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myOtaku.com: sitarose

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

   why be normal when i can be me?
Shwaaaaaaaa…… kinda like whoowaaaaaa….. that comment got me a few odd looks at the salon today…. Yeah….. boo to the people who drag you down eh….. the RED IS BACK!!! Dyed my hair today... again… so sticking with red… my friend kept looking at it and blinking and saying “that is really REALLY bright” HAHA!!! And it is bright… its hot though so HA! I should go get my hat….. fell asleep with that hat on my head.. that’s how hot it is….. ok this is all just psycho babble…. Had a damn good night so I’m just off the wall hyper…. Hypa hypa…. I need a hobby.. speaking of hobbies.. the same friend who was blinded by my hair is forcing me to go to a recreational Rugby thingy tomorrow… that should be interesting….. I’m really not a pain person... well extreme physical pain person….. hope its only touch.. and I know her weak point so I should be good…… she’s the only one I’m worried about anyway….. ok so today is question and answer day….. booyah!!! And a shwaaa for good measure….. of I go to try to answer the questions!!!

Ok.. Connery…
Can you tie a cherry stem in a knot with only your tongue?…..
No.. wish I could.. and I might be able to if I practiced….. but no…

What's the sweetest thing a guy has ever done for you? I'm talking sugary candy fructse-glucose sweet here. The tear-inducing kind, y'know?
Uhhhhhh………… Well it was really sweet that one talked to me… HAHA!! Na… ummmmm…… not sure to tell the truth… I would have to think for a long time on that one… had a guy tell me he loved me the other night… I loved that… but that was an odd situation.. so I’m not sure if he was just saying it.. or if he really ment it… that and I’m getting a phone call from a friend who lives really far away for my birthday…that has to be the sweetest thing so far… cause it did make me cry….

Blue eyes
What was your first impression of me?
That’s so long ago!!! Cant remember my exact impression.. prolly the same as anybody else.. bit worried that you would hunt me down.. HAHA!! Na.. I liked you.. why do you think we talk?

Your biggest secret?
Bwuahahah.. thought hard about this for a moment… then I realized…. My name!!! Haha.. that and how I’m going to end the story.. cause even I’m not sure.. ^.^

What's your absolute fav. anime character, and your fav. villain?
Bwuhahaha…. Inuyasha is my all time fav…. And fav villain….. Lord Illipalazzo!! HAIL!!!

what's your favourite dish?
Ummmmmm…… lol… another grr inducing question….. ummmm…. So unfair…… grrrrr…… I would most likely say…………… you know I’m thinking hard when I drag it out this long… ginger beef…… yep good old Chinese food… damn it now I want ginger beef!!
Why's the grass always greener on the other side?
Ha this one is easy… see the sunlight filters in and the reflection off the grass makes it seem brighter… and that’s how you get greener grass on the other side… I never want to take science again.. explains to much… that or its just a matter of perspective… hmmmm.. inspiration…. Damn no art class to take it out on…. Meh oh well…

Ok… Howee is a brat and left this in my comment box
circles & eyeballs,
circles are pretty,
are tasty wonderfull,
just like black gray bees
somebody please tell me what the heck it means…. Cause otherwise I will be forced to beat him… and I really don’t want to hurt him to bad cause he’s so cute… HAHAHAHAHAHAHA…. *wipes away a tear* like a puppy…. oh man… no more sugar… I think it was the hair dye… I really do… well I’m done for the day…. Still open to questions…
p.s me + lazy + stuff that happened= lack of site visitation= me so very sorry…. You have to be getting tired of hearing that…. Tell you what.. I’ll think of new and creative ways to say it… *smacks head into the wall*… must not be a bad friend… must be a good friend… must make it to all the sites… not just some…. Bad Sita *hangs head*

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