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myOtaku.com: sitarose

Sunday, May 1, 2005

   Mr. Bartender Mr. DJ make me feel good…. I got fired today- Sugar Ray
No not really.. I just like that line…Narg.. I really don’t learn.. you would think after the many mornings I have woken up just in time to be off to where ever I need to be… I would learn that I really need to stop the late night chatting … that being said… hehe.. I like to chat… nyway.. I got a bone to pick with the smarta** who invented pop ups... death to the damn pop ups… actually a few things bugged me today... for instance… ok I wasn’t late for work.. that would have been bad…. But walking to work.. cause its only about four blocks away… and by blocks I mean the city suburb blocks cause I live in a suburb.. blagh blagh blagh…. Anyway.. to get to work… I walk along a bike path… the thing that rubs me the wrong way is the damn path comes out right in between two extremely busy intersections…. And opens up to an extremely busy road... this road is one of two of the busiest streets in my city… *smacks forehead* if I ever get my hands on the bugger who designed the damn path like that… grrrrrr…. So anyway... that’s not the only part that bugs me… ok so I swear this bloody path does come out right in between the intersections…. So.. I have a choice.. both are out of my way… I can walk to the north.. to cross the road at the Chapters.. or I can walk to the south… and cross by the intersection that gets into the huge big cluster of buildings including the home depot where I work…. Ok…. Fine *holds up hands* I’ll walk….. it might be cold and windy and I might want to……. the damn path designer…. But I’ll walk…. But could you bloody cheap city bastards give me a damn side-walk!! I mean.. they have sidewalk.. oh they have side walk……*eye twitch* they have side walk on the very end of the bloody little island meridian thingy that I walk on!!! But not all the way down….. * looks down in frustration* I don’t ask for much…. All I want… is…. One… bloody…. Damn… sidewalk…. That I can use… doesn’t even need to be concrete… it can be packed dirt for all I care…..but level ground would be nice.. cause this meridian is a bloody hill….*eye twitch* right then... now that I’ve ranted on something nobody cares about…. How goes it everybody? I’m cold… like I said.. its cold and windy.. how’s it down south Con? Hope its at least a little warmer than up here…. Its bloody well freezing up here… now on… principle… I like the cold…. But... but after a week of hot weather… you don’t want to get thrown back into the deep-freeze right away….. and it doesn’t help that I left my warm jacket 30 minutes south at home… so all I got is hoodies…. Which really isn’t that big of a deal.. cause I wear a hoody all day to begin with… but it really isn’t the warmest piece of clothing you can wear… *sigh* ok I think I’m tapped.. all the angry hath left the Sita…. It has been replaced by…. Well I’m not really sure…. Ooooookay…… I have something a little different for you all…. How’s about a riddle….. correct answers get… *shrugs* well…. I don’t have much to give… I would say a banner... but I got a few “orders” on back up…. So… well if you want one… that will be the prize… first correct answers get a banner… cause other wise all it takes is one smart person and everybody benefits…. Or you could pm the answer.. but it seems like a lot of people are too lazy to pm now a days….. ok so I guess you all need the riddle don’t you….. ok then…. Hope its not to easy…. Or hard…. and I hope at least a few people try to answer it…

I turn my head and you may go where you want
I turn it again, you will stay where you rot.
I have no face, but I live or die
By my crooked teeth… who am I?

I love riddles… to bad I’m not very good at them… well that’s all I got… time for a nap….
Ps. I said bloody a lot…. I like to say bloody…. It adds flavour to ones vocabulary… right Blue Eyes? (might consider asking Howee… but the poor boy has his internet down)

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