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myOtaku.com: sitarose

Friday, January 20, 2006

She'd just turned 21
She didn't care to hang around
So when the shit came down why she was nowhere to be found
This life can turn a good girl bad
She was the sweetest thing that you had ever seen
Cherry Lips- Garbage

ok... so to recap the last few days in a few words..... I cant remember what happened.... been all over the place and stuff has been happening like mad.... and its just simple basic stuff..... it doesnt help that I cant remember when one day started and the other began cause my sleep pattern is all over the place. anyway... wensday was fun cause a friend of Stacie's was turning 18... drinking limit here is 18.... so we had to take him out.... Tiffany was suppose to go.... but ditched out to study for exams... and Im not even sure what we were thinking going out on a wensday night as nothing was really open... we went to this little martini bar... which was interesting... as Im not really a Jazz and drink kind of person..... course... the band that was playing wasnt really playing Jazz.... it was more like folk-y slow stuff... neary put me to sleep.... anyway... we left there after about 20 minutes or two drinks for birthday boy... went to the pool hall and played pool for an hour or two and did a few shots.... so that was fun... then since pool wasnt really doing it for us we decided to go cruise the normal bars.... all looked pretty dead... till we passed this one called The Catwalk. Not a bad bar... not the best.... they've had a few inncidents there that have involved knifes and stuff..... but that happens in all the bars here... anyway.... it looked open... which confused us a bit... so we went in to check it out.... first off it was alot slower that usual.... it was prolly only about half full as oppose to the usual 3/4's it is at the same time on a week end night. second off.... they werent playing the usual rap and hip hop stuff they usually play. Third off... everyone was in black.... and gothy..... and... punky.... and.... just really cool clothing! *points at quote from yesterday* I was in a good mood so I started a random conversation with this one guy that I normally wouldnt say anything to for fear of being hurt... I try to avoid judging by apperance.... but.. he just looked really.... "not going to take bs"... *whispers* worst part is..... Im kinda attracted to people who dress and look that way, depending on the day, so.... I was probably nervous from that too..... anyway... just started a conversation with him... only about 5 or 10 minutes.... but it was cool. I found out a few locations to find studs and spikes for if I ever need to punk up my clothing. also found out they dont let you on the city bus if your dressed that way because your a hazard... which....ok... that makes sense..... I guess...they let him in a bar with inch spikes... but not on the bus.... *shrugs* anyway..... After that I went home to sleep... and I slept..... woke up.... went to work..... this is the interesting aspect.... ok.... so.... I think I posted about the whole JoAnn yelling at me when I asked her to make a list..... and I really wanted to walk out... if I didnt post about it..... well... thats the jist of the story.... anyway.... I got into work today and was talking to Colleen... shipment came in today.... and only half of it showed up.... So I guess JoAnn started getting angry at Colleen for it.. so by the time I got there Colleen was ready to quit.... heres the funny part.... I was more ready to leave on the spot because of what JoAnn did to Colleen.... than the day JoAnn snapped at me... I've been told that if I did happen to decide to walk out one day chances are I wouldnt have to worry about not having a job. Supposidly Im in a position where I could just walk out and then come back the next day and I would still have my job. I kinda want to test that theory. But at the same time I dont. Its either I do that or talk to JoAnn about what shes doing. Though she strikes me as the kind of person who thinks she can deal with people... when she really cant. I know Im the only original cast memeber left at the store from when we had Terry... Stacie left mainly because of JoAnn.... Tiga is planning on quiting because she isnt being paid enough or getting enough hours to pay her bills.... and Colleen is planning on leaving due to boredom and harrasment. *closes her eyes* All I can do is keep thinking "if you all quit..... and Im the only one left..... I can ask for a 50 dollar an hour raise..... and get it...." Cause JoAnn is so picky about who she'll hire... all the people that did want to work at the store before..... sure wont want to work there anymore.... serious shortage of employees.... Makes me a little sad to think of how stressed that would make me.... but its also funny.... cause the more stressed I get.... the more likely I am to just not show up XD.... yeah.... work is getting interesting... Im going into I-dare-you-to-tick-me-off-cause-you-really-dont-pay-me-enough-to-put-up-with-it mode.... I kinda wish we had a union... then I would feel better about dealing with JoAnn... but.... ehh... *shrugs* they dont pay me enough to care that much XD
Note: I kinda just started ranting didnt I? geeze..... cut off.....

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