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myOtaku.com: sitarose

Saturday, September 8, 2007

KKKKK... So... I did something to my left wrist again so now it hurts when I bend it a certain way. I think it might just be a strain... but its really effing annoying when you go to move your wrist a certain way (which I seem to be doing alot while trying to post) and it screams in pain. It was really bad last night while I tried to sleep... and I dont see it stopping with the ow for a while.

And on the topic of stuff... I went to the theater a few weeks back. Went to see Mr. Bean's Vacation. Very funny by the way... but not the point. King # 2 and I took the bus down, ate at subway and then walked to the theater. So... we left Subway before we could wash our hands as they were closing. So we both went to wash our hands after we got our tickets for the movie. So... I'm sure its happened to other people where, you go to wash your hands and it takes forever for the water to warm up. Well... the water that came out (and I only had the hot tap on so no excuses.) was freezing cold. I waited for a moment and gave up when the water got colder.

I understand that people are all Energy-conservy right now... But for the love of god! The water heater was invented for a reason. I would be happy if the water was room temperature. But after walking to the theatre on a cool night... I did not want to wash my hands with cold water. I had a more vicious rant thought up... But my wrist is bugging me... Maybe I need to cut my arm off at the elbow.

So anyway... I promised pictures. I'm not really in the mood to explain them all as most of them are of animals and I think they dont need that much on an explanation. Although I did steal some pics from King # 2... so I'll point out the ones he took.

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These birds kept flying at the glass... I dont think they really liked being right by the door.
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This guy was in with the crazy birds. I think he was a bit scared from all the flying and flapping.
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I luff giraffs...
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*pet pet pet*
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The fishies were in with the hippos to clean the tank... sadly they also blocked most of the pictures.
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The best pic I could get of the hippo... who insisted on hiding in the water.
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Hakuna matata.
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Second picie from K#2 cause as you can see... the fence was in my way.
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Very colorful and very big... he was also pretty cool.
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This one looked very fake cause the colors were just so amazing... We think it was a girl cause she was really fat.
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Ahhhh... it was a pretty bird...
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Monkey monkey monkey. It was funny how the gorillas were able to just ignore all the people gawking at them. But I guess they have alot of practice.
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Wild dowgs... Moo.
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The kangaroos. Very cute and very lazy... no jumping at all.
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And my fuzzy wallaby... Alot of the animals were behind windows so some of the pictures wouldnt turn out no matter how hard I tried... I think I tried to take 6 or 7 pictures of this guy and with him moving around alot on top of having to photo through the glass... I gave up after this pic.
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I completly forget what kind of animal this is... but it's one of those animals that would sit still for a photo. I was pretty impressed with my timing on this one.
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Pretty Pretty...
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There were actually peacocks running around out loose in the zoo. Pretty cool except they didnt have any big tail feathers.
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All I can say is 6 foot wing spand. I wouldnt want one of them following me when I was getting ready to bite the dust.
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This monkey kept pretending to be asleep... which was pretty cute.
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And THESE monkies kept jumping around and stuff... I got a few videos but I need to edit them to remove the tone of my annoying voice.
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Second pic from K#2. His camera is a bit better so it takes clearer pictures when the animals are moving. I really liked these guys cause they're so small and fuzzy and adorable.
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These monkies were really cute too. They had a few babies in the enclosure and I think they could have fit in my hand, they were so small.
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Burrowing owl. These little guys are actually endangered due to loss of their habitat. They're really small (about the size of a kitten) and very cute.
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Two of the blad eagles were actually yelling at each other when we walked by them. That or just talking... they're weren't very loud in comparison to how loud they can be...
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A Cougar... I've read that cougars are actually more dangerous than bears as they will stalk humans as prey and they arent turned off by dead meat... So you cant play dead if they attack you...
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A north american porcupine... much shorter quills than the african ones...
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One of the lions at the zoo... the majority of the pride was hiding at the far corner of the exhibit so it was hard to get pictures of them.
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A bear... I think this was a cinnimon bear... But it was in with the brown bears.
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And lastly... a goose... Not from the zoo... but we visited a park the next day and it was a good picture.

And thats my zoo pictures... and Im still alive... fyi

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