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Monday, July 14, 2008
ok, well I'm changing up the site.
still kinda slacking on the art
i can't help it
i have alot of things to do haha
I'll try and do my best.
there's new music on the player
i think thats all for now |
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Monday, June 23, 2008
finally skools over.
so I'm going to be on here alot more.
wtf, theotaku's kinda pissin me off haha.
uhhh yeah idk lol.
look out for new submissions
I'm going to be putting up a crapload.
sadly i don't have photoshop so I can't make my art look better than it usually does |
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Sunday, May 25, 2008
oh wow. I haven't been on in forever.
thankfully it's almost summer.
I have a parade tomorrow, and I'm kinda scared becuz I have to tell my gaurd instructor that I'm quiting for drumline. sadly the leader of gaurd and the leader of drumline have always been rivals. and I don't really want to deal with her getting mad at me becuz im leaving her. ohhh well |
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Wednesday, March 26, 2008
mmm quick check up on the site.
wtf is happening?? I'm not too sure i like version vibrant. its messing me up O_o
aha oh well I'll try n check my mail. so how r all of u doing? what's new? |
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Monday, February 25, 2008
Well gauges are earings that go up in diameter as the size gets smaller. so a size 20 or 18 is about the normal size of a regular piercing. but u can also get sizes that go up higher. they also go into negative numbers. I went from a 1.4mm gauge size [16] to a 2.4 size gauge [10] so yeah twice the size basically. if u look below I've posted a picture of what it was before and after.
They're really causing me a great deal of pain at this moment. only my right side due to the fact that my ear was pierced at a diagonal.
uh that's about it, I'll try and get on as soon as i can. and I'll try and get to some sites tonight.
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Saturday, February 23, 2008
soooo, no hits on the sappy love story? haha. i expected so much. if u don't know what i mean take a look at my last post.
well I got 10 gauges... and they... HURT lol prob cuz i went to 10 from 16. I DO NOT RECOMMEND IT. At this very moment I am tapering it onto my ear. and it feels like its gonna fall off.
well I'm going back to gaia, and working on my guild. I'll be here in and out. uhh oh yeah and of coarse I hope we all are watching the day of jackass WOOP WOOP!
kk well bbl byeee! |
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Tuesday, February 19, 2008
do u guys want the real story? it's somewhat sad. but here it goes.
It all started last summer. it was the end of August. that was the first time I had ever seen him. He was wearing black Tripps with a blue stitching. He was the only person i met up to that point who actually wore them and was wicked hot. I'd never talk to him becuz of the fact that i was kinda creeped out. Fear of rejection as we might call it??
Then started September. I had band practice every week. and I finally talked to him on the first game of the season. I was wearing tripp capris. he saw me and asked me if they were mine. haha i wasn't too surprised.... I've never seen an Asian with tripps so after that i started talking to him... ALOT. We started talking on myspace.
In October... well Halloween we were truly close. I went all the way to the center of town to find him. and I had to deal with a girl who hated me and wouldn't admit it. She was the one who told him EVERYTHING about me. from when I was a close friend to her. Maybe about a week later my EX friend was getting over her bf so i was trying to stop her from being suicidal. I stopped her, but the next day... The day I was going to ask him out.... she came up to me and said 'I'm sorry Jenn I really am but i asked him out.' I fell into shock, due to the reason I was about to get sent to a foster home and my life was completely ruined. but he IMed me during that weekend and he asked me out, and i was probably one of the happiest girls you would ever meet.
at the end of the week i heard he cheated on another girl. that same girl who wanted to steel him away from me. I did the stupidest things trying to make myself feel better. but I'm still getting over it today.
I stopped talking to him.
and this month. we decided to talk again... we haven't talked/ seen each other since Thanksgiving... about 3 months.
Last night I went to the High Skool's Basketball Game against our rivals. He had asked me to go about two hours before the game -_-' I scrambled to find someone I could bring with me. As fate unraveled on me, I found someone. We went to the game. It was two different games. Girls Varsity, and Guys Varsity, and at the end of the girls game he walked out of the gym and gave me the biggest hug. I honestly didn't want to let go.
My friend had to leave about 10 minutes before the end of the game, so I was going to be completely alone with him.
I did have fun with him last night... But i refuse to talk about that. hahah. but, i realized that I was in love with him about a few weeks ago. he does know i love him but not that I'm IN love with him.
Even to this day, i get comments asking if I'm going out with him. I did ask him if we could go out next year when I was in highskool with him, and he said possibly. I'd honestly rather wait then get hurt once more..... He's actually toying with mine. really he is. YES I AM NAIVE! |
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Monday, February 18, 2008
I'm flippin tired.
ehh... I was wicked excited about painting the backdrop, but yeahh not happening. we had to cancel the arts fest due to the retarded... OHHH SOOOO RETARDED principal. she wouldnt let us do it after skool nd tht's the only time we could've done it to make some money for the skool. w/e shes a bitch and everyone hates her.
Speaking of sick. everyone in my family has been sick..... except me. lucky right?? NOTTTTTT I have to lug everything around for everyone. and on top of that i have to listen to the hurl all day -_-'' which truly isn't pleasant considering if u hear them u want to do it to but cant.
Well. hmm. ok well I'm IN love with someone. i dont just love him. but my ex wants to go out with me. I'm not going out with the person I'm IN love with becuz we're in 2 diff skools right now but, we'll be in the same one next year [oh yeah I'm gonna date a junior next year haha] I'm trying to hint to my ex tht i dont want to go out with him cuz i prob will cheat if i go out with him.... sooo yeah now I'm just playing with his head haha. but I'll tell him no eventually...
alrighty. I'm on vaca so hopefully I'll be popping in and out of this site. oh yeah I'm submitting new art today. this time i actually mean it. soo yeah feel free to pm me anytime today I'll try and answer. |
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Saturday, January 26, 2008
ughh... I ABSOLUTELY HATE being sick... *coughs to death* dammit... ughhh
ok on a better note... I've gauged my ears up to 16... working on 14 but my ears are still a bit sore so I'm going to wait.
I have been chosen to design my schools art festival's backdrop... which will be HUGE we're planning to COVER the whole back of the auditorium so it should be pretty amazing... haha it's all thanks to winning the art contest last year....
oh yeah... last week my friend asked me to go to the Saosin concert with him and one of his friends which i have NOT seen since 4th grade. but my mom said NOOOOOOO due to last concerts incedent... leading to me staying out until 2 am and in pain from head banging too much... did i mention i had skool the next day? oh and to top it off i had to get a ride from the woman that hated me the most... suckked lol
that's about it... i dont think I'll be posting any art seeing as the rates of comments are going down -_-
ok i need to deal with the millions of calls to my cell.. haha laterr |
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Wednesday, January 2, 2008
my b-day sucked ass. i almost got into a fight... yeah long story, and I'm usually not a violent person...
well skool's started so i might not be on in a while... uhm, I'll try and get on more often...
*starz* |
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