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myOtaku.com: sitarose

Monday, April 4, 2005

   SITA IS BACK!! again...
I’SE THE BYE WHO BUILDS THE BOAT AND I’SE THE BYE WHO SAILS HER… ok.. I got roots in Atlantic Canada…. I’m allowed to be weird… speaking of weird…. Hasabasa boo!! Ok I’m hyper.. I’m running on five hours of sleep and I’m pretty sure I had a bit to drink last night (scratched head) but I didn’t really feel it.. I think I had four.. no five at my last count…. And I was sober when I went to bed…. Damn….. I feel sorry for the peeps on msn though.. they had to put up with me.. kept telling me I was drunk too.. I COULD TYPE!!!. .. but I had to put up with howee… geeze look out for THE SWITCH… its scary when that thing is tuned on…. And I’m glad he had fun updating… I could have.. but I was so lazy.. thought it would be funny.. and now I got stuff to clean up… meh… might just leave the graffiti…. I’m pretty lazy right now… which is bad.. cause I got a load of school work due in the next week…. Essays and reports and questions to go over and tests to study for.. but its not all for not.. another week and my classes will be OVER!!!!! Whoooooooot….. then I get to work…(sarcastic) yayyyyyyy….. ok not yayy….. but work means money.. and money means food.. and food means eating.. and eating means something to do…. God I live a dull existence………… hey I did so something fun… went swimming with a friend and saw this (kinda) cute guy… anyway we’re sitting there and decide he should be an Ethan.. or crap he had another name….. uhhhhh.. I forgot.. anyway… the pool we were at is set up so you can see where people are working out in the gym and they can see you.. soooooooo.. because were both creepy we were watching him work out… not that bad.. but I’m not use to doing that… anyway.. he leaves the gym and my friend says “you know it would be funny if he came in for a swim now” so we sit there for about 15 minutes.. and then I say I’m bored lets get out.. we were aty the pool e for about two hours or so at this time and I was feeling a little sick from the hot tub.. so we get out and just as were walking past the men’s change room.. guess who walks out….. the so dubbed Ethan !!! course I looked right at him cause I do that…. You cant just walk by a guy with his shirt off….Anyway he looks right back at me and I’m sure I turned bright red cause I’m really not a swimming suit person to begin with and it was ETHAN!!!! He knew we were looking at him to… so embarrassing …. Anyway my friend was being an a** and didn’t even notice him so we continue to walk into the change room and when we get in I freaked out… it was such great fun... then she wouldn’t go back into the pool with me…-__- yea... my life sucks.. wow this is like an old school post.. I remember those.. just start typing and don’t stop… yep yep.. anyway.. now that I have bored you to the point of leaving.. I shall say (all mysterious command like) gooooooo…. Be gone from this place of uttermost boredom and pointlessness….^_______^ but you know come back tomorrow… might have something interesting up again…..lol
Addition: ok its prolly one of my non-member friends being an a** but who ever the hell keeps saying they love me in the shout box…. Get over it… and your scaring me…^.^’
Addition number 2: ok twice in one day.. who the hell is it?? Its bugging me now…. I hate curiosity….
Disclaimer: I SO TOTALLY STOLE THIS FROM HOWEE!!!! He’s takin forever to put it up... so I’m doin it!! Hehe and I changed the password so he cant do anything about it…. Geeze.. I need a guy to take me away…. Preferably some place fun ^.^
Video code provided by MusicVideoCodes.com

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