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Ex. Night Stalker, Slacker College Student and Resident Doomsayer
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None of your damn business.
I wake up every morning promptly at 9:10 unless its a Friday or the weekend..... Then I wake up when I feel like it.
Anime Fan Since
A while...
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I had a list... it was long.
Nothing that this site will help me accomplish.
Doing stuff.
People say I can do stuff. I think a lot of other people do it better.
Wednesday, February 8, 2006
She'll close the deal, she dont reveal that she can feel
The loneliness, the emptiness 'cept when she comes in here
She's a product of the me generation
She got a rock and roll side when you get her agitated
She got the tattoo there on her derriere from a spring break dare
In Panama where love was all she thought shed ever need
Hell Yeah- Montgomery Gentry
Ok.... so I might have gone a little overboard on the random lately.... Its just an indication Im in a good mood.... Im sorry.. I'll try to go back to being depressed. Though I dont think thats going to happen. At least for a bit. ANYWAY. *cough* ummmm... *considers if she should tell* ehhhh.... Ok.. so normally on Monday nights Zanorich and I watch Dead Like Me together via MSN. We watch the show and talk it over during the breaks. Which is fun... I really enjoy doing it. So.... last night got a bit weird cause I asked him a certain question pertaining to how we interact. So the conversation got awkward and stuff... *wants to crawl into a corner* anyway... we shall see how that works out. In other news... Heres a somewhat different quizzy/survey thinger I got in my email... I figured I would post it up cause I have nothing more to say. Have a good one all.
The Tomato Quiz
What would you die to protect?
Ummm... To answer this question I first need to review what I value... Which... common... We all know isnt that much. So... To list the few things I value... My friends, family (XP as much as I would like to dissasociate from them sometimes), Love, Life, General Human rights... Equalitly... yeah... thats about it... I dont have any particularly strong feelings toward any political or religious movments or beliefs... So I sure wouldnt die for any of those things... I can think of a short list of people I might sacrafice for... but other wise... I dont think I would die for anything except to protect basic human rights and general miswrongs. What can I say? As much as I bitch about life.. Im not just going to throw it away... I need a good reason to go and kill myself....
What would you die to destroy?
*wants to list anything that has pissed her off in the last ten days* To quote Nickleback "I'm not a leader of man" I dont have the right to decide what should be and what shouldnt... and I dont hate anything enough to say it should be destroyed completly. Everything is here for a reason. Sadly
What would make your father more proud of you?
If I got a new job, started making much money, started driving, and possibly if I found a nice boy he approved of. Ummm... yeah.... not gonna happen. I've come to terms with the fact that hes going to be dissapointed with me.
What group do you hold the most unfair prejudice against?
Men. Ok... I guess your not all stupid, inconsiderate, depression-causing human life forms. Most the guys I know are actaully pretty damn cool.
If you could plan your own funeral, what songs would be played?
Ummmm.... *snickers* how about you force everyone to listen to my playlists and all my CDs... Im sure something in there might please somebody or fit the mood. Seriously.... Umm... I really dont know... I'm kinda hoping I just fade away and there isnt a funeral. Its just easier that way.
What childhood hero are you most ashamed of now?
Uhhhhhhhh.... *blinks* HOW COULD YOU DO THAT?! I love all my childhood heros... I learnt all my so called "values" from them... make me question my child hood.... how dare you quiz maker.... how dare you... for shame....
You are ordered to kill a single person. Who dies?
Why with the killing? ehhhhh... I choose Billy the Flaming Penguin. Just because he looked at me funny the other day.
If you were to write a song, what would it be titled?
"When the world ends will the tree frogs realize their mistakes?" Sounds kinda emo-ish-esque... It will outline the tree frogs plans for world and turnip domination in exactly 5 minutes and 23 seconds. With a 20 minute steel drum solo between each refrain.
Where is Waldo?
Do you feel a sharp pain?
In a shootout, would you most like to be the gun, the bullet, or the victim?
*thinks* Gun= cause, Bullet= effect, Victim= the end
What the hell kind of question is this? I would be the knife. I like knives.
Did Hitler have redeeming qualities as a human being?
Of course.... He got Germany and inadvertatly the rest of the world out of the depression didnt he? And we all have good and bad qualities.... His were just viewed as "bad" by most people.
If you were to vandalize something, how and what?
The White House.... Anything you do to that bugger... its going to show up... unless you paint on it with white out... but I kinda want to paint it green and purple. With a smiley face on it.
Do you support the death sentence?
Nope... everyone has a right to life. And if the justice system wasnt so effed up... the damn criminals might actually suffer a bit and feel like they were being punished. Then the system would work.
If you changed your name, what would it become?
I've always been partial to Hannah.... but I wouldnt change my name.... I got a cool name
Is this quiz not fucking amazing?
Dont you know it.
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