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myOtaku.com: sitarose

Thursday, January 26, 2006

You can have my isolation. You can have the hate that it brings
You can have my absence of faith. You can have my everything
Help me you tear down my reason. Help me it's your sex I can smell
Help me you make me perfect. Help me become somebody else
Closer (clean original)- Nine Inch Nails

Random downloads= 50 Cent/ NIN remix.... very interesting... I need to aquire Closer to get the full effect of the mix I think. I'm ok but Im not all right. I made a new profile on the MyO for when I feel like this.... not going to say the name.... and Im not going to use it yet... But its kinda nice to have it there in case. I know I was talking to Con about it. Sometimes its nice to have a place where you can out right bitch and it doesnt look bad on you because people dont know its you saying it. *deep breath* I was thinking about using it then I decided against it. I kinda figure I'll get through my latest "issues" in my own time and people that try to stop or manage to get in the way of me feeling better *cough* Zan *cough*(The MyO Zan.... not to be confused with the delightfully cool Zanorich from gaia who usually gives me muffins or cookies) can go to hell. Which brings me to my next point of complaint... I wish I was religious enough to tell people to go to hell with conviction. I think today was "Ask Stupidly Obviously Answered Questions" Day... A few of my favorite "Can I purchase this fountain?" (( Sarcastic comment I wanted to make but didnt: No.... Its just there for you to look at..... the price tag and over abundance of the said fountain are not for sale. You have to look at the pile of them and weep for I will not let you buy ANY of them. Cause I dont want it to be lonely. And you look funny.... And ask dumb questions... And I dont like your shoes...)) *as customer looks at two almost identical products* ( They have differnt names... thats it...) "How are these different?" ((Sarcastic comment that I wanted to make after answering this question three times: One blows bubbles and the other blows things up when you point it the right way. Im not going to tell you which.... You have to figure that out yourself)) or the all time favorite... After I tell the customer they cant return the damn product because of hygenic reasons (such as the Sauna Belt.. if you've seen the comercial.. you know what Im talking about.... You sweat in the damn thing.... why would we let you return it?) "So can I return this if I dont like it?" (( No sarcastic comment possible.... I just want to run my head into the wall a few times over this one)) Anyway.... then I had the joy of just being stuck with the bitch work for most of the day... Heavy lifting and such...... I think I messed my arm up a bit.... so that makes me very unhappy.... *deep breaths* Its been a frustrating day... Anyway.... I used a gaia avatar maker to make little image-like representations of my "story" characters..... so... look at them.... love them... adore them.... I still have to make a few I think... maybe repost my story after I get them all done...
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and thats all folks.... I think I've said enough for the day

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