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myOtaku.com: sitarose

Saturday, April 30, 2005

   Theres a fine line between hearing the voices and listening to them
Grrrr….. ok I’m all good…. Good day… good day… got to work on time.. thinking that I would be stuck in the back all day at the computer to do some web based training.. so talk about throw a wrench in my plans…. At about 2:30 they say.. ok so lets go to the front….*jaw drop* all I can think is “ you mean with customers.. with real money…. To watch right?… you so not going to make us do the actual work with like 4 hours of back room computer training…” yeah.. right.. on the till.. working with money.. real money *evilly glazed eyes* I like money….. bwuahaha.. course cause most of the bills end up being more that $100 with it being the Home Depot and everything.. most of it is done with credit cards…. So I don’t get to play with money that much…. But its prolly safer that way anyway…*hangs head* yeah.. so I was all jittery and trying to remember my lines… HAHAHAHAHAHA!! Lines *wipes away a tear* yeah right.. anyway.. I was all jittery and twitchy all the same…. But it was all good…. Seriously its like you push three buttons and play with the scanner all day… just make sure you point the little red light away from your eyes…*smacks forehead* wow… they must think we have the intelligence of a paperclip… which granted… I am capable of acting like sometimes.. but really.. what’s the point in scanning your eyes? Not like you can sell them…. But it was fun all the same… lets see how long it takes for me to start complaining about work.. cause its not going to be fun forever…. The only real thing that ticked me off…. I didn’t get my damn apron… that’s the bloody HIGHLIGHT of the job… with the orange and such…. All I got to wear was the trainee badge… hehe… It says “In Training” *hangs head* yeah.. I’m one of those people right now…. Anyway.. once again.. If you want to catch up on the story.. I now have it all complied into one neat little word document.. its only 24 pages long… O.O right… I sent it out to the few people who have already asked for it…. But if you want it… all you got to do is ask for it…. Now… as I have been promising for the last three days now... more story.. finally….

[(sitting on the couch with a bowl of caramel popcorn) BOBBEEEEEEEEEIIIIIIII!!!!!! I WANNA WATCH THE MOVIE!!!!! ]
Bobby: (looks dejected and sighs) c…c…. coming my….. life’s light… (slowly walks into the room)
Bobby: (smiles) I… I can do that for my light… but first…. I must tell you something my life’s desire and reason for immortality…..
[IM CRASHING!!!!!!!]
Bobby: please…. My desire….. my heart’s yearning….. I beg of you to listen to me… what I have to say I of such importance that I will cease to exist if I do not tell you…. My very soul will perish in the pits of neglect if I force myself to with hold this pearl of information anymore….
(Note: seriously.. I don’t think HE knows what he’s saying half the time)
[Uhhhhhhh….(blank look)……………(eats a piece of popcorn)]
Bobby: (looks expectant)……….
[ oooooookay then…………]
Bobby: (deep breath)…………..

Sita: (sigh) I really don’t want to do this…..
Fro: Then don’t…. I know that there is a nice….. ahhhhh…… person…. Yeah person… I’m sure there is a nice person in there somewhere (looks Sita in the eye and smiles a little)
Sita: (deep breath and closes her eyes for a moment)………..uhhhh… after much reflection….(opens her eyes) Nope… no nice person in here………. If there were I might not do this… but….. I feel I need to….
Fro: please…. (cowers against the wall) please don’t…..
Sita: you need to learn not to steal from me… hand it over…..
Fro: No!!! anything but that!!!!
Sita: (closes here eyes again) this is the only way… now give it up….
Fro: but…..(close to tears… or maybe even crying…. I’ll never tell) but….
Sita: (through clenched teeth) please… don’t make it any harder than it needs to be…
Fro: anything!! Anything but... but… not the POCKY!!!

Crowley: ummm… is this odd tingly feeling normal?
Armisael: well…… probably not…. But I’m sure you will be fine once all of your atoms painfully re-arrange themselves when we get out the other side… we’re almost there….
Crowley: Pain?

Zan: (singing) I am Zan…. Dun dun dunnnnnnn!!!!! (pushes a few buttons)…. I am the Man!!! Yeowwww!!!
(Note: For the real Zan… I’ve given up trying to get the character right… personally…. I think I’ve made some improvements ^.^ maybe a few technicolor rabbits are in order? I shall post an explanation to that comment at the bottom of the post for anybody who wants to read some really bad brain work)

Red Pheonix: (laying on the ground recovering from the kamikaze blast) what…. What happened? (looks at the spot where the mecha would have been) uh-oh……. That’s not good…(notices a rocket launcher sitting on the ground and his eyes glaze over) that will work….

Bobby: My darling Hyper…. I must leave you… but only a moment away from your very energy is like excruciatingly bitter pain… and for that…. I shall return as soon as I possibly can… but before I leave….

And that’s were I’m going to stop… cause I develop writer’s block when it comes to writing Bobby’s speeches….. there really isn’t much to work with when you haven’t heard much worth using as inspiration in a while… need to talk to a few of my muses… that should get some new ideas into my head…… I had something else I was going to talk about… obviously it wasn’t that important as I cant remember it now….ahhh... I know….. I hope you people aren’t just sucking up voting for Sita as your favourite character… I want a legitimate vote…. I want to know everybody’s favourite character…. That’s all for tonight… first long post in a long time... hope I didn’t make anybody fall asleep or anything….

Ok…. An explanation.. Zan has his own story and he decided to hold a contest to design an agent…. So…. At the time I had “free” time aka time I really did not want to devote to school work… so I made up this agent…. Go figure… I was the only one to enter besides Afro Jones... and well… we all know who the better writer is… lol… I loves ya Fro *hugs*… anyway.. .this is my sad excuse for an agent…. This is exactly how I sent it too.. so enjoy if you choose to read it…..
1: personality: uhhhh….. let me come back to this…. Ok then I’m back to it alright.. uhhh.. I dont know!! He’s really serious. never smiles. Uhhhh…. Geeze.. I don’t know… like I said really serious…. He doesn’t put up with jokes… that’s all I got for personality… elaborate as you see fit
2: Weapons and abilities: ok this is the fun part…. Alright…. This guy is wicked awesome….. you ready for this? Ok then…. Uhhhh… ah yes the bunnies and the rainbows…. Ok…. He is able to.. get this.. call forth a great army of Technicolor, rainbowy rabid Rabbits!!!! that shoot rainbows from their eyes… Ok I need to stop for a sec and remember you want something half serious….. ah screw it… funny and screwy is better… ok so he’s got the rabbits….. and hes also got the ability to ummm….. make delicious cookies.. yep… ok I’m basically wasting your time here… this guy is so not going to win….. k so he makes great cookies… and those get shot out of the “Crafty Cookie Cutter Machine Gun” into the mouths of his enemies then they get all happy fuzzy and decide not to fight.. personally I think he’s got the cookies laced with something….. and what else does he have…. Ahhh… hes got the ability to shield most elemental attacks but he is weak when it comes to fire attacks…. That’s all I got…
3: Name: Hycleas
4: My personal liking to the character: you like him cause otherwise he hits you with the cookies…. Please dear god… ok I just sound nuts ok? Stupid lack of… stuff… yea stuff

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