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myOtaku.com: sitarose

Saturday, March 18, 2006

'Cause my eyes are open,
And everything still moves in slow,
Breathless and blue and be-,
Hind your eyes,
The sea,
Oceans of,
Light envelop me.
Atlantic- Thrice

Ok... so.... Im not sure which is worse... Being praised or always being looked over....

My night manager has just NOW finally begun to remember my name... I've been called Jessica, Rachlle (How ever the hell you spell that name) Frodo, Baggins, Hobbit ((ok... those are all related.... see... I made the mistake of suggeting they just call me Hobbit cause you see Im SHORT and every one else has a tendency to call me Hobbit...)) ummm.... Pretty much eveything EXCEPT for my real name.... which... meh.... I prefer the nice shortened down version more.... Its quicker to say... saves eveyone time.... I answer to it.... its alll good.... so anyway..... hes been putting in an effort to learn my real name.... He managed to do it.... I feel happy for him.... considering I told all of the people on night crew that I respond to almost anything so long as I know its being used in reference to myself.... I even respond to "Hey You!!".... anyway.... Back to earlier statments..... I've been given a bit of attention from the night manager due to the fact that..... well.... Im not really sure why he likes me so much.... I think its cause I do the bitch work..... Pulling heavy stuff.... lifting heavy objects..... Wait... that was it.. the heavy lifting thing.... *cough* So.... I stand 5 foot tall right.... and I have no clue how much I can actaully lift.... but I got special mention today for being able to lift stuff.... Im not sure if thats a good thing.... I mean.... Now Im going to be called over to help with ALL the heavy lifting.... My arms hurt.... my feet hurt..... Im pretty sure my back would hurt if I could feel it.... long story short.... I wanted to be the one in the back that did good but not overly noted work.... oh... and the short thing? For some odd reason they think that just because Im short it also means I weight less (not true :P)..... So I got to jump in a basket of pillows today to squish them down so we could put MORE pillows in the bin.... That was fun.... Eight feet up and stuck in a giant box of pilllows? I wanted to go to sleep.... Seems they wanted me to work though.... Im not entierly sure what was going through their heads... but anyway..... To make a point.... Im now making a list of things I hate because I cant lift them... top of the list is elephants, big boxes of chocolate and lacross sticks..... the lacross sticks not because they're heavy.... but because I had to move like.... 50 of the god damn things..... and that made me a bit mad..... anyway... Im done ranting... time for sleep...

Oh and BTW.... For those paying attention to the half ass count down I have ((Cause I've always been half ass bad at numbers...))
An enjoyable section of Lyrics to go with the day count... 7 days= One Week and due to that I thought of this song and wow Im just a bit hyper.....

Like Kurasawa I make mad films
Okay I don't make films
But if I did they'd have a samurai
Gonna get a set of better clubs
Gonna find the kind with tiny nubs
just so my irons aren't always flying
off the back-swing
Gotta get in tune with Sailor Moon
Cause that cartoon has got the boom anime babes
that make me think of wrong things.

How can I help it if I think you're funny when you're mad
Trying hard not to smile though I feel bad
I'm the kind of guy who laughs at a funeral
Can't understand what I mean? You soon will
I have a tendency to wear my mind on my sleeve
I have a history of LOSING my shirt

It's been one week since you looked at me
Dropped your arms to your sides and said I'm sorry
Five days since I laughed at you
and said You just did just what I thought you were gonna do
Three days since the living room
We realized we're both to blame, but what could we do?
Yesterday you just smiled at me
Cause it'll still be two days till we say we're sorry
One Week Barenaked Ladies

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