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Monday, January 10, 2005
Almost there.... errrr almost to happiness....
Well its been another one of those days. iv noticed that the last few posts have just been me bitching about my foul mood and thinking about it there are people who are in worst situations then me... so let me just say this. Iv decided that my thougths will be dark for the next little while also my damn consience also refered to as shut up will be making apperances ever now and then to keep me in a staright line [yep yep. whats up folks?] shut up. did say you could talk? [:P nope but i dont care] god damn well get out of my head!!! [fine ill be quiet].yeah... so that was her. she suxs at her job and prefers to piss me off which at this point in time does not take much. Ok so back to the task at hand. Iv decided to end my poll early cause nobody seems to responds after one day. sooo..... i guess i should announce the winner, right? ok well by one vote the winner is... drum roll... Inuyasha. yep it was really tight. since you know only three people voted. Ok so im going to try this again. out of the following peeps which do you think would be last man standing in an all out battle. i do not want to know who your fav is... i wanna know who would win. alright i have to do this right. deep breath...ok.
As the mist clears you see a large field. standing separate you see four figures. you recognize them to be...
1. Sesshomaru from Inuyasha
2. Vash the Stampede from Trigun
3. Excel from Excel Saga
4. and last but definitly not least, and might i point out hes only on cause he nominated himself, is Afro Jones from otaku.com. isnt he lucky.
The mist continues to swirl around your feet. with a scream Excel plunges toward the men. seconds later after realizing what was happening, the men rush toward the middle of the field. they clash together... and for a few minutes all you see is a blur. you hear screams of pain and triumph as well as gun shots and various battle like sounds (i cant describe them very well. do swords swoosh?) suddenly all is qutite and you see one lone figure standing. who is it?
how was that for ya. hmm intereting [booooo you suck!!!] I'd like to point out that i still have limited knowledge in anime characters cause a) i live in canada were the closest thing we have to cartoon network is ytv which only plays the kidly shows and b) i have limited funds to buy anime and manga cause im a starving student. so give me a break with my choices. ok? ok [you think they care about your petty excuses] I SAID SHUT UP!!![...] thats better. well thats it for today. now to leave my pearl of wisdom aka my fav quote of the day... I know kung-fu, karate, and 47 other dangerous words. i told my frind that and she stole it from me!! ger. any way. please comment/ message about the poll i want to have something to count. Oh and can anybody give me pointers on how to put a bg or music on my site. i wanna spruce it up so it looks pretty. [like you can even acomplish that] Im just going to ignore you now... but i would advise you move away slowly before something bad happens. [>.>...<.<...*poof*]
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Sunday, January 9, 2005
I'm so tired of being BORED!!
Yep. so bored. you know what i find pathetic about my life? i can spend a whole weekend in my room on the computer and only leave to eat. pretty sad, eh? the good news is that i made my first quiz, so yay me. still kind of bummed though. im going to solve that this week end. nothing makees you feel better than goin out and hanging out with friends at the bar. wahoo. PARTY. I hope you will all be there in spirit. hmm. i think im going to share. i wrote this thing the other day when i was pissed and i looked at it last night and decided that i liked it. im not sure how great it is compared to other peeps stuff scince most of the things i write are just whats jumbled up in my head. ok so here it is. try not to laugh to hard...
I'm just a girl who doen't know
which way to go which way to turn
which mirror is really the way out in this
funhouse of life and love and like
and hate and call me hat because
with one letter i change to rage
I rage inside, wish to die, to love, to like, and be liked and
this life and love and hate make nothing.
confusion over you and him and him
helped by her and her and him and
them and me. Trying to see what lies
on the otherside of this mirror in
this funhouse of life and love and
like and hate
Im just a child with nothing
but myself still locked away hidden
but i do know at least i like
ya. sooo... kind of depressing eh? meh i dont write happy things. damit i want happy Sita back!! ya so any way... what up? i still only have three answers to my quiz so maybr ill just declare a winner based on my own choice. What you dotn want that? well then go vote. geez do i have to tell you all the time. well i just cheaked my quiz adn its not working to my satisfaction so im going to go see if i can fix it. once its better ill let you all know the site to go to. if you really want to see it you can go to quizzila and look it up. i use the same name so have fun. ehem. happy sita is due back any day now. till then you will all have to suffer sadly. well gots to go fix a quiz. ttyal
Quote of the day: Come to the dark side. We have cookies
Ok update. i got the quiz to some what work. it still needs some work but its usable. look at the result i got.
 You are... FOAMY. yay you. you got Squirely wrath and your own cult. not to mention you are the main character for a cool web cartoon.
Which Nerurotically Yours Character Are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Course i know what bottons to push [evil grin]
thanks fro
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Saturday, January 8, 2005
Crappy day... blagh!!!
Ger... what happened to my day??? i t was all good till i strated listening to some of my old cds and now im really bummed out. then i watched the butterfly effect. its such a sad movie. [*sniff*] coure i feel like shit to begin with so almost everything is sad. blagh. i want the old Sita back. the happy one. ger. Oh by the way id like to thank the three peeps who have responded to my quiz deally. thanks go to nausicaa0,Afro Jones, and heruchigu. It is thanks to these peeps that i will eventually be able to declare a winner from my sleep deprived brain's choices of peeps to pick from. If you haven't voted yet get on it. cause its fun. and ur fav will not win if you dont speak up. Im thinking my next one shoudl be a battle. hmmm gotta thing about the two characters to duel. hmm... any ideas? i was thinkin two bishies but im not sure who, and i still have very limited knowledge on the really hot ones. hmmm. Hehe guess what i got... the first volume of trigun. Vash is just a bit wacked out... but i like that. it kind of reminds me of kino's journy meets...slapstick comedy. just cause of the "philosophical" speaches Vash makes during the previews. any way... i think ill be goin now. still bummed out but i guess ill get over it in a few days. it comes and goes. Happy Sita wil be back i promise. then you will all suffer. bwuahahahahaha. [readers edge away slowly] ahem. yess...righty-o. oh i was thinking about haven quotes that i enjoy become part of this to here is the first one and also msn name... Knock on Death's door and run away. He hates that... I wonder if he'll know that i was the one who prank called him >_> [*shifty eyes*]. any who. im gonna go to sleep now. i counted it up and iv had 14 hours of sleep in three days. and i need sleep. its one of my new hobbies. ya so here i go now. TTYL everybody. and dont forget to tell me who ur fav character is.
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Thursday, January 6, 2005
So sleepy... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ....woah!
Gerr. its quarter to 12 my time (well more like 10 to) and i have an english essay due at 9:30 in the morning and as expected i left it till the last minute. GO ME!! so smart... im stupid. lol. Oh well, such is my life. i guess i should just get better at not procrastinating. hmm is that how u spell it. meh. ya so any way, i find it easier to write giberish than bs so im gonna add a post instead. migth i point out i didnt get to sleep till 2 last night too, so im just a bit sleep deprived. [yawn] well enough about me. iv decided im goin to hold a poll. what shall i hold it on, hmmm, Ok here it is who is ur favorite character out of all of these.
1)Inuyasha: Inuyahsha
2)Ranma 1/2: Ranma (boy or girl i dont care there the same person)
3) hmmm... runnin out of ideas. ah heres a gooder. Nuerotically yours: Foamy
4) Sailor Moon: Rini
5) Saiyuki: Son Goku
6)other: but ya gotta tell me who... or else.
Kinda mixed up but i dont care. these are the only peeps i can think about right now. yep. k im falling asleep at the keyboard, and thats usually not good. if i get any responses ill post the results in about a week. course in order to remember to post the results ill actually need some results... so go vote now... ur not voting...are u? thats right you go vote now. good job. well i gots to go. so sleepy and only 400 more words to go on my essay. meh i write better tired anyway. lol. cya laterz
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Friday, December 31, 2004
Wahoo!! iv passed 400 dowloads on my wp. yay you love me, you really love me [sniff]... ok maybe you dont love me, but thats ok. i really wasnt sure about how people would like my wp and to tell the truth i just do stuff on a wim. kinda pick a pic and go with it. roll with the flow if you know what i mean. well HAPPY NEW YEARS!! now that christmas is over i can change my avatar. corse it will have to wait till i go back to the good computer. this just in im still on slow speed, and my new avatar is not the high speed so i guess it will just have to wait. but check back cause it will be great and everybody will be amazed. (prolly not but humor me). guess what i got for christmas... Inuyasha Movie 1: Affections Touching Across Time. oh yeah. I bow to the great and glorious DVD. [edge away slowly while you still can!!! this is your life people] yep. scared yet. well i guess i should go. yet all you people go on with your lives. oh and i would like to thank NohelinaP92 for posing a very important question. she helped me think about where i really want to take this "existance" on my site.( im not sure if thats the best way to phrase it right now but im having a brain fart trying to be all mysterious and dark and matrix like) i think for now i will be completly 2D and refuse to release my real name. so call me Sita. take the blue pill. (was that the right pill? you know where moropheous is like take the red pill or the blue pill and the rabbit holes and such. give me a break i only watched the first movie.) hmmmm i think i should be going now. im rambling again. hmmm.
i would like to take the time to say my heart is with the people who were hit by the tsunami. disaster is never good but this is prolly the worst(and arguably, best) time to hit. (cause you know people are feeling giving and kind)
anyway got to go now that i made myself look like an ass. peace. Happy new year!! Party hard. folks.
Just call me
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Friday, December 24, 2004
well despite my happy mood, one more sleep till christmas, im a litle ticked. i wrote a post yesterday and added a post yesterday but i have no new post today, gerr. o well ill make up for it today. lol. yep i have to repeat myself in saying happy holidayz to everybody and i hope to see ya all in the new year. and to yukare129 i have yet to see one hellsing episode (everybody points and laughs... at me) cause my satilite provider sucs and will not get the anime network, an i have no money left after schooling, except to buy excel saga. Haillll....(fall down hole in the floor) ouch. but im hoping to se hellsing soon cause it looks cool and... im planing a hellsing wp as i sit here.(i just kinda do stuff when i feel like it... feeling like it is the greatest modivator) any way i gots to go and join the heard of other last minute shoppers. cya latter. and merry christmas. Bye
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Monday, December 20, 2004
hello yall
well this suxs. im stuck with slow internet, as predicted. im not sure how ill cope. lol guess ill just have to live with it. ya so i though id just give everybody an update on my sucky life. lol yep. i was woken up by my sisters this morning, first time in a long time, and im about ready to kill them. guess ill put up the chritmas tree up instead. yay!! that sounds like a lot of fun. its so depressing. normally at this time of year there is at least a foot of snow on the ground and the normal temp is about -30 C but right now there are wind warnings (gusts of up to 80 k/h) and no snow. it rained yesterday. thats just not right:( yep. well the one good thing about christams is im getting the First Inuyasha Moive. all right. then hopefully ill get enough money to buy the second one when it comes out righ away. that will be good. cant wait. cant wait. mmmm. Oh anyone who likes vampires or just lots of guns and shooting i highly recommend blade trinity. it was awsome. lots of guns and the one canadian dude, cant remember his name, was HOT and funny. oh yeah [drool... whoa the keyboard! crap]lol. anyway g2g it will prolly take ten min to load this on and every min im on the computer means people cant call me cause it ties up the phone line. :P well ttyl. hope u all have happy holidays. bye
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Saturday, December 18, 2004
bye bye for now
well this will be my last post for a while. I get to go home today. yay!! but... that means i have to go home to the slowest internet connection possible besides a non existant internet connection. blagh. that sux. yep. so i though id just say bye bye to everybody and thank you in advance to anybody who stops by or leaves me a complement. mmmmm... i like complements. like dougnuts except u cant eat them. any way... lol. still have a higher blood alcohol level than usual. well thats it for now. merry christmas and happy holidays. yay!!!! no work or school. mmmmm... i love holidays. anyway im gonna stop my pointless chatter and let u get back to what ever u were doin before unless ur not reading this... then screw you!!hmmmm not very christmassy of me. hmmm. im sorry. k im stoppin now. for real. i done. really. rigth now. k cyas laterz
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Thursday, December 16, 2004
new paper
Ya just so ya all know i just submitted a new paper today and provided that its all good to the head cheese it should be on later tonight. im really unhappy with it though. i wanted ed to be on the right but if i did that his left arm would magically become mecha and i figured that the full metal alchemist fans would not be happy with that. :( so sad. o well hope u all like it. oh i am now up to 28 visitors so yay me. its nice to get comments too. hint hint;D thanks to all the people who commplemented me on my papers. it makes me feel all fuzzy happy inside. is that good? hmm maybe i should see the doctor. lol any way cyas
ps thank you all again
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Monday, December 13, 2004
Eh Yall
What up? all 22 of you. yay!! still no comments but its all good. hey i just submitted another wallpaper so check it out in the next few days. i think that im goin to change my tactics a bit to get people to talk to me soooo hold on for the ride!! its gonna get bumpy (or suggestive well see. lol) well ttyal.
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