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myOtaku.com: sitarose

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

   hmm... its been a while
well im back. after the wise words from nausicaa0 i decided that im gonna take her advice. dear god look what i have been reduced to. doing something just for my pure enjoyment. hmmm... gonna have to thibk this through. So ya. hows goes it, everybody? so sleepy. i cant wait till reading week. then i can sleep and read i guess. u know whats funny? last week at this time it was like -50 with the wind chill and last night we got rain. lol. so now some schools are closed cause the roads are so slippery. i nearny broke my neck when i stepped out of the door today. lol it was like babmi on ice. minus the killinmg of the mother. (omg they shot his mom O_O) sorry for anybody who has yet to see bambi. hmmm. does anybody read Newtype. whadya think of the dvd? Wandaba Style is seriously screwed. ud have to be crazy to pull it off. CRAZY LIKE A FOX!!! i love that line. now i got the wandaba song stuck in my head. wandaba wandaba wandaba wandaba!!! ger. i seriously though that show was screwed. who wants to go to the moon when you can go to mars and meet the martians? mmmm tasty martians. ehem you didnt see that. any way im not sure what else to say for now. oh i got the first volume of sayuki. My favorite part is when Goyjo and Goku yell at each other. nympho kappa, kappa kappa kappa!!! it kinad reminds me of when inuyasha and Kouda fight. ^__^ yep well heres the mv of the day...ahh some good old canadian killer with no filler... enjoy

remember kids smoking is only for the cool people. thats how the losers and geeks are goin to take over. while the popluar people are dieing of cancer, I Sitarose will lead the new movemnet. crap... this is suppose to be under raps. pertend you didnt see anything. btw anybody wanna be my right hand man/ woman? equal rights people. Alright quote of the day... i got nothin. ummm...i liked what the ninja said today. just read that. hmm or... Lets play horse. I'll be the head and you be yourself. hehe. id prolly end up being the ass now that i think about it. ^.^ well im done for the day. just one last thing. i need one more vote for the poll to break the tie. your choices are either...
1. Excel from excel saga
2. Afro Jones from theotaku.com
just one vote to declare a winner. hmmmm i got an idea for another poll but since people arent really paying any attention to me i may just drop the whole idea. hmmmm... any way ttyl and all that jazz
a not much of anything (but soon to be new ruler) Sita

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