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myOtaku.com: sitarose

Monday, January 24, 2005

i feel so special today. i gots to help install some new speakers in my friends car. she didnt know how to do it and i did so i felt like i knew something. oh yeah... it sounded so good after too. the bass was awesome. boom boom boom. then to make the day better... i managed to get my friend to sign up to the myO. now i feel like a big sister. im gonna have to protect him. {*eyes up all of the people*} [i think ur over reacting] piss off. hes my little bro... at least for now. ya. so that made me feel all warm and tingly inside. its like my good deed for the day. yep. i think i need a time out...... ok im better i will be calm. breath in... and out. boom boom boom. hmm well not much else to say today. i gues il put up the quote of the day... The way i hate you makes me feel all warm and tingle inside. hmmm not very funny but screw it. i dont really care. anyway im doen for the day. ttyl and all that

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