I’m all good [no ur not. ur a freak of nature] u know after a while the insults just roll off...[... hmmm... ok then... I love you!!] no u don’t... geeze I’m smarter than that (dodges plastic bottle) ha missed me!! Whoa!! (just dodges computer tower) {that’s what I want to do with it, throw it off the tallest building I can get it too} I need that!! U break it u got to buy a new, shiny one!! [hehe its your money] ok well this post is suppose to be short so... bugger off !! alright i'v decided that "..." will remain “..." cause I really suc at thinking up names and the only help i got was from my non-member friend. shes so nice. she comes to the site just to read my story which she really doesn't have to do, but she does anyway. thats prolly the reason why she's my best friend. ^__^ anyway she wanted me to name him bob... uhhh... i dont think so. ^.^ But he looks like Dark, ok. Ooo I like Dark. Oh and a shout out to the fro. hope he gets his computer fixed soon cause i need a little "inspiration" every now and then. inspiration to beat him. bwuahaha. ehem {*embarrassed smile*} ok sometimes i lose control just a little. im better now. thanks to all the people who are constant commenters. its nice to see your not writing to empty cyberspace Yeah... anyway... work now... I guess...
ps. this post isn't really short anymore is it?
"My Apology"
You'll be accepting my apology for taking things too seriously
Sometimes i'm old enough to to keep routines,
Sometimes i'm child enough to scream for
Everything i broke in two
You're barely missing me, i'm missing you and everything you do
I really do
I really do
Sure I do
My once photographic memory for recollection's sake is failing me
I can't remember for the life of me
Sometimes i can think to recite words that i read and rewrite
My pens paint people that i've proven wrong,
But we move on
Get a job where i can tell all of my accounts of someone else
I'm quick enough to judge that they were wrong and that we knew it all along
Sing a long long-winded song i would be content to hum along
If i state that my fingers know where to show what everyone should have known,
I'll let it go
Hopefully you'll forget any words that i put in print
My luck, you'll change and have strength enough to walk away
The Get Up Kids
Just can’t get enough of them. ^.^ don’t ask why
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Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Darkly like Dark. I like the Dark

woo pretty pretty... damn i found a better one. oh well to lazy to change
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Last night on the Mass Pike, Thought I was losing you.
Hey ya. Ok well v-day wasn’t too bad… till I got a call from my parents. My reading week is next week and luck would have it my two little sisters get like three days of that same week off. So now I got to go home to baby sit. (*sob*) and I was suppose to go out that week with my friends. Grrr. And that’s not the worst. Ill be stuck on snail net again. (*sob sob*) that means everything will prolly be on hold. I’m so sorry. And I prolly won’t update the story till Thursday cause I need to write an essay for English and when it rains on me it pours. Narg. I’ll make up for it though. At least I hope I will. Any way chapter four. Oh before chapter four, I got to thank all the people who have left comments. Yet none of you gave me ideas for names… hmmm. So anyway. Here’s what I think [ can u even legally use those two words together in a sentence. I and think. Hmmm don’t think so} STFU!! Ur not helping. Ok so either I can leave it as “…” or I can give him a name. I got to think about it for a bit. I kinda picture him as Dark form DNAngel. Iv never seen the show so I’m not sure if the personality fits but that’s how I picture him ok. Ooo sexy. Hehe. Ok so here’s chapter four. Hope u all like. ^.^
Naraku: (sitting at a low table) I need you to retrieve something.
…: (stands stiffly. He’s not happy to be there)…
Naraku: this will be the last thing required of you.
…: Then you will take care of your half of the deal?
Naraku: Yes. I will repay what is owed.
…: when do I make this retrieval?
Naraku: one week from today. The instructions are in this envelope. I need you to trade this (hands … a second envelope made out of black paper. It is sealed with a drop of red wax)
…: what am I trading this for?
Naraku: I hardly think that concerns you. Just do as I ask and I will fulfill your request.
…: That night.
Naraku: (curls his lip back) its been nearly a year. I would think that you would have developed some patience… yes that night.
…: in 10 days this…(indicates his body) will be permanent. I have little patience to spare.
Naraku: plenty of time… you have your orders… I will see you in a week.
…: 7 days…
. . .
Crowley: Quit dragging your feet girl!
Sita: (trying to ignore the stares of the people on the street) It is extremely hard to move quickly and hold a skirt down at the same time. (under her breath) not like there’s much to hold down.
Crowley: (turns back to look at Sita. He gives an exasperated sigh and walks back to her taking off his coat as he goes) you look like a hooker gone convention style (moves to put the coat around her shoulders)
Sita: (moves away from the coat for a moment slightly shocked) you’re the once who decided that I should wear it. (takes the coat and does it up quickly)
Crowley: most civil people say thank you after they are granted a favour (grabs Sita’s arm) Now don’t make a scene.
Sita: what are you… (Crowley turns down a street and leads Sita toward a pub called The Heart and Hammer. They walk in and Sita lays back her ears. The pub is filled with demons) these people will tear me apart!
Crowley: (pulls Sita closer and whispers to her) not if your smart and stay with me (leads Sita toward the back. A figure sits cloaked in a baboon fun… yeah yeah we all know who it is. Hehe except Rockybaby)
Naraku: Crowley… (indicates the chair across from him)
Crowley: (nods) g’day (sits down)
Naraku: (looks at Sita who looks very frightened) please… fox… sit (points to the chair next to Crowley)
Crowley: Not before you get me a drink. Just ask for my usual. And if anybody tries anything use this (hands her a dagger then waves her away)
Sita: (Begins to walk toward the bar. She starts to talk to herself) hes carzy… he must be…(looks around) their going to rip me apart if they figure it out (feels something grab her wrist)
Ogre: Hey… Wasa pretty think like you d… (Sita quickly elbows him in the face making his head fly back. She spins around and stabs his neck from behind her back)
Sita: My job (pulls the dagger out of the ogre’s neck and he slouches forward. All of the nearby demons move away slightly. Crowley watches this exchange then turns back to Naraku)
Naraku: it was extremely stupid to bring her here…
Crowley: she’s under control for now. I put power limiters on her.
Naraku: Her power doesn’t seem very limited. But its your choice. If she stabs you with your own dagger what do I care? So long as I get what I want.
Crowley: Why did you call me here exactly? (Sita walks up with his drink) ahh good. You may sit now. (Sita sits down next to Crowley. She glares around the room and pulls the coat closer)
Naraku: (looks Sita over. She looks very unhappy. He smiles under his hood) I needed to tell you the trade will be made one week from today. Here’s the details (hands Crowley an envelope)
Crowley: and you couldn’t send this by messenger?
Nauraku: No
Crowley: you don’t fool me… I have better things to do. This meeting is over (stands up) Lets go (Sita stands up and they start to walk away)
Naraku: (calls after Crowley) I like your prize, Crowley. It’s very… unusual to see a hanyou in these parts.
Crowley: (grabs Sita’s arm and pulls her along as she turns around to face Naraku) I said lets go. (growling Sita follows Crowley. As they get to the street Sita pulls out of his grip) TAXI!! I’ll have my dagger back now. (Sita growls as she hands the dagger back)
Well? Hmm Crowley is kinda weird eh? One minute hes nearly killing her and the next hes being ”nice”. Well for a demon of his caliber. ^.^ wonder what’s goin on… trades and deals all over the place. Hmm cold water runs deep. Hey anybody ever heard of the Get Up Kids. Yeah I like their music… the depressed break-up, never happy kinda of music. That’s not to say I’m depressed right now. I’m kinda lonely but there’s not much new about that. Why does inuyasha311 keep huggin me? Are my stories that good? Lol ^___^ anyway. Merry day after Christmas
Ps. I’m not so stupid to think that it’s Christmas… every body else keeps saying happy v-day so I wanted to be different. Stand out eh.
"Mass Pike"
I wonder when I wander home If I'll be fit to drink alone.
Sleep with my memories, Pictures, apologies.
For every minute yesterday, Regret reminds me anyway.
If I remember anything, I'll make mistakes again.
Last night on the Mass Pike, Thought I was losing you.
Last night on the Mass Pike, I fell in love with you.
I will declare a holiday, The night that she turned me away.
I'm drowning in my miseries It solves everything.
Last night on the Mass Pike, Thought I was losing you.
Last night on the Mass Pike, I fell in love with you.
With you.
Last night on the Mass Pike, Thought I was losing you.
Last night on the Mass Pike, I fell in love with you.
Last night on the Mass Pike, Thought I was losing you.
Last night on the Mass Pike, I fell in love with you.
The Get Up Kids
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